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54 Simple Truths with Brutal Advice

von Mike Wash, Michael Wash

Weitere Autoren: Ben Johnson (Illustrator)

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In this unique book, Mike Wash shares a wealth of personal wisdom drawn from real life experiences. The examples come from a variety of contexts, including home, leisure and work. He has worked in health, education and business settings. He tells impressively honest stories of gain and of loss, of celebration and of suffering, of joy and of regret, of achievement and of failure. In the telling of these truths we find the inspiration to reflect upon the rich tapestry of our own lives: our values, beliefs, relationships, choices, decisions, failures, successes, hopes and dreams. The book gives plenty of information and ideas but more than that, it gives the reader hope. The hope that can lead to an honest reappraisal of our own experiences, and the confidence to be the person we most want to be. Who would benefit from this book? Anyone who wants to make the most of their life, and learn about living… (mehr)
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Even if not a fan of self-help books, any reader will find 54 Simple Truths with Brutal Advice at least enjoyable. This also because probably "self-help" genre is not properly the right category to place this book in. Self-examination is not what this book is about. If anything, this book is a re-cap or a gentle reminder of what you already know - but forgot.

There are 54 chapters, 54 situations/feelings/scenarios/dilemmas depicted, ones that you are sure enough to encounter, from drug addictions to the green-eyed monster that exists in us all.

For more details about the book, visit site
  MikeWash | Nov 4, 2008 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Wash, MikeHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Wash, MichaelHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Johnson, BenIllustratorCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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In this unique book, Mike Wash shares a wealth of personal wisdom drawn from real life experiences. The examples come from a variety of contexts, including home, leisure and work. He has worked in health, education and business settings. He tells impressively honest stories of gain and of loss, of celebration and of suffering, of joy and of regret, of achievement and of failure. In the telling of these truths we find the inspiration to reflect upon the rich tapestry of our own lives: our values, beliefs, relationships, choices, decisions, failures, successes, hopes and dreams. The book gives plenty of information and ideas but more than that, it gives the reader hope. The hope that can lead to an honest reappraisal of our own experiences, and the confidence to be the person we most want to be. Who would benefit from this book? Anyone who wants to make the most of their life, and learn about living

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