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Merry Christmas from . . .: 150 Christmas Cards You Wish You'd Received

von Karen Robert

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1211,660,891 (3.67)2
150 of the World's Funniest and Most Delightful Christmas Cards Karen Robert has spent the last several years tracking down the wonderful and wacky Christmas cards represented in this book--the best out of tens of thousands she has reviewed. Featuring everything from young couples in love, classic kids-'n'-dogs, and quirky workplace situations to every incarnation of Santa--fat, thin, young, old, canine--these cards will surprise you with their irrepressible creativity. Some are heartwarming, some are hilarious, some are simply strange--but every single one was actually sent out as a Christmas card. So whether you're one of the millions of people who love all things Christmas, looking for inspiration for your own holiday card, or just a desperate Scrooge on the hunt for the perfect stocking stuffer, pick up Merry Christmas from . . . for a holiday pick-me-up.… (mehr)
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Great creative ideas for cards and pictures. ( )
  Citizenjoyce | Dec 4, 2012 |
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150 of the World's Funniest and Most Delightful Christmas Cards Karen Robert has spent the last several years tracking down the wonderful and wacky Christmas cards represented in this book--the best out of tens of thousands she has reviewed. Featuring everything from young couples in love, classic kids-'n'-dogs, and quirky workplace situations to every incarnation of Santa--fat, thin, young, old, canine--these cards will surprise you with their irrepressible creativity. Some are heartwarming, some are hilarious, some are simply strange--but every single one was actually sent out as a Christmas card. So whether you're one of the millions of people who love all things Christmas, looking for inspiration for your own holiday card, or just a desperate Scrooge on the hunt for the perfect stocking stuffer, pick up Merry Christmas from . . . for a holiday pick-me-up.

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