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Easy Home Organizer: 15-Minute Step-by-Step Solutions

von Vicki Payne

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Are things at home out of hand? Is the thought of putting things in order just...overwhelming? With these simple, quickly implemented solutions, life can become less stressful--and the messy habits of a lifetime will disappear along with the chaos. The focus is on the little things that make a big difference--like not having to search for the car keys at the last minute--and the book is as organized as the house will be when you’re through: it begins with advice on assessing the accumulated junk and eliminating the excess, and moves on to shopping for containers, applying clutter strategies, labeling jars and boxes, and creating a proper place for everything, room by room. The ideas are smart and attractive!… (mehr)
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Are things at home out of hand? Is the thought of putting things in order just...overwhelming? With these simple, quickly implemented solutions, life can become less stressful--and the messy habits of a lifetime will disappear along with the chaos. The focus is on the little things that make a big difference--like not having to search for the car keys at the last minute--and the book is as organized as the house will be when you’re through: it begins with advice on assessing the accumulated junk and eliminating the excess, and moves on to shopping for containers, applying clutter strategies, labeling jars and boxes, and creating a proper place for everything, room by room. The ideas are smart and attractive!

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