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Architecture and Design Library: Island Style

von Jim Kemp

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261916,929 (3)2
"Casually refreshing island style has hit the decorating world with the power of a tidal wave. Sisal and bamboo carpeting, rattan furnishings, palettes of bright whites and tropical pastels all come accompanied by such delightful accents as carved wooden bowls, netting, and cool motifs. If you want your home to look like a Caribbean or South Pacific haven, just open these pages for sun-, sky-, and sea-blessed ideas to welcome into every room. Any house will evoke warmer climes when it's dressed in natural earth tones and creamy white linens, with an evocative ceiling fan and a screen reminiscent of shutters. A soaring roof reaching toward the sky gives drama to an outdoor room--especially when supported by columns and painted in sunset pinks and golds. Attain a light and airy atmosphere, add an abundance of plants, fill the space with local materials--the results will carry you straight to paradise!" --provided by Goodreads.… (mehr)
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I saw this as I was walking out of the library, flicked through it, and picked it up since I wanted to get some ideas for my house.

The book is filled with large, gorgeous pictures of various aspects of design, colour and furniture inspired by island decor from places like Bali, Hawai'i and the Caribbean islands. Apart from an explanation of each photograph, there isn't too much text to detract from the pictures, so it's quite easy to read (and look at).

I did come up with one or two ideas, but since I'm not planning to rebuild my house, or change major pieces of furniture, this book (though fun to look through) was not really helpful for me in this instance. But it would make a good coffee table book.

( )
  libraian | Dec 3, 2012 |
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"Casually refreshing island style has hit the decorating world with the power of a tidal wave. Sisal and bamboo carpeting, rattan furnishings, palettes of bright whites and tropical pastels all come accompanied by such delightful accents as carved wooden bowls, netting, and cool motifs. If you want your home to look like a Caribbean or South Pacific haven, just open these pages for sun-, sky-, and sea-blessed ideas to welcome into every room. Any house will evoke warmer climes when it's dressed in natural earth tones and creamy white linens, with an evocative ceiling fan and a screen reminiscent of shutters. A soaring roof reaching toward the sky gives drama to an outdoor room--especially when supported by columns and painted in sunset pinks and golds. Attain a light and airy atmosphere, add an abundance of plants, fill the space with local materials--the results will carry you straight to paradise!" --provided by Goodreads.

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