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Dexter Is Delicious von Jeff Lindsay
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Dexter Is Delicious (2011. Auflage)

von Jeff Lindsay

Reihen: Dexter (5)

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1,3756114,225 (3.64)40
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:America’s most-read, most-watched, and most­ beloved serial killer—Dexter Morgan—is back. After selling more than one million copies and inspiring the wildly popular #1 Showtime series and top-rated crime drama on pay-cable television, New York Times bestselling author Jeff Lindsay returns with his most hilarious, macabre, and purely entertaining novel yet.
Dexter Morgan has always lived a happy homicidal life. He keeps his dark urges in check by adhering to one stead­fast rule . . . he only kills very bad people. But now Dexter is experiencing some major life changes—don’t we all?—and they’re mostly wrapped up in the eight-pound curiosity that is his newborn daughter. Family bliss is cut short, however, when Dexter is summoned to investigate the disappearance of a seventeen-year-old girl who has been running with a bizarre group of goths who fancy themselves to be vampires. As Dexter gets closer to the truth of what happened to the missing girl, he realizes they are not really vampires so much as cannibals. And, most disturbing . . . these people have decided they would really like to eat Dexter.
Jeff Lindsay’s bestselling, dark, ironic, and oftentimes laugh-out-loud hilarious novels about the lovable serial killer with no soul (but a redeeming desire to kill only people who deserve it) have gained a legion of fans and assumed a place in our cul­ture.
… (mehr)
Titel:Dexter Is Delicious
Autoren:Jeff Lindsay
Info:Vintage (2011), Paperback, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Dexter: Thriller (Knaur TB) von Jeff Lindsay

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Not the best of the series. Dexter seems to have lost some of his, pardon the pun, "edge" in this one. But I am a completionist, so I will keep it and wait for the next one. ( )
  Vagabondbookman | Aug 22, 2023 |
I'm not a giant fan of the Dexter franchise, but it's always sparked my curiosity. I've watched a couple of episodes of the first season of the TV show and flipped through the first couple pages of some of the books. So, I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book, as most of the readers seem to be long term fans.

In short, this was a fun romp. The story was much more imaginative than your run-of-the-mill mystery series. The writing was mostly pedestrian, but with some entertaining turns of phrase (mostly alliteration).

The theme of family and the contrasts between families of choice and families of biology was not particularly subtle, but was interesting.

I've read a lot of reviews about the mysticism with which Lindsay imbues the "dark passenger," but I felt kind of ambivalent to the idea that there was a separate entity in Dexter that wanted to kill. It worked as a metaphor. I would have disliked it as more than a metaphor, but Lindsay never really pushed that point.

All in all, this was an entertaining, quick read. It would be a top notch airport or beach book and was good enough that I wasn't embarrassed to be reading it during my commute. It's better than the vast majority of serial mystery books out there, but it doesn't reach the ranks of Great Literature of Our Times (nor does it strive to.) ( )
  settingshadow | Aug 19, 2023 |
The character growth for Dexter continues, and it's wonderful. Can't wait to read his next slice! ( )
  waconner | Jun 29, 2023 |
Ah, I finished this book! What do I do now?! I need more Dexter books!!! This book had me worried, for a while, about this little personality revamp of Dexter's, and then he went back to his old ways, and I rejoiced, and then back to his new ways, boo! But I guess they say all's well that ends well, so thank goodness for the Epilouge. The book, as a whole, was all right, but the Epilouge really has me pumped for the next edition. It's weird, I keep saying every book was ok, not great, but I guess it is because I am comparing them to #'s 2 and 1. Standing alone, I really do like each book in it's own way.
Anyway, here are some quick hits instead of a full review:
I'm really not liking Chutsky after this book, he better come back next book and redeem himself.
Still torn on Brian, but I think I'm starting to like and trust him more, akin to Dexter.
Speaking of, who didn't know who Alana was calling, and when he showed up, who the man in the black hood was. I mean, come on, did anyone really not know?
Did not see the Deborah thing coming, but I really feel like I should have.
And finally, yes, I'm trying to be vague, don't want to be a spoiler ruiner thingy.
Now come on Mr. Linsay, give me another Dexter!!!!!!!!! ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
Mientras contempla a su hija recién nacida en la maternidad de un hospital de Miami, Dexter Morgan siente que por primera vez podría renunciar al Oscuro Pasajero, la voz que desde su adolescencia le ha llevado a perseguir y asesinar a aquellos criminales que escapaban a la acción de la justicia. Pero una llamada de su hermana le devuelve a la realidad: la joven Samantha Aldovar ha desaparecido dejando una habitación empapada en sangre... y las primeras pistas apuntan a una banda de caníbales que podría liderar Bobby Acosta, hijo de un influyente político de la ciudad. Y esa no es la única sorpresa que aguarda a nuestro héroe...
  Natt90 | Dec 22, 2022 |
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For Hilary, as ever.
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This part of the hospital seems like foreign country to me.
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:America’s most-read, most-watched, and most­ beloved serial killer—Dexter Morgan—is back. After selling more than one million copies and inspiring the wildly popular #1 Showtime series and top-rated crime drama on pay-cable television, New York Times bestselling author Jeff Lindsay returns with his most hilarious, macabre, and purely entertaining novel yet.
Dexter Morgan has always lived a happy homicidal life. He keeps his dark urges in check by adhering to one stead­fast rule . . . he only kills very bad people. But now Dexter is experiencing some major life changes—don’t we all?—and they’re mostly wrapped up in the eight-pound curiosity that is his newborn daughter. Family bliss is cut short, however, when Dexter is summoned to investigate the disappearance of a seventeen-year-old girl who has been running with a bizarre group of goths who fancy themselves to be vampires. As Dexter gets closer to the truth of what happened to the missing girl, he realizes they are not really vampires so much as cannibals. And, most disturbing . . . these people have decided they would really like to eat Dexter.
Jeff Lindsay’s bestselling, dark, ironic, and oftentimes laugh-out-loud hilarious novels about the lovable serial killer with no soul (but a redeeming desire to kill only people who deserve it) have gained a legion of fans and assumed a place in our cul­ture.

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