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Out of Sight von Elmore Leonard
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Out of Sight (Original 1996; 2002. Auflage)

von Elmore Leonard

Reihen: Jack Foley (1)

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1,5322712,337 (3.67)50
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

Before there was Raylan, there was Sisco... U.S. Marshal Karen Sisco is on the hunt for world-class gentleman felon Jack Foley in Out of Sight, New York Times bestselling author Elmore Leonard's sexy thriller that moves from Miami to the Motor City.

Based on Miami, Florida's Gold Coast, U.S. Marshal Karen Sisco isn't about to let a expert criminal like Jack Foley successfully bust out of Florida's Glades Prison. But there's a major score waiting for him in Detroit, and a shotgun-wielding marshal isn't going to stop Foley from getting it.

Neither counted on sharing a cramped car trunkor on a sizzling chemistry that's working overtime. As soon as Sisco escapes, Foley is already missing her.

Sisco can't forget Foley eitherand she isn't about to let him go. Too bad the next time their paths cross, it's going to be about business, not pleasure.

… (mehr)
Titel:Out of Sight
Autoren:Elmore Leonard
Info:HarperTorch (2002), Mass Market Paperback, 358 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


Out of Sight: Roman von Elmore Leonard (1996)

  1. 00
    Eisenthron von George R. R. Martin (Anonymer Nutzer)
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I tried to branch out and read some crime novels by Elmore Leonard, who is known for his rather unique take on the genre and his singular voice. Out of Sight is witty, with snappy dialogue - it's about a con (Jack) and a US Marshall (Karen) falling in love - but it is also a bit forgettable. The most engaging part of the book was the beginning and the initial meeting between Jack and Karen.

Elmore Leonard is like the Quentin Tarantino of novel writing. Leonard can write fantastically delightful dialogue but I find his characterizations and plots to be surface level at best.

Maybe Lenoard just isn't my thing? ( )
  ryantlaferney87 | Dec 8, 2023 |
Jack Foley, curtido ladrón de bancos y otras minucias, encerrado en prisión numerosas veces y fugado de ellas unas pocas menos, está ahora en la prisión de Glades, en Florida, y tiene varios asuntos pendientes. El primero, fugarse una vez más para poder ocuparse del resto. Vestida con un sugerente traje negro de Chanel y a propósito de un asunto sin importancia que quiere despachar pronto pues luego tiene una cita, casualmente por allí mismo anda la agente Karen Sisco. La fuga, a decir verdad, no saldrá del todo bien y Jack y Karen tendrán un encuentro singular que se prolongará en una incesante persecución a lo largo de esta trepidante novela.
  Natt90 | Mar 17, 2023 |
It kept me through to the end, as Leonard does have that catchy, tight style I was in the mood for. There are lots of worthwhile moments in the storytelling. But I just didn’t buy Karen’s attraction to Jack and honestly didn’t care much what happened to either. ( )
  invisiblecityzen | Mar 13, 2022 |
It kept me through to the end, as Leonard does have that catchy, tight style I was in the mood for. There are lots of worthwhile moments in the storytelling. But I just didn’t buy Karen’s attraction to Jack and honestly didn’t care much what happened to either. ( )
  invisiblecityzen | Mar 13, 2022 |
impossible to rate because of my love for the movie. i like the way the movie changed the plot better, especially the ending. but so much dialogue from the movie is taken straight from the book. ( )
  austinburns | Dec 16, 2021 |
At points, Out of Sight is throbbingly romantic. (Foley and Karen get a single night together, after having drinks in one of those glass-walled revolving cocktail lounges, in a snowstorm.) The book is also, for Leonard, extremely violent. At the same time, strangely, it is one of the author’s funniest books. It ends as we knew it would. Not only does Foley not get the girl; she finally succeeds in arresting him. He asks her to kill him. He can’t bear to go back to prison. She shoots him, but only in the leg, to prevent him from escaping. She then goes up the stairs to where he has fallen and lifts his ski mask:

“I’m sorry, Jack, but I can’t shoot you.”

“You just did, for Christ’s sake.”

“You know what I mean.” She said, “I want you to know…I never for a minute felt you were too old for me
hinzugefügt von danielx | bearbeitenNew York Review of Books, Joan Acocella (bezahlte Seite) (Sep 15, 2015)
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Foley had never seen a prison where you could walk right up to the fence without being shot.
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

Before there was Raylan, there was Sisco... U.S. Marshal Karen Sisco is on the hunt for world-class gentleman felon Jack Foley in Out of Sight, New York Times bestselling author Elmore Leonard's sexy thriller that moves from Miami to the Motor City.

Based on Miami, Florida's Gold Coast, U.S. Marshal Karen Sisco isn't about to let a expert criminal like Jack Foley successfully bust out of Florida's Glades Prison. But there's a major score waiting for him in Detroit, and a shotgun-wielding marshal isn't going to stop Foley from getting it.

Neither counted on sharing a cramped car trunkor on a sizzling chemistry that's working overtime. As soon as Sisco escapes, Foley is already missing her.

Sisco can't forget Foley eitherand she isn't about to let him go. Too bad the next time their paths cross, it's going to be about business, not pleasure.


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