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David Carradine: The Eye of My Tornado

von Marina Anderson

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Accomplished American actor David Carradine was both an enigma and a chameleon. On June 4, 2009, Carradine was mysteriously found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand. He left many unanswered and disturbing questions behind . . .Carradine's ex-wife and author Marina Anderson reveals the dark side of David's intense persona with a balanced portrayal - both critical and sympathetic. What was David Carradine really like behind the cameras? What influences shaped him personally and professionally? How did Marina cope with Carradine's brilliant, but often strange behavior?On the first anniversary of his death, read the inside story behind David Carradine's life and legacy: .Learn how he made a huge career comeback as Bill (codename: Snake Charmer) in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill films.Uncover the dynamic and unstable marriage Carradine had with author, Marina Anderson, Carradine's fourth ex-wife along with her own eventful life and spiritual journey.Discover how Carradine's chronic alcoholism and how his unusual sexual interests made it difficult for him to maintain intimate relationship… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonDirector77, ringthebell, Karen74Leigh, nitanunn
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Dense and detailed and impossible to speed read. I am a fan and the book did not disappoint. It did, however, make me sad.
  Karen74Leigh | Sep 4, 2019 |
Dense and detailed and impossible to speed read. I am a fan and the book did not disappoint. It did, however, make me sad. ( )
  Karen74Leigh | Jul 31, 2019 |
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Accomplished American actor David Carradine was both an enigma and a chameleon. On June 4, 2009, Carradine was mysteriously found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok, Thailand. He left many unanswered and disturbing questions behind . . .Carradine's ex-wife and author Marina Anderson reveals the dark side of David's intense persona with a balanced portrayal - both critical and sympathetic. What was David Carradine really like behind the cameras? What influences shaped him personally and professionally? How did Marina cope with Carradine's brilliant, but often strange behavior?On the first anniversary of his death, read the inside story behind David Carradine's life and legacy: .Learn how he made a huge career comeback as Bill (codename: Snake Charmer) in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill films.Uncover the dynamic and unstable marriage Carradine had with author, Marina Anderson, Carradine's fourth ex-wife along with her own eventful life and spiritual journey.Discover how Carradine's chronic alcoholism and how his unusual sexual interests made it difficult for him to maintain intimate relationship

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