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Bruce & Stan's Guide to God: A User-Friendly Approach

von Bruce Bickel

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This fresh, user-friendly guide to the Christian life is designed to help new believers get started or recharge the batteries of believers of any age. Humorous subtitles, memorable icons, and learning aids present even difficult concepts in a simple way. Perfect for personal use or group study.
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Librarian Report – July 2007

Here’s a handful of new summer selections…

A simple, user-friendly guide to basic Bible beliefs is Bruce and Stan’s Guide to God. Covering foundational doctrines such as the inerrancy of Scripture and the Trinity, Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz use their interactive textbook style to introduce beginners to eternal truths.
Wait Quietly is a non-dated devotional, aimed at busy parents. Each entry includes a verse, relevant story, prayer and application. Special features in the back point out entries for specific needs, helps for single parents, and the “150 best scripture verses for your child to memorize.”
Four in-depth books for study and contemplation were donated: Whatever Happened to Worship? by A.W. Tozer examines the decline of authentic praise and adoration in modern churches. Roger Palms reveals An Unexpected Hope in the promises and protection of our Father God. In an evangelistic tone, E. V. Hill expounds on the value and appeal of Jesus as A Savior Worth Having. And from John Piper, a book that can be read topically or devotionally, The Passion of Jesus Christ: 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die.
On the lighter side, humorous and inspiring stories can be found in the pages of Courage for the Chicken-Hearted, a collection of short reminiscences of pastors and their wives in the early years of ministry. Or dive into the 3-book set of Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson, which follows a unlikely fellowship of prayer partners as they encounter challenges to their friendship and their faith.

Enjoy! Your librarian, Pam Miller
  SmithGrove | Jul 4, 2008 |
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This fresh, user-friendly guide to the Christian life is designed to help new believers get started or recharge the batteries of believers of any age. Humorous subtitles, memorable icons, and learning aids present even difficult concepts in a simple way. Perfect for personal use or group study.

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