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Return to Paradise von Simone Elkeles
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Return to Paradise (2010. Auflage)

von Simone Elkeles

Reihen: Leaving Paradise (2)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
4892652,221 (3.81)7
Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

Available Now!

Flux's First New York Times Bestseller!

From the New York Times Bestselling Author of RULES OF ATTRACTION Comes the Sequel to LEAVING PARADISE

Caleb Becker left Paradise eight months ago, taking with him the secret he promised to take to his grave. If the truth got out, it would ruin everything.

Maggie Armstrong tried to be strong after Caleb broke her heart and disappeared. Somehow, she managed to move on. Shes determined to make a new life for herself.

But then Caleb and Maggie are forced together on a summer trip. They try ignoring their passion for each other, but buried feelings resurface. Caleb must face the truth about the night of Maggies accident, or the secret that destroyed their relationship will forever stand between them. 

Praise for Leaving Paradise:

"Elkeles writes convincingly about family tensions, retreating from painful reality, and teens outgrowing their old skins."School Library Journal

"Elkeles creates raw emotions, dialogue, and high-school ambience thats just right [A] delicate, delicious love story."Booklist


… (mehr)
Titel:Return to Paradise
Autoren:Simone Elkeles
Info:Flux (2010), Paperback, 312 pages
Sammlungen:Lese gerade


Back to Paradise von Simone Elkeles

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I wasn’t as into this book as I was the first one. Caleb has gotten into trouble again, and once again; he really didn’t have anything to do with it. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, Caleb is now 18 and an adult in the eyes of the law, so instead of juvie, he would be looking at big boy jail time. He is once again saved and is “given” the option to join the RE-START Program and travel with other offenders and share his story, or go to jail. Once at the RE-START meeting place he realizes that Maggie is there and here is where we start the alternating chapters again. I still liked seeing things from both characters point of view, though things seemed a little too drawn out in this one. Maggie and Caleb were at each other’s throats more than was really necessary. But as always things got hot and heavy between them, though they both didn’t want them to. Maggie kept trying to show Caleb that she had moved on and Caleb was playing the jealous part to a T!
I am happy to report that the incident from the first book was finally resolved in this one and things seem to be on track for everyone in the book.
( )
  chaoticmel | May 18, 2024 |
Great conclusion to Leaving Paradise. ( )
  ElizaTilton | Nov 5, 2021 |
This was a great conclusion. I enjoyed these books a lot and this wrapped up really well. I like that Maggie really comes out of her shell and stops pitying herself. She knows what she wants and she is working towards it. Caleb is trying to figure out his life and I think he matures a lot throughout this book. He takes responsibility for his actions and finally goes for what he wants. There is drama and hurt feelings, but the drama makes the romance that much better. This was a quick read and the audio was great. ( )
  AlyP59 | Apr 25, 2019 |
I wasn’t as into this book as I was the first one. Caleb has gotten into trouble again, and once again; he really didn’t have anything to do with it. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, Caleb is now 18 and an adult in the eyes of the law, so instead of juvie, he would be looking at big boy jail time. He is once again saved and is “given” the option to join the RE-START Program and travel with other offenders and share his story, or go to jail. Once at the RE-START meeting place he realizes that Maggie is there and here is where we start the alternating chapters again. I still liked seeing things from both characters point of view, though things seemed a little too drawn out in this one. Maggie and Caleb were at each other’s throats more than was really necessary. But as always things got hot and heavy between them, though they both didn’t want them to. Maggie kept trying to show Caleb that she had moved on and Caleb was playing the jealous part to a T!
I am happy to report that the incident from the first book was finally resolved in this one and things seem to be on track for everyone in the book.
( )
  chaoticbooklover | Dec 26, 2018 |
The first one was quite good, but this one seemed like the author wasn't quite sure what she wanted to happen. Caleb flipped/flopped constantly, but not in a way that was believable, even for an unstable character. It was nice to see Maggie continue to transform from victim to strong person, though. ( )
  VanChocStrawberry | Apr 2, 2018 |
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Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

Available Now!

Flux's First New York Times Bestseller!

From the New York Times Bestselling Author of RULES OF ATTRACTION Comes the Sequel to LEAVING PARADISE

Caleb Becker left Paradise eight months ago, taking with him the secret he promised to take to his grave. If the truth got out, it would ruin everything.

Maggie Armstrong tried to be strong after Caleb broke her heart and disappeared. Somehow, she managed to move on. Shes determined to make a new life for herself.

But then Caleb and Maggie are forced together on a summer trip. They try ignoring their passion for each other, but buried feelings resurface. Caleb must face the truth about the night of Maggies accident, or the secret that destroyed their relationship will forever stand between them. 

Praise for Leaving Paradise:

"Elkeles writes convincingly about family tensions, retreating from painful reality, and teens outgrowing their old skins."School Library Journal

"Elkeles creates raw emotions, dialogue, and high-school ambience thats just right [A] delicate, delicious love story."Booklist



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