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Traditional Forms and Cosmic Cycles (2001)

von René Guénon

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451568,633 (4.4)Keine
The articles collected in this volume represent some of the most unusual from Gu non's pen. They could be described as fragments of an unknown history, a history reaching back through prehistory to protohistory, for they begin with the Primordial Tradition contemporaneous with the beginnings of present humanity. The text opens with a study on cosmic cycles, taking as point of departure the Hindu doctrine of the Manvantara, though similar doctrines appear in Greco-Roman antiquity, among Jewish Kabbalists, Islamic Sufis and Ismailis, and in the Hopi, Lakota, and Maya nations of the New World. Essential to this doctrine is that earlier ages differed qualitatively from ours, which may explain why our historicism and archaeology have yet to come to grips with 'Hyperborea' and 'Atlantis', despite the many clues embedded throughout mythology, folklore, sacred architecture, etc. That is, our own time's quality cannot simply be projected backwards into past ages. In presenting Hyperborean and Atlantean lore-the cyclical mysteries of the West and the North-as well as material on the Hebrew Kabbalah and Egyptian Hermeticism, Gu non successfully transmits the requisite sense of such 'other' times, which for some may awaken the intuition of higher levels of Being.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonstathmarxis, gales, Hypostatic, mollyalex, J4K4R14, vitus
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Articles divers de René Guénon constituant une analyse tout à fait orthodoxe des grands principes de la Tradition Universelle.
  yogasantosha | May 24, 2018 |
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The articles collected in this volume represent some of the most unusual from Gu non's pen. They could be described as fragments of an unknown history, a history reaching back through prehistory to protohistory, for they begin with the Primordial Tradition contemporaneous with the beginnings of present humanity. The text opens with a study on cosmic cycles, taking as point of departure the Hindu doctrine of the Manvantara, though similar doctrines appear in Greco-Roman antiquity, among Jewish Kabbalists, Islamic Sufis and Ismailis, and in the Hopi, Lakota, and Maya nations of the New World. Essential to this doctrine is that earlier ages differed qualitatively from ours, which may explain why our historicism and archaeology have yet to come to grips with 'Hyperborea' and 'Atlantis', despite the many clues embedded throughout mythology, folklore, sacred architecture, etc. That is, our own time's quality cannot simply be projected backwards into past ages. In presenting Hyperborean and Atlantean lore-the cyclical mysteries of the West and the North-as well as material on the Hebrew Kabbalah and Egyptian Hermeticism, Gu non successfully transmits the requisite sense of such 'other' times, which for some may awaken the intuition of higher levels of Being.

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