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Can't Teach an Old Demon New Tricks von…
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Can't Teach an Old Demon New Tricks (2010. Auflage)

von Cara Lockwood

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593456,470 (3.7)Keine
Get an east Texas girl good and mad,and there's going to be hell to pay! Rachel Farnsworth doesn't believe in the paranormal--she can find plenty of evil forces right in Dogwood County, like the Mega-Mart that's driving her family's hardware store into the ground. Then there's her own little hell-raiser--a rowdy toddler who can turn his birthday candles into a blazing inferno with just one breath. But when her marriage goes up in smoke, Rachel discovers her husband, Kevin, isn't just a deadbeat, he's also a demon (a sloth demon, no less, which explains why he never helped around the house) with a renegade bounty hunter--a fallen angel named Sam--chasing down a powerful secret Kevin has kept for a millennium or two. Sam's downfall was a beautiful mortal woman . . . and now, the heavenly attraction zinging between them has down-to-earth Rachel believing in celestial magic. But will it be enough to save her and her son from the dark forces Kevin has unwittingly unleashed on Dogwood County?… (mehr)
Titel:Can't Teach an Old Demon New Tricks
Autoren:Cara Lockwood
Info:Pocket (2010), Edition: Original, Kindle Edition, 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade
Tags:Romance. Funny.


Can't Teach an Old Demon New Tricks von Cara Lockwood

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While there is nothing to really dislike about this book, I often felt like I was reading a screenplay or a description of video game action. This sequel to Every Demon Has His Day is light, funny and utterly forgettable. Full of one-liners and stereotyped characters that will be perfect for the movie or CW series, it was hard to muster up the will to finish. ( )
  memccauley6 | May 3, 2016 |
A fun, silly, and upbeat paranormal tale.It branches off from the first book "Every demon Has His day" and tells a story of Rachel, Constance's friend, and mother to a devilish toddler. Literarily, she finds out her no good lazy husband has been replaced by a sloth demon and her baby is 1/2 demon. Cassidy, the toddler is hilarious, and the perfect toddler, LOL Sam a bounty hunter comes to town to take her husband in, yes, he's wanted. That's when the story gets crazy and just keeps going. A very enjoyable read with very funny lines ! ( )
  TheYodamom | Jan 29, 2016 |
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CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DEMON NEW TRICKS is the sequel to Every Demon Has His Day that introduced us to Dogwood County, the secret battleground between Angles and Demons for millennia. A number of characters crossover from the first book, but CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DEMON NEW TRICKS focuses on a new relationship and can be read as a stand alone novel.

If the cover didn’t tip you off, this is a light hearted paranormal chick-lit story full of wacky characters and zany slapstick. Like the previous book, Rachel’s husband is a lazy good for nothing bum who turns out to be demon. All sorts of supernatural nasties are after him because he knows the location of the tomb of imprisoned Azarel, a fallen angel who once tried to overthrow both Heaven and Hell and is eager for a second attempt. Enter Sam, another fallen angel who doesn’t pick sides. He has to team up with Rachel to catch her husband for the demonic bounty, and Azarel’s bounty would be even better.

For the most part, CAN’T TEACH AN OLD DEMON NEW TRICKS is a little too cutesy for my taste, especially the handful of chapters written from the perspectives of the two Watcher angels Gabriel Too & Frank The New. And there is more actual theology than I was expecting which might offend certain readers. But if you like your paranormal with a healthy dose of cozy, the Dogwood Demon series is probably just what you’ve been looking for. You can expect a third book in this series in the near future.

Sexual Content: References to sex. A brief non-graphic sex scene. ( )
  pollywannabook | Jul 17, 2010 |
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Get an east Texas girl good and mad,and there's going to be hell to pay! Rachel Farnsworth doesn't believe in the paranormal--she can find plenty of evil forces right in Dogwood County, like the Mega-Mart that's driving her family's hardware store into the ground. Then there's her own little hell-raiser--a rowdy toddler who can turn his birthday candles into a blazing inferno with just one breath. But when her marriage goes up in smoke, Rachel discovers her husband, Kevin, isn't just a deadbeat, he's also a demon (a sloth demon, no less, which explains why he never helped around the house) with a renegade bounty hunter--a fallen angel named Sam--chasing down a powerful secret Kevin has kept for a millennium or two. Sam's downfall was a beautiful mortal woman . . . and now, the heavenly attraction zinging between them has down-to-earth Rachel believing in celestial magic. But will it be enough to save her and her son from the dark forces Kevin has unwittingly unleashed on Dogwood County?

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