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Fairy Tale Blues (Nal Accent Novels)

von Tina Welling

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From the author of Crybaby Ranch, who ?writes with insight, humor, and complete control? (Tim Sandlin). On the night of her twenty-sixth wedding anniversary, AnnieLaurie McFall does the unthinkable. Without a word to her husband Jess, she walks out on their celebration dinner and catches a flight to Florida. It's time for a sabbatical from marriage'and some serious soul-searching. So she sets herself up in the small coastal town of Hibiscus and creates the perfect six-month retreat to reimagine a storybook ending that could actually come true with Jess still her prince. What she discovers along the way is far more surprising, outrageous, and just plain fun than she ever expects.… (mehr)
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Seeing a parallel between my summer adventure and the protagonist's marriage sabbatical, I threw in this novel with the pack of books joining me on this road trip.

I forgot about this book until I happened to pick it up to read when my husband joined us for the Grand Teton leg of this vacation.

Serendipity. That's when I discovered that the book opens up in the same setting that I was discovering in Jackson Hole.

As I read the book, I found connections between issues & perceptions that I've dealt with in my marriage and life. I suspect this is due to the universal nature of the reality of working through a long-term relationship, but also in the way that these are covered in this book.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is living through "happily ever after." ( )
  smbmom | Aug 13, 2009 |
The beauty of this book is that we get to see both sides of the story. I got to understand where Annie and Jess were coming from - their misunderstandings, their expectations, their love for one another even 3000 miles apart. Instead of painting one side of the story and having the reader side with Annie and glaring daggers at Jess, Tina Welling presents us with Jess who acts the way he does because of a major life-altering event in his childhood. We see how much he loves and depends on Annie, although he does not realize how much he takes her for granted until she leaves.

I really enjoyed Tina Welling's writing style, and I highly recommend this for any female who sometimes want to kick their significant other in frustration :) ( )
  theepicrat | Mar 4, 2009 |
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From the author of Crybaby Ranch, who ?writes with insight, humor, and complete control? (Tim Sandlin). On the night of her twenty-sixth wedding anniversary, AnnieLaurie McFall does the unthinkable. Without a word to her husband Jess, she walks out on their celebration dinner and catches a flight to Florida. It's time for a sabbatical from marriage'and some serious soul-searching. So she sets herself up in the small coastal town of Hibiscus and creates the perfect six-month retreat to reimagine a storybook ending that could actually come true with Jess still her prince. What she discovers along the way is far more surprising, outrageous, and just plain fun than she ever expects.

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