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The deporter (2007)

von Ames Holbrook

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"We have an immigration crisis in our country, all right, and it is a good deal more demonstrably wrong than the millions of illegal immigrants in the shadows. It is costlier to the fabric of American life than the September 11 attacks were. Illogical, deadly, ruinous. Yet none of our leaders is raising a finger to stop it. On the contrary, it is our leaders who drive the destruction." --Ames Holbrook, from The Deporter The true story of a dedicated deportation officer and his exposé of the worst aspects of U.S. immigration policy  As one of fewer than six hundred elite Deportation Officers in the country, Ames Holbrook was assigned to the criminal mecca of New Orleans. He was charged with capturing and expelling some of the most wretched murderers, rapists, and child molesters who were aliens in the United States.  But Holbrook was thwarted at nearly every the same U.S. government that employed him. Why? The reasons will shock and infuriate you.  In the course of his compelling story, you will read the truth about how foreign governments treat the United States when agents such as Holbrook try to send criminal aliens back to their homelands. And, even more appalling, how Washington's political hypocrisy forces the direct release of these criminals into unsuspecting American communities. Like every U.S. Deportation Officer, Ames Holbrook tried to make America safer. Then, when America's leadership threatened the welfare of innocents, Holbrook rewrote the rules. He won commendations and increased responsibility for his promising results, but all the while, he was fighting a losing battle against the political powers that masqueraded as protectors while actually inflicting tragedy on America's residents.  It is Holbrook's hope that the revelations in these pages might put America on a path to a safer future.… (mehr)
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Having left his government job to pursue other ventures, in this memoir Ames Holbrook looks back on his time as a Detention and Deportation Office in the agency now known as Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. He uses this memoir to share what he has learned from his time on he job, and to reveal the glaring inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the government's efforts to deport criminal aliens. I feel compelled to emphasize that Holbrook focuses on criminal aliens: the people he deports are rapists, murderers, drug dealers, pedophile sex-offenders, and worse. Many of them are repeat offenders. And every day, the government is leaking these people out of detention and back onto the American streets.

This book is intended to incite outrage, but I think you'd have to be somewhat of an insider already for a lot of the government's foibles to make sense. Naturally we don't want criminals on the street -- but the red-tape holding up the deportation process and sabotaging counter-terrorism efforts isn't fully explained in this memoir. Of course, once you've been on the inside as long as Holbrook was, it may be hard to talk to the general public.

On the other hand, what really surprised me about this book was the prose. I had expected laborious government-ese -- facts and figures and really dry writing -- but the memoir reads quite like a novel in places. Check out this gem: "An incendiary mood brewed in him, and his face grew rosy in the bracket of his beard" (p. 31). Such elegant prose does make me wonder about the strict veracity of the account, but at least it makes for a more enjoyable read along the way.

Overall, it's definitely a worthwhile read. It doesn't cast our government in a particularly positive light, but I don't think that any of the claims are exaggerated or even unfair. That said, brace yourself for an angsty and rocky text, and one that has the potential to be mind-blowingly revealing.
  Eneles | Oct 24, 2009 |
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Ames HolbrookHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Hoteling, SpringGestaltungCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Willis III, Julius CredementUmschlaggestalterCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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To the DOs in New Orleans
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Immigration issues boil over as I write. (Author's note)
"The mission of the United States Deportation Officer: 1. Apprehend criminal aliens in America. 2. Effect the removal of criminal aliens from America. 3. Everything in between." (Foreword)
At the first stoplight off the freeway, I looked over my shoulder at the alien.
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"We have an immigration crisis in our country, all right, and it is a good deal more demonstrably wrong than the millions of illegal immigrants in the shadows. It is costlier to the fabric of American life than the September 11 attacks were. Illogical, deadly, ruinous. Yet none of our leaders is raising a finger to stop it. On the contrary, it is our leaders who drive the destruction." --Ames Holbrook, from The Deporter The true story of a dedicated deportation officer and his exposé of the worst aspects of U.S. immigration policy  As one of fewer than six hundred elite Deportation Officers in the country, Ames Holbrook was assigned to the criminal mecca of New Orleans. He was charged with capturing and expelling some of the most wretched murderers, rapists, and child molesters who were aliens in the United States.  But Holbrook was thwarted at nearly every the same U.S. government that employed him. Why? The reasons will shock and infuriate you.  In the course of his compelling story, you will read the truth about how foreign governments treat the United States when agents such as Holbrook try to send criminal aliens back to their homelands. And, even more appalling, how Washington's political hypocrisy forces the direct release of these criminals into unsuspecting American communities. Like every U.S. Deportation Officer, Ames Holbrook tried to make America safer. Then, when America's leadership threatened the welfare of innocents, Holbrook rewrote the rules. He won commendations and increased responsibility for his promising results, but all the while, he was fighting a losing battle against the political powers that masqueraded as protectors while actually inflicting tragedy on America's residents.  It is Holbrook's hope that the revelations in these pages might put America on a path to a safer future.

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