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The four loves von C. S. Lewis
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The four loves (Original 1960; 1960. Auflage)

von C. S. Lewis

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8,263461,085 (4.03)1 / 45
A repackaged edition of the revered author's classic work that examines the four types of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God-part of the C. S. Lewis Signature Classics series. C.S. Lewis-the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics-contemplates the essence of love and how it works in our daily lives in one of his most famous works of nonfiction. Lewis examines four varieties of human love: affection, the most basic form; friendship, the rarest and perhaps most insightful; Eros, passionate love; charity, the greatest and least selfish. Throughout this compassionate and reasoned study, he encourages readers to open themselves to all forms of love-the key to understanding that brings us closer to God.… (mehr)
Titel:The four loves
Autoren:C. S. Lewis
Info:New York, Harcourt, Brace [1960]
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Was man Liebe nennt. Zuneigung, Freundschaft, Eros, Agape. von C. S. Lewis (1960)

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    Eisenthron von George R. R. Martin (Anonymer Nutzer)
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 Friends of Jack (C.S. Lewis): The Four Loves7 ungelesen / 7eschator83, Dezember 2016

» Siehe auch 45 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

‪“The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell.”‬

What a fantastic read. I highly recommend this for anyone who is human and around other humans. I was convicted and consoled in equal measure. ( )
  stefanielozinski | Aug 17, 2024 |
study of love
  SrMaryLea | Aug 22, 2023 |
žánr : úvahy, zamyšlení
Autor se zamýšlí nad čtyřmi podobami lásky - náklonností, přátelstvím, erótem a křesťanskou láskou.
  ackoprivnice | Feb 18, 2023 |
At his best Lewis can be very good (Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity), but at other times he can be a bit frustrating. He has an excellent mind overstuffed with knowledge of many fine things, he’s often insightful, and he’s able to write engagingly and accessibly while fleshing out a carefully conceived and detailed plan. But when he’s not at his best there can be too much wordplay and other cleverness combined with an over-certain pedagogy, or at least that’s how it comes off for me. It’s particularly frustrating when there are a lot of good ideas and connections that you know could be deepened with more reflection and care. While clearing out the underbrush. You might say someone with his gifts has kind of an obligation to use them carefully and well for the greater good. Of course you might not say that, but let’s assume you might. At times this book feels like it was tossed off by an unusually gifted journalist. It’s a good book, but you get the sense that it could have been much better. At least I get that sense. And the material is important - it merits the best effort. Lewis wrote about the psychic and spiritual drain that Screwtape caused him, getting into the skin of a senior demon for the duration of its writing, and how he could never do that again to write a sequel despite many requests. I’m grateful that he put himself through that, and maybe he didn’t really have an obligation to sweat more to make this book better. But I do wish he had. ( )
  garbagedump | Dec 9, 2022 |
Los cuatro amores fundamentales de la condición humana son el afecto, la amistad, el eros y la caridad. Este ensayo lúcido y directo ofrece una psicología del amor, un atisbo de las profundidades del alma humana que el amor pone en juego.
  Natt90 | Jul 11, 2022 |
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» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (10 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
C. S. LewisHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Nieminen, TaistoÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Noble, PeterErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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That our affection kill us not, nor dye. -- Donne
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to Chad Walsh
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"God is love," says St. John. When I first tried to write this book I thought that his maxim would provide me with a very plain highroad through the whole subject.
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But very few modern people think Friendship a love of comparable value or even a love at all.
(p. 87)
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A repackaged edition of the revered author's classic work that examines the four types of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God-part of the C. S. Lewis Signature Classics series. C.S. Lewis-the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics-contemplates the essence of love and how it works in our daily lives in one of his most famous works of nonfiction. Lewis examines four varieties of human love: affection, the most basic form; friendship, the rarest and perhaps most insightful; Eros, passionate love; charity, the greatest and least selfish. Throughout this compassionate and reasoned study, he encourages readers to open themselves to all forms of love-the key to understanding that brings us closer to God.

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