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In Search of Civilization: Remaking a Tarnished Idea

von John Armstrong

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893313,473 (3.71)1
"In this provocative 'cri de coeur,' the philosopher John Armstrong rescues the idea of civilization from irrelevance and connects it to our search for individual happiness. 'Civilization' once referred to a society's technological prowess, its political development, or its cultural achievement. In the modern era, however, the word became burdened by the legacy of colonialism and connotations of elitism. For it to have value once again, according to Armstrong, we must understand that a society balances material prosperity with spiritual prosperity if it is to merit the term 'civilized'--and currently we are impoverished. 'In Search of Civilization' is his corrective. As he roams from anecdote to aesthetic appreciation--from the banality of an early job at an insurance company to the redemptive wonders of a seventeenth-century church spire visible out an office window, from Adam Smith's philosophy to the Japanese tea ceremony--Armstrong reminds us that culture lies within us and that its nourishment is essential to a flourishing society."--Dust jacket.… (mehr)
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This is a gracefully written book in which John Armstrong shows his yearning for a more civil society. He looks at four different ways as to how civilization is perceived: a sense of belonging, a region of material progress, where the art of lving is something worhtwhile, and where we experience spiritual prosperity. The idea of civilization has been tarnished by residue from colonialism and elitism. But there is hope. ( )
1 abstimmen vpfluke | Oct 29, 2013 |
A disappointingly rambling and banal discussion of what makes a person civilised. ( )
  dazzyj | Sep 7, 2011 |
Civilisation: it’s more than good culture

An insightful new book reminds us that we need both spiritual and material wealth to create the good society.
  angusk | Aug 27, 2009 |
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For William and Charlotte
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My desire to write about civilization took shape one evening while I was reading a bedtime story to my son.
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"In this provocative 'cri de coeur,' the philosopher John Armstrong rescues the idea of civilization from irrelevance and connects it to our search for individual happiness. 'Civilization' once referred to a society's technological prowess, its political development, or its cultural achievement. In the modern era, however, the word became burdened by the legacy of colonialism and connotations of elitism. For it to have value once again, according to Armstrong, we must understand that a society balances material prosperity with spiritual prosperity if it is to merit the term 'civilized'--and currently we are impoverished. 'In Search of Civilization' is his corrective. As he roams from anecdote to aesthetic appreciation--from the banality of an early job at an insurance company to the redemptive wonders of a seventeenth-century church spire visible out an office window, from Adam Smith's philosophy to the Japanese tea ceremony--Armstrong reminds us that culture lies within us and that its nourishment is essential to a flourishing society."--Dust jacket.

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