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Fear Drive My Feet

von Peter Ryan

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451579,517 (4)1
Fear Drive My Feet is Peter Ryan's enduring account of his time patrolling isolated regions of New Guinea during World War II. Far from his fellow Australians and with Japanese forces closing in around him, the eighteen-year-old Ryan endures the hardships of the jungle, overcoming loneliness, fatigue and fear with quiet courage. He finds beauty in the rugged mountain landscapes of New Guinea, and admires the charm and resourcefulness of its people. Rarely out of print in the past four decades, Fear Drive My Feet is a classic memoir of the war in the Pacific, a major work of Australian war literature. For the work he describes in this book, Peter Ryan was awarded the Military Medal and mentioned in dispatches.… (mehr)
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Peter Ryan's 'Fear Drive My Feet', written in 1944 but not first published until 1959, is a now classic memoir of the Second World War in New Guinea. Attached to the Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit as a Patrol Officer by virtue of a smattering of the Tok Pisin language, a 19 year old Ryan is thrust into the mountainous hinterlands of Lae, a remote and foreboding between the lines wilderness. Reliant on the knowledge, courage, bravery and stoic endurance of his accompanying native 'police boys', it is an extraordinary tale. Ryan's primary mission of observing the invading Japanese enemy becomes largely secondary to the hearts and minds campaign in every interaction with the native peoples who extend their friendship, ambivalence, hostility and sometimes treachery. Ryans respect and affection for the native peoples whom he works with and meets in his travels stands out in stark contrast to the more prevalent attitudes of the time. An extraordinary book and a unique perspective on the New Guinea campaign. Highly Recommended.

- Copy purchased by the Reviewer from the Paperback Bookshop, Melbourne.
  Bushwhacked | Sep 15, 2023 |
Fear Drive My Feet is his account of his time patrolling isolated regions of New Guinea during World War II, a story he wrote on his return to Australia. As he writes in his introduction:

‘It struck me that very few soldiers of eighteen would have been sent out alone and untrained to operate for months as best they could behind Japanese lines; that few indeed would have passed their nineteenth and twentieth birthdays engaged in such a pursuit.’

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Fear Drive My Feet is Peter Ryan's enduring account of his time patrolling isolated regions of New Guinea during World War II. Far from his fellow Australians and with Japanese forces closing in around him, the eighteen-year-old Ryan endures the hardships of the jungle, overcoming loneliness, fatigue and fear with quiet courage. He finds beauty in the rugged mountain landscapes of New Guinea, and admires the charm and resourcefulness of its people. Rarely out of print in the past four decades, Fear Drive My Feet is a classic memoir of the war in the Pacific, a major work of Australian war literature. For the work he describes in this book, Peter Ryan was awarded the Military Medal and mentioned in dispatches.

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