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Breaking News: Clued In! #3 (Bratz)

von Laura J. Burns

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The Bratz have an awesome journalism assignment - a TV talk show segment airing in school every day this week. Monday's segment rocks, but on Tuesday, the new chick flubs her lines. The girls aren't sure what to think. Is this newcomer out to sabotage them, or is something really freaky going on behind the scenes?… (mehr)
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I don't think this series has much value if you're young reader isn't madly in love with the Bratz! What we have in Breaking News (and the entire Clued In series) is a simple chapter book with a pretty straight forward mystery (who sabotaged their newscast) where in the true lesson seems not so much to be about catching the bad guy as treating others with kindness and respect and where playing fair works to their advantage. Coming in at 80 pages, this series is ideal for kids just starting out reading chapter books (or for those struggling to do so). The font size, spacing and simplistic text make it easy for a beginning reader to read, comprehend AND enjoy the story. This won't challenge older readers at all, as the mystery is pretty simple and easy to solve...but if your young reader is having trouble reading the words AND following the story on their own, then this book is just what the doctor ordered! I'd say this is ideal for readers ages 6-8, but it's got a light-hearted, feel-good message that could be enjoyed by older readers, provided they enjoy the Bratz! I give it a solid B! ( )
  the_hag | Jan 21, 2008 |
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The Bratz have an awesome journalism assignment - a TV talk show segment airing in school every day this week. Monday's segment rocks, but on Tuesday, the new chick flubs her lines. The girls aren't sure what to think. Is this newcomer out to sabotage them, or is something really freaky going on behind the scenes?

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