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Count Down to Fall

von Fran Hawk

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Count backwards from ten to one during one of the most colorful times of the year. Learn about the bright, colorful leaves and the trees from which they fall. Watch the animals frolicking in the crisp, autumn air as they get ready for the approaching cold winter. Includes section "For Creative Minds" with cards and activities.… (mehr)
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This book about counting back down from ten to one using the beautiful nature and animals in the fall.
Recognize to children of different kinds of leaves, pine cones, nuts with colorful colors.
Ages 3-7 Source : Pierce County Library ( )
  EikoErfort | Mar 10, 2016 |
A very realistic counting book-counting down all of the different kinds of leaves falling from trees. Very realistic illustrations for the outdoorsy child. ( )
  dangerlibearian | Nov 30, 2010 |
This book is about counting down backwards to one during one of the most colorful times of the year. Students learn about the bright leaves and the trees which they fall from. The trees they learn are aspen, oak, birch, maple, chestnut, linden, pine, beech, dogwood, and sweet gum. Also, they get to watch the animals frolicking in the crisp autumn air as they get ready for the winter chill. Also, at the end of this book, it has matching activities and the different shapes of the leaves form the trees.
  hbender | Apr 4, 2010 |
There is much to like about Countdown to Fall. Ostensibly a counting book, its true value is in its leafy pages. Seasonal leaf identification is as easy as falling off a log with simple rhymes and realistic, double-spread illustrations.

Not all of the rhymes flow perfectly, but each offers a fun way to memorize each leaf type. Beech tree leaves are described "like yellow cat's eyes," and my favorite,

"Six linden leaves
in Valentine shapes
reflect golden sun
in autumn's landscape."

Linking the Linden tree's leaves to a Valentine shape is original and memorable.

The real beauty of this book, however, is in its illustrations. Four corner insets on each spread offer depictions of a leaf in spring, a leafy tree in autumn, a seed pod, and an autumn leaf. The illustrations are bordered by a lifelike depiction of the tree's bark. The featured artwork shows the tree sharing its habitat with the creatures of nature - bears, birds, bugs, and more.

For Creative Minds is an educational section that follows the story and contains simple quizzes (match the spring leaf to the fall leaf) and questions.

This book is a teacher's dream - engaging, entertaining, and educational. ( )
  shelf-employed | Oct 31, 2009 |
  hcs_admin | Jun 21, 2023 |
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Count backwards from ten to one during one of the most colorful times of the year. Learn about the bright, colorful leaves and the trees from which they fall. Watch the animals frolicking in the crisp, autumn air as they get ready for the approaching cold winter. Includes section "For Creative Minds" with cards and activities.

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