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Trauma Farm: A Rebel History of Rural Life (2009)

von Brian Brett

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861323,539 (4.07)2
Beginning naked in the darkness, Brian Brett takes us on a journey through a summer's day that also tells the story of his affectionately named Trauma Farm -- exploring the garden, orchards, fields, the mysteries of livestock and poultry, the social intricacies of rural communities -- and eventually encounters a magnificent deer in the silver moonlight of a magical pasture. Both a memoir and a natural history of the small mixed farm, this eighteen-year-long day travels forward and backward in time, taking us all the way from Babylon to globalization and demonstrating the importance of both tall tales and rigorous science as Brett contemplates the perfection of the egg and the nature of soil or offers a scathing critique of agribusiness and the modern slaughterhouse. Whether discussing the uses and misuses of gates, examining the energy of seeds, or bantering with his family and neighbours, Brett remains aware of the miracles of life, birth, and death and the ecological paradoxes that confront the rural world every day.… (mehr)
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10/14 ( )
  magerber | Feb 22, 2016 |
Brett hangs meditations of farm life, observations on biology and botany, and musings about the modern world on this Joycean structure. His writing is so vivid, the observations so telling, that a reader can virtually feel the smooth heft of a collected egg in the palm of a hand or hear the goofy, honking dawn call of the peacock. “The world is a constant astonishment,” he writes. “Rain in a storm – each drop pounding so hard against the pond surface that the water reaches back up like a fist threatening the sky.”
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Beginning naked in the darkness, Brian Brett takes us on a journey through a summer's day that also tells the story of his affectionately named Trauma Farm -- exploring the garden, orchards, fields, the mysteries of livestock and poultry, the social intricacies of rural communities -- and eventually encounters a magnificent deer in the silver moonlight of a magical pasture. Both a memoir and a natural history of the small mixed farm, this eighteen-year-long day travels forward and backward in time, taking us all the way from Babylon to globalization and demonstrating the importance of both tall tales and rigorous science as Brett contemplates the perfection of the egg and the nature of soil or offers a scathing critique of agribusiness and the modern slaughterhouse. Whether discussing the uses and misuses of gates, examining the energy of seeds, or bantering with his family and neighbours, Brett remains aware of the miracles of life, birth, and death and the ecological paradoxes that confront the rural world every day.

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