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Pappersmännen von William Golding
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Pappersmännen (1984. Auflage)

von William Golding, Else Lundgren (Übersetzer)

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463555,659 (3.29)10
English novelist Wilfred Barclay, who has known fame, success, and fortune, is in crisis. He faces a drinking problem slipping over the borderline into alcoholism, a dead marriage, and the incurable itch of middle age lust. But the final, unbearable irritation is American Professor of English Literature Rick L. Tucker, who is implacable in his determinition to become The Barclay Man: authorized biographer, editor of the posthumous papers and the recognized authority.… (mehr)
Autoren:William Golding
Weitere Autoren:Else Lundgren (Übersetzer)
Info:Bonniers (1984) Inbunden
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Man Cave


The paper men von William Golding

  1. 10
    Stern- und Geisterstunden von A. S. Byatt (KayCliff)
  2. 00
    The Flood von Maggie Gee (KayCliff)
    KayCliff: Both books show a hostile relationship between biographer and subject.
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I didn't even finish this garbage. There are already too many books about old white men complaining about how their lives are empty. I'm sure the end resolves in him either having an epiphany or continuing to be a dick. Either way, I can't bring myself to give a shit about this sorry old piteous sod of a character.
  fleshed | Jul 16, 2023 |
Many have tried to read some depth into this book, but why bother? If Golding is trying to 'say something', he has all the skills needed to make sure it's heard. If you like the first few pages, read on. If not, not. ( )
  NaggedMan | Nov 2, 2021 |
> Babelio :

> On lira cet étrange bouquin pour sa liberté de ton et pour son style alcoolisé. À consommer sans modération.
Danieljean (Babelio) ( )
  Joop-le-philosophe | Feb 20, 2021 |
I’m having trouble making up my mind about Golding. Until a couple of years ago, I knew him only as the author of Lord of the Flies – his debut novel and his most famous, which must have really hurt – but then I read Rites of Passage and was very impressed. I picked up several of his books in a charity shop, so I had more to read. But… I’m reminded of John Fowles’s oeuvre: he wrote a couple of novels that were stunning pieces of work, but also a number that were almost emblematic of the output of a British white middle-class middle-brow male writer and so not so good. I think Golding was a better writer than Fowles, although none of his books, other than his debut, were as successful as either The Magus or The French Lieutenant’s Woman (and while the latter is an excellent piece of work, the former is very much the sort of book that’s admired only by people in their early twenties). So too with Golding: a handful of beautifully-written but quite strange novels, and then some that are pretty much emblematic of the output of a British white middle class male writer, although perhaps never middle-brow. And The Paper Men falls into the latter category. It’s a first-person narrative by a famous writer who has managed to build a successful career out of a critically-acclaimed and commercially-successful novel and a series of much less successful follow-on works. But he’s seen as an important man of letters, and a US academic turns up on his doorstep asking to be his official biographer. The writer refuses. Shortly afterwards, the writer’s marriage breaks up and he heads off to foreign parts. There’s then a sort of hallucinatory chase around the world, with the biographer trying, and failing, to gain permission to access the writer’s papers. There’s something more going on there, or at least it feels like there should be, but if it’s a reference to anything it pass me by. There’s some very male-gazey – well, pretty lecherous – depictions of the biographer’s young wife, and a number of situations with border on farce. In fact, at times The Paper Men feels like it’s supposed to be a comic novel, even though it’s not at all humorous for most of its length. I’ll certainly read more Golding, but the last two books by him I’ve read have been somewhat disappointing. ( )
1 abstimmen iansales | Aug 1, 2019 |
A friend challenged me to read this in a day, and that's exactly what I did. This long novella is very interesting though - and despite not receiving the attention that Golding's other works have, I think it's definitely worth a look. His tale of a writer and his would-be biographer, and the cat-and-mouse chase around the world, is stunning in places (though hard to follow in others). ( )
  soylentgreen23 | Jun 12, 2010 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (10 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Golding, WilliamHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Bruning, FransÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Marlière, Marie-LiseTraductionCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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For my friend and publisher
Charles Monteith
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I knew at once that it was one of those nights.
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`The biography will be a duet, Rick. We'll show the world what we are -- paper men, you can call us. ... Think, Rick --- all the people who get lice like you in their hair, all the people spied on, followed, lied about, all the people offered up to the great public -- we'll be revenged, Rick, I'll be revenged on the whole lot of them.'
What would he turn up, dull and indefatigable, treading through my past life with his huge feet, shoving his nose down to that old, cold trail?
"I majored in flower arranging and bibliography."
Neither of us, critic and author, we knew nothing about people or not enough. We knew about paper, that was all. ... Then, paper man that I am, I began to think -- what a story!
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English novelist Wilfred Barclay, who has known fame, success, and fortune, is in crisis. He faces a drinking problem slipping over the borderline into alcoholism, a dead marriage, and the incurable itch of middle age lust. But the final, unbearable irritation is American Professor of English Literature Rick L. Tucker, who is implacable in his determinition to become The Barclay Man: authorized biographer, editor of the posthumous papers and the recognized authority.

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