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Wo deine Träume wohnen

von Lisa Jewell

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4141663,203 (3.63)13
1990. Please write and tell me why you should live here. Toby Dobbs received a big Victorian house with too many bedrooms to count as a wedding present from his father, but his marriage is over within a month. Very alone, and very lonely, Toby posts an advertisement seeking the Unexpectedly Alone to become his roommates. Fifteen years later, the wayward souls he takes in are still living with him, with no intention of leaving. 2004. Please tell me how I can convince you to move out. Toby Dobbs has met Leah Pilgrim from across the road, and they're falling in love. But before they can begin a new life together, Toby and Leah must help Toby's house of sweet slackers and lovelorn misfits grow up, solve their problems, and set themselves free. But can their new relationship survive the test?… (mehr)
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Review to come. Audiobook. ( )
  purple_pisces22 | Mar 14, 2021 |
Toby Dobbs is a nice guy. Maybe too nice of a guy. His father gave him a Victorian house for his wedding which was far too big for him after his divorce. So he rented rooms out to artists and wayward souls who needed an inexpensive place to live. Fifteen years later, he still has people living with him and taking advantage of his good nature and generosity. His across the street neighbor, Leah Pilgrim, befriends him and helps him take control of his life by getting rid of his roommates. ( )
  KatherineGregg | Jun 1, 2020 |
Jewell, Lisa. Roommates Wanted. 10 CDs. unabridged. 12 hrs 8 mins. 2019. Dreamscape Media. ISBN 9781974980482.

Having been gifted a grand old Victorian house as a wedding gift but unable to fill it after his bride left him; Toby opened his home to wayward souls needing a new chance at life. Nearly fifteen years later, some of the home's residents are having trouble moving on; and that includes Toby. He has finally decided to put the house on the market and move on with his life after his oldest tenant dies and leaves him some money. However, Toby feels responsible for everyone living under his roof and has no idea how to get them to move on with their lives and move out. Thankfully Toby gets help from across the street from his gorgeous neighbor, Leah, and together they discover what it means to truly let go of the past and look towards the future. Brilliantly narrated by Helen Duff who does a superb job nailing the myriad of accents of the housemates. Readers will find themselves captivated by all the hi-jinks Toby and his housemates find themselves in as they try to navigate what the future holds. Charming, unique, and funny; Lisa Jewell is a master of contemporary fiction. - Erin Cataldi, Johnson Co. Public Library, Franklin, IN ( )
  ecataldi | Jan 8, 2020 |
I always enjoy Lisa Jewell’s books but Glen McCready’s narration of this one made it even more enjoyable. Great voice and really clever at helping you to imagine the characters. ( )
  Carolinejyoung | Oct 23, 2019 |
There's not much positive I can find to say about this book - except that it came as an mp3 audiobook from my local library, allowing me to copy it onto my phone and then listen at night while I tramped through my 2-hour commute to work. It's romance. It's predictable. People change by simply deciding that they will (or with the help of a romantic partner) and live happily ever after. There's very little in this story that amounts to reality. Would suit a TV drama or soap, which could be marketed as 'heartwarming'. ( )
  oldblack | Oct 15, 2019 |
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1990. Please write and tell me why you should live here. Toby Dobbs received a big Victorian house with too many bedrooms to count as a wedding present from his father, but his marriage is over within a month. Very alone, and very lonely, Toby posts an advertisement seeking the Unexpectedly Alone to become his roommates. Fifteen years later, the wayward souls he takes in are still living with him, with no intention of leaving. 2004. Please tell me how I can convince you to move out. Toby Dobbs has met Leah Pilgrim from across the road, and they're falling in love. But before they can begin a new life together, Toby and Leah must help Toby's house of sweet slackers and lovelorn misfits grow up, solve their problems, and set themselves free. But can their new relationship survive the test?

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