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Say "I Love You", Vol. 1

von Kanae Hazuki

Reihen: Say "I Love You" (1)

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2245124,935 (3.84)Keine
Mei Tachibana has no friendsand she doesn't need them! Ever since her "friends" betrayed her in elementary school, she's sworn off friendship entirely. All it leads to is betrayal and heartbreak, and she's well enough on her own. But everything changes when she accidentally roundhouse kicks the most popular boy in school! However, Yamato Kurosawa isn't angry in the slightest in fact, he thinks his ordinary life could use an unusual girl like Mei! He won't take no for an answer, and soon Mei and Yamato embark on an unwanted friendship that will change both of them forever. PRAISE FOR THE ANIME "Surprises with its honesty, its sensitivity, its quality. Always it is smarter, more poetic, more touching, just plain better than you think it is going to be." Anime News Network.… (mehr)
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It was an easy read and I'll probably get the next volume. ( )
  Thorne9795 | Jun 24, 2022 |
There is something adorable about a manga such as this.
The main character has never been i love or had friends due to the thought of getting hurt by a person. The leading man, Yamato changes that when they meet unexpectedly.
This is a cute story. I love the idea of the mental walls we build around ourselves starting to come down when someone takes the time to listen.
In terms of art, it wasn't really anything special but i wasn't really reading for that.
The couples banter is exceptionally adorable in ways i can't count.
I recommend this one, it's great
( )
  WokeNerdWriter | Mar 27, 2018 |
This school romance didn't really do anything for me. There's nothing particular I can point to, though. The characters didn't really engage me, and neither lead seemed very preposessing. The art is fine, but didn't wow me either - I didn't find it very expressive, which again made it harder to care about the characters. ( )
  Shimmin | Dec 17, 2015 |
I know. I really love this volume. It's really good. I can't find faults for this manga. I like Mei, Yamato, Asami and even Nakanishi. Back then, I was insecure of my figure too. I mean, I got this big boobs too. Well, bigger than my peers. I was not really bullied because of it. But since I'm a bit of a tomboy back then, I didn't like having big breasts cause, how can I run and play with friends if my boobs are juggling in front of me? lol. It's annoying to have them that I wished I'm a flat chested girl (but I'm so thankful I'm not though. lol)

Okay, so I also got this one classmate. A guy friend told me that that classmate told him I got big boobs that it's like I'm letting everyone know and that he think it's not normal or whatever. It was my first year at college. I haven't told anyone about that. even my bf, I think. But it really annoyed me. I didn't asked for having this rack. :/ O I totally feel what Asami felt.

Now, my girl friends compliment my figure. lol. I still got bigger breasts than them though. And I just always say it's just fats that happened to go to my boobs. LOL. :P

Anyway, totally looking forward to the next volume. I'll read it again sometime tomorrow. :)

and btw, Thank you Rachel for recommending this to me. I haven't started a new shoujo series yet cause I still got lots of other books to read. :P ( )
  lexiechan | Sep 10, 2013 |
2.75 ( )
  Jonez | Sep 23, 2022 |
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Mei Tachibana has no friendsand she doesn't need them! Ever since her "friends" betrayed her in elementary school, she's sworn off friendship entirely. All it leads to is betrayal and heartbreak, and she's well enough on her own. But everything changes when she accidentally roundhouse kicks the most popular boy in school! However, Yamato Kurosawa isn't angry in the slightest in fact, he thinks his ordinary life could use an unusual girl like Mei! He won't take no for an answer, and soon Mei and Yamato embark on an unwanted friendship that will change both of them forever. PRAISE FOR THE ANIME "Surprises with its honesty, its sensitivity, its quality. Always it is smarter, more poetic, more touching, just plain better than you think it is going to be." Anime News Network.

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