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The 12 Dogs of Christmas (Novelization)

von Steven Paul Leiva

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2211,035,980 (4.5)Keine
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Poetry. Short Stories. HTML:

Now available as a novel based on the screenplay written by Kieth Merrill, this story is destined to become a classic for young readers during the holiday season.

The film centers around 12-year-old Emma O'Connor as she is sent to live with her "aunt" in the small town of Doverville. Emma soon finds herself in the middle of a "dog-fight" with the mayor and town dogcatcher. In order to strike down their "no-dogs" law, Emma must bring together a group of schoolmates, grown-ups, and adorable dogs of all shapes and sizes in a spectacular holiday pageant. The 12 Dogs of Christmas is a fun, heartwarming story, featuring a diverse canine cast and is perfect for all those who love dogs, kids, and Christmas.

The 12 Dogs of Christmas was first introduced as a picture book and board book with companion CD written by then 8-year-old, Emma Kragen. Now with over 500,000 books sold, the story has been expanded into a feature-length film.

"Leiva recounts the story in a very crisp, snappy style of prose which is full of humor and's on it's way to becoming a Christmas standard."

Stuart Nulman "Bookbanter" on CJAD, Montreal

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this book was a relly good christmas story about dogs and puppies and their is a major of the town that a little girl named emma is at and her father sent her to her aunts in this little town and their is a no dogs allowed and in the city limits and right after where the city limits their was a house ful of dogs some lived in the house and some lived in the barn that the people no and the dog catcher's name is norman and read the book and you will find out if the dog catcher caught the dogs or not and if so what happens to them ( )
  GG18 | Jan 6, 2012 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. Poetry. Short Stories. HTML:

Now available as a novel based on the screenplay written by Kieth Merrill, this story is destined to become a classic for young readers during the holiday season.

The film centers around 12-year-old Emma O'Connor as she is sent to live with her "aunt" in the small town of Doverville. Emma soon finds herself in the middle of a "dog-fight" with the mayor and town dogcatcher. In order to strike down their "no-dogs" law, Emma must bring together a group of schoolmates, grown-ups, and adorable dogs of all shapes and sizes in a spectacular holiday pageant. The 12 Dogs of Christmas is a fun, heartwarming story, featuring a diverse canine cast and is perfect for all those who love dogs, kids, and Christmas.

The 12 Dogs of Christmas was first introduced as a picture book and board book with companion CD written by then 8-year-old, Emma Kragen. Now with over 500,000 books sold, the story has been expanded into a feature-length film.

"Leiva recounts the story in a very crisp, snappy style of prose which is full of humor and's on it's way to becoming a Christmas standard."

Stuart Nulman "Bookbanter" on CJAD, Montreal


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