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The Camel and the Wheel

von Richard W. Bulliet

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712386,145 (3.9)5
Why, for many centuries, was the wheel abandoned in the Middle East in favor of the camel as a means of transport? This richly illustrated study explains this anomaly. Drawing on archaeology, art, technology, anthropology, linguistics, and camel husbandry, Bulliet explores the implications for the region's economic and social development during the Middle Ages and into modern times.… (mehr)
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From late Antiquity to the age of motorized transportation, pack camels largely replaced wheeled vehicles in North Africa, the Middle East, and Iran. Bulliet's book is devoted to exploring the causes, circumstances, and consequences of this fact.

Spanning millennia from the domestication of the camel (perhaps in the third millenium BC) to the 20C, the Old World from Morocco to Mongolia, with an excursus to Australia were camels were introduced in the 19C, and disciplines from veterinary medicine to philology, the book gives the impression of being the work of a gentleman scholar, unconcerned with academic boundaries and happily citing the memoranda of colonial officers next to scientific papers and the Bible. One may at times find his conclusions shakily supported, and wonder about the representativeness of anecdotes, but the camel ride is certainly wild, scenic, and thought-provoking.
1 abstimmen AndreasJ | Jun 6, 2014 |
"His sympathy for his subject, combined with a searching mind, keen historical imagination, and an enormous amount of work on materials ranging from anthropology to zoology, has enabled him to produce a truly excellent book" (IJMES)
  languagehat | Oct 11, 2005 |
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Why, for many centuries, was the wheel abandoned in the Middle East in favor of the camel as a means of transport? This richly illustrated study explains this anomaly. Drawing on archaeology, art, technology, anthropology, linguistics, and camel husbandry, Bulliet explores the implications for the region's economic and social development during the Middle Ages and into modern times.

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