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Alexi Steele is determined, relentless, and driven to protect the innocent. She’s a top agent of the NSA’s clandestine Recovery Enforcement Division, specializing in human trafficking and sex crimes. Her current mission: To infiltrate the inner circle of Boston’s exclusive S&M clubs in order to save thirteen young women who are about to be auctioned off to the highest bidders. But Lexi’s only way in is under the “control” of her new partner in crime, Nicholas Donovan. Nick will do whatever it takes to bring down the billionaire sex-ring mastermind who’s kidnapped his sister. But the games he must play as Lexi’s “dominant” are burning away his icy control, and blurring the lines between partners. Meanwhile, their enemies are closing in as they enter a devastating race against time…bringing them dangerously close to THE FIRST SIN.    … (mehr)
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(3.75) ( )
  jendoyle2000 | May 7, 2014 |
The basic premise was great, but the characters seemed sort of flat, and the relationship too quick and easy, without enough emotional depth for my tastes, or enough of a drawn out seduction (either of the characters or of the reader.) ( )
  cybermathwitch | Feb 6, 2014 |
I've had this a while, never managed to get into it. Now I've read it, more or less, without skimming so it gets 3 stars. But it's so silly, a nd requires such suspension of disbelief that it's hard to stay with. Everyone works for hush hush acronyms, everyone has terrible pasts. Lexie was tortured and forced, Nikita like, to become an assassin. They are hunting slavers in Boston, who stole the wrong man's sister and Lexie and Nick have to go undercover in the world of BSDM to find the evil guys. But that world makes no sense, and the evil guys are ciphers and the violence against women is just lurid. Lexie and Nick had great sex but neither would admit to more, and I'm just not that into them, to bother following them into a series. Glad to give it away on paperbacksway. I rate it C ( )
  amf0001 | Nov 19, 2010 |
Alexi is the definition of an Alpha female--she is intelligent, witty, sexy, and can kick major butt and nut. She also heads a team of secret government agents, of course, until Donovan comes into the picture. He is sexy and very Alpha. Together, they run an operation to recover women who have been sold as sex slaves and put the bad guys away. One is doing it for the common good, and the other is doing it for personal reasons. This book is the first in the Lexy Steele Series, followed by her bother's story in "Real Men Last All Night" anthology. Then its "Second Betrayal." ( )
  bitemeeric | Apr 12, 2010 |
Story got a little boring after awhile ( )
  gerleliz | Oct 18, 2009 |
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Alexi Steele is determined, relentless, and driven to protect the innocent. She’s a top agent of the NSA’s clandestine Recovery Enforcement Division, specializing in human trafficking and sex crimes. Her current mission: To infiltrate the inner circle of Boston’s exclusive S&M clubs in order to save thirteen young women who are about to be auctioned off to the highest bidders. But Lexi’s only way in is under the “control” of her new partner in crime, Nicholas Donovan. Nick will do whatever it takes to bring down the billionaire sex-ring mastermind who’s kidnapped his sister. But the games he must play as Lexi’s “dominant” are burning away his icy control, and blurring the lines between partners. Meanwhile, their enemies are closing in as they enter a devastating race against time…bringing them dangerously close to THE FIRST SIN.    

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