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The Secret Power of Beauty

von John Armstrong

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972288,988 (3.54)1
'The love of beauty involves a yearning which is not - and perhaps cannot be - fulfilled. For at the core of beauty is a conception of how we would like life to be and yet we know that life cannot be that way.' The notion of beauty is elusive- we love the things we find beautiful, and yet we are inarticulate when we try to communicate this love or describe its essence. There are people, works of art and places that are universally regarded as beautiful; but we also recognize the personal, individual character of our feel for beauty. In this lucid and lyrical exploration John Armstrong aims to deepen our response to beauty. And, he suggests, our capacity to discover and create beauty in everyday life is intimately connected to the pursuit of happiness.… (mehr)
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Third time I try to read this book, and this time I think I'm giving up for good (having made it only halfway through). It's not that it's bad, or difficult, as much as it is... boring. ( )
  giovannigf | Sep 27, 2018 |
This book traces the history of philosophical conceptions of beauty. It compares various theories about why we find certain objects and ideas beautiful, such as the balance between uniformity & variety, the importance of an object's function, mathematical proportions, and the friendship of the parts. He then talks about why beauty is so important to us, and so on. Thankfully, Armstrong has a writing style that has just the right balance between technical and poetic language. It's not off-puttingly clinical and scientific, but it's not verbose to the point of vagueness either. By the time you've finished the book, you've got this enriched appreciation for everything you've ever loved. ( )
2 abstimmen Symbiosis | Sep 1, 2007 |
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'The love of beauty involves a yearning which is not - and perhaps cannot be - fulfilled. For at the core of beauty is a conception of how we would like life to be and yet we know that life cannot be that way.' The notion of beauty is elusive- we love the things we find beautiful, and yet we are inarticulate when we try to communicate this love or describe its essence. There are people, works of art and places that are universally regarded as beautiful; but we also recognize the personal, individual character of our feel for beauty. In this lucid and lyrical exploration John Armstrong aims to deepen our response to beauty. And, he suggests, our capacity to discover and create beauty in everyday life is intimately connected to the pursuit of happiness.

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