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Polly of Pebbly Pit

von Lillian Elizabeth Roy

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Short excerpt: And you love everything in a way that everything loves you back again. It beats me how the beavers and foxes and even the bears treat you as if you were one of them instead of running to cover. As for the chicks and colts and lambs on the ranch-why they'd follow you to Oak Creek if they could!… (mehr)
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I am generally fond of these kinds of older kids books but this one is not a great one. Polly lives in a ranch which is improbably located in an extinct volcano crater and it just gets stranger from there on. A former local teacher brings two sisters to stay at the ranch for the summer and I can see all the "Stuck Up CIty Girls Learn Homespun Charm" and that is in there a bit but I did not see the adventures of riding into the mountains and blizzards and way more. It is left on a cliff hanger for the next book and i am sure man more books with these characters but I don't think I will seek those out. The what I suppose is comic relief of Sary was just not funny.
  amyem58 | Oct 9, 2021 |
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Short excerpt: And you love everything in a way that everything loves you back again. It beats me how the beavers and foxes and even the bears treat you as if you were one of them instead of running to cover. As for the chicks and colts and lambs on the ranch-why they'd follow you to Oak Creek if they could!

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