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My Family and Other Animals von Gerald…
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My Family and Other Animals (2004. Auflage)

von Gerald Durrell

Reihen: Corfu Trilogy (1)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen / Diskussionen
5,3811552,046 (4.23)1 / 475
My Family and Other Animals is the story of the adventurous time Durrell and his family spent on the island of Corfu during his childhood. Worn down by the miserable English weather, Gerry's family takes the unusual step - for a 1930s British family - of moving somewhere hotter. Treated to the sunshine of Greece with its array of flora and fauna, young Gerald is in a budding naturalist's utopia, with the added bonus of being able to observe the unusual creatures known as his relatives. His placid mother, gun-obsessed brother Leslie, angst and acne-plagued sister Margo, and eldest brother the irascible author Larry put on a dazzling display of human quirk, and combine with strays such as Spiro the local taxi-driver to brilliant comic effect. Animal and human life combine in this beautiful, timelessly entertaining memoir.… (mehr)
Titel:My Family and Other Animals
Autoren:Gerald Durrell
Info:Penguin (Non-Classics) (2004), Paperback, 288 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Meine Familie und anderes Getier von Gerald Durrell

1950s (155)
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» Siehe auch 475 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

It seems like a sweet enough book, but it's just not *grabbing* my attention. I may come back to it some other time, but for now, I'm putting it down. ( )
  trayceebee | Aug 23, 2024 |
It probably helped that I watched the BBC show years before I read the book, so I was familiar with the characters and already loved them, but this book was very lighthearted, extremely funny, and had an appropriate amount of animal encounters and appreciation. The animals ranged from water snakes to mantises, although I felt that Gerry had been cruel a few times. However, his observations and specimens from Corfu from the ages of 10-15 were just the beginning. He later became a great naturalist with a conservation trust that survives today. I found that the dialogue was always pleasant to read, with the family’s squabbles being the best. The book certainly doesn’t help my desire to go to Greece. ( )
  maur_damar | Aug 6, 2024 |
A fun and funny recounting of the time Gerald Durrell spent some of his childhood in Corfu, and the animal and human behavior he observed and comments on. It's all pretty good, but I would argue that chapters 10, 15 and 16 are the best. The bits when Gerry and his dog Roger are on an adventure are reliably good.
There are a fair number of quirky accessory characters, including Lugaretzia, the housekeeper, who always has an ailment to complain about: "Larry (Gerry's brother) suggested buying her a ball and chain. He pointed out that this would allow us time to escape, for Lugaretzia had developed the habit of creeping up behind one and groaning loudly and unexpectedly in one's ear. Larry started having breakfast in his bedroom after the morning when Lugaretzia took off her shoes in the dining room in order to show us exactly which toes were hurting."
And I was delighted to read Mrs. Kralefsky's (the mother of Gerry's tutor) view of aging: "They say that when you get old, your body slows down. I don't believe it. I have a theory that life slows down for you. Everything becomes languid, as it were, and you can notice so much more when things are in slow motion. The things you see! It is really a delightful adventure!" ( )
1 abstimmen ReadMeAnother | Aug 5, 2024 |
Charming memories of the idyllic years that Gerald Durrell spent as a boy in Corfu with his family. Not being an animal enthusiast, I found some of the description of the fauna and flora a bit boring, but when describing the antics of his family, the Greek natives and the chaos that Gerry's animals cause it can be quite amusing. I'm sure the author has taken some licenses with the facts to make them more funny, but that's OK. That time clearly was a lost Golden Age for the author, full of freedom. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
This is one of my all-time favorite books and the third time I've read it over a period of years. ( )
  dvoratreis | May 22, 2024 |

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (71 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Gerald DurrellHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
夏樹, 池澤ÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Barrett, PeterIllustratorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Davenport, NigelErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Harper, GeraldErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Morpurgo, MichaelEinführungCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Pacey, StevenErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Ullberg, MargaretaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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"It is a melancholy of mine own, compounded of many simples, extracted from many objects, and indeed the sundry contemplation of my travels, which, by often rumination, wraps me in a most humorous sadness."--As You Like It
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To My Mother
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This is the story of a five-year sojourn that I and my family made on the Greek island of Corfu.
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From that moment I guarded the nest jealously. I erected a protecting wall of rocks round it, and as an additional precaution I wrote out a notice in red ink and stuck it on a pole nearby as a warning to the family. The notice read: "BEWAR - EARWIG NEST - QUIAT PLESE." It was only remarkable in that the two correctly spelt words were biological ones.
Gradually the magic of the island settled over us as gently and clingingly as pollen. Each day had a tranquility, a timelessness, about it, so that you wished it would never end. But then the dark skin of night would peel off and there would be a fresh day waiting for us, glossy and colorful as a child's transfer and with the same tinge of unreality.
'But how did the scorpions get on the table, dear?’
'That bloody boy. . . . Every matchbox in the house is a deathtrap. . . . '
Mother, looking like a tiny, harassed missionary in an uprising, was dragged unwillingly to the nearest lamp-post by an exuberant Roger, and was forced to stand there, staring into space, while he relieved the pent-up feelings that had accumulated in his kennel.
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My family and other animals is by Gerald (Malcolm) Durrell
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My Family and Other Animals is the story of the adventurous time Durrell and his family spent on the island of Corfu during his childhood. Worn down by the miserable English weather, Gerry's family takes the unusual step - for a 1930s British family - of moving somewhere hotter. Treated to the sunshine of Greece with its array of flora and fauna, young Gerald is in a budding naturalist's utopia, with the added bonus of being able to observe the unusual creatures known as his relatives. His placid mother, gun-obsessed brother Leslie, angst and acne-plagued sister Margo, and eldest brother the irascible author Larry put on a dazzling display of human quirk, and combine with strays such as Spiro the local taxi-driver to brilliant comic effect. Animal and human life combine in this beautiful, timelessly entertaining memoir.

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