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Solomon's Tree

von Andrea Spalding

Weitere Autoren: Janet Wilson (Illustrator)

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Solomon has a special friendship with the big old maple outside his house. He knows the tree in all seasons and all weathers. When a terrible storm tears it up by its roots, Solomon is devastated. But through the healing process of making a mask from part of the tree with his uncle, he learns that the cycle of life continues and so does the friendship between himself and the tree.… (mehr)
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Solomon had always had a special love for the maple tree that stood near his house - a tree that offered him a comfortable perch, and whispered its many secrets to him. When his arboreal friend is knocked down in the course of a terrible storm, Solomon is heartbroken, until his uncle involves him in the carving of a mask from the maple's wood, and he realizes that his friend's spirit will live on...

Andrea Spalding's gentle narrative, inspired by a mask-carving workshop with master Tsimpshian woodcarver Victor Reece, offers a sensitive portrayal of a contemporary First Nations boy, and the central role his traditional culture plays at a crucial moment in his life. Janet Wilson's illustrations - done in oil - evoke a sense of family warmth and a connection to the natural world. It is easy to see why this appealing picture-book was picked for the First Nation Communities Read Award! ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Jul 16, 2013 |
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Andrea SpaldingHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Wilson, JanetIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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Solomon has a special friendship with the big old maple outside his house. He knows the tree in all seasons and all weathers. When a terrible storm tears it up by its roots, Solomon is devastated. But through the healing process of making a mask from part of the tree with his uncle, he learns that the cycle of life continues and so does the friendship between himself and the tree.

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