
Audio Book (315), Early Reviewer Snag (186), TBR (126), 2022 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (74), Net Galley Snag (64), 2019 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (58), 2023 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (55), 2018 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (51), 2024 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (49), humor (43), 2021 50 Book Challenge (42), 2012 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (41), 2009 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (40), mystery (38), 2010 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (37), 2016 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (35), 2011 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (35), 2020 50 Book Challenge (34), 2023 50 Book Challenge (34), 2008 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (34), High School Read (32), 2013 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (32), Audible Original (31), 2017 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (29), 2014 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (28), science fiction (27), coming of age (27), Psychological Thriller (25), Historical Fiction (23), Wishlist (22), fantasy (19), historical fiction (18), 2015 50 BOOK CHALLENGE (16), Mystery (16), psychological thriller (16), Murder Mystery (14), favorite (14), WWII (13), drama (13), american fiction (12), romance (11), 2008 50 Book Challenge (11), Humor (10), family drama (10), Slavery (9), Fantasy (9), thriller (9), murder (8), ghosts (8), Coming of Age (8), Horror (8), vampires (8), forgiveness (7), Civil War (7), Audiobook (7), murder mystery (7), Secret SantaThing Gift 2011 (7), adventure (7), contemporary fiction (7), classic (6), supernatural (6), magic (6), Good Reads Snag (6), arthurian (6), Virginia (6), racism (6), Kindle (6), family (6), love (6), Secret SantaThing Gift 2022 (5), WWI (5), Australia (5), SantaThing Gift (5), personal growth (5), chicklit (5), Italy (5), Library Book (5), social commentary - humor (5), memoir (5), India (5), England (5), Romance (5), southern fiction (5), dogs (5), sisters (5), horror (5), friendship (5), suspense (5), fluff (4), Music (4), audiobook (4), reincarnation (4), World War II (4), civil war (4), Time Travel (4), Secret SantaThing Gift 2021 (4), Scotland (4), prehistoric (4), humorous (4), London (4), Coming of age (4), girlfriends (4), Did Not Finish (4), Secret SantaThing Gift (4), family healing (4), family dysfunction (4), Southern Literature (4), paranormal (4), Sci fi (4), southern lit (3), early america (3), mourning (3), religion (3), divorce (3), 2016 50 BOOK CHALLANGE (3), fiction (3), grief (3), Sweden (3), south (3), dark fantasy (3), 2010 50 BOOOK CHALLENGE (3), secrets (3), depression (3), Africa (3), Children's Literature (3), feminism (3), Gothic Mystery (3), Family (3), Southern Gothic (3), Survival (3), Southern (3), Revenge (3), occult (3), Egypt (3), Ghosts (3), Audio book (3), Magic (3), southern literature (3), fairy tales (3), Sherlock Holmes (3), audio book (3), dysfunctional families (3), western (3), Memoir (3), Read (3), marriage (3), Alabama (3), rom com (3), widowhood (3), poverty (3), small town america (3), horses (3), Velva Jean Series (2), family saga (2), Zombies (2), early 19th century (2), children's literature (2), revenge (2), Dystopian (2), social commentary (2), Historical Mystery (2), Twins (2), Favorite (2), Appalachia (2), family secrets (2), Midwest (2), autobiography (2), Spain (2), Reincarnation (2), Books (2), 1800's (2), time travel (2), Southern Women (2), Golums (2), rape (2), Southern Lit (2), 2011 50 Book Challenge (2), depression era (2), Useful books (2), 2010 50BOOK CHALLENGE (2), Secret Santa Snag (2), Early Reviewer Sang (2), 2009 50BOOK CHALLENGE (2), 2009 50 BOOK CHALLANGE (2), war (2), Gift from Author (2), Never Arrived (2), currently reading (2), social commentary - science fiction (2), Ridiculous fun (2), strong women (2), Grief (2), misoginist (2), Forgiveness (2), relationships (2), early medicine (2), amnesia (2), animals (2), UK (2), Dystopia (2), Classic (2), Native Americans (2), survival (2), action adventure (2), women's friendship (2), florida (2), dystopian (2), Maine (2), gardening (2), death (2), unfinished (2), cathedrals (2), Texas (2), dragons (2), slavery (2), Alaska (2), humour (2), Kentucky (2), mental illness (2), baseball (2), alternate reality (2), Did Not Receive (2), introspection (2), bullying (2), sci-fi (2), Suspense (2), Art (2), juvenile fiction (2), alcoholism (2), Chicklit (2), Dogs (2), Young Adult Fiction (2), France (2), chick lit (2), Vampires (2), Henry VIII (2), twins (2), wolves (2), domestic violence (2), Mystery Thriller (2), Healing (2), New York (2), 2023 50 Book Challange (2), San Francisco (2), Thriller (2), elderly caregiving (1), bachelor tv series (1), 2009 50 BOOK CHALLNGE (1), terrible dreck! (1), failed marriages (1), montsers (1), personal growth and life struggles (1), Jana Bibi Series (1), New York City in 1920's (1), biography (1), women (1), Early Reiverwer Snag (1), 1936 Berlin Olympics (1), hypnotherapay (1), 2014 50 Book Challenge (1), Flavia de Luce Series (1), the south (1), horse rustling (1), Vienna (1), Crude (1), PCT (1), Bauhaus (1), bad marriages (1), healing (1), cutting (1), Alzheimers (1), self discovery (1), photography (1), aging (1), Missouri (1), Motherhood (1), 9/11 (1), Women's Fiction (1), dysfunctional family (1), rowing (1), God (1), rural farms (1), Viet Nam War (1), The Sundance Kid (1), betrayal (1), absolute dreck (1), bank foreclosure (1), childhood poverty (1), Ghost Story (1), Loch Ness Monster (1), Stalking (1), Tragedy (1), Murder mystery (1), Chick lit (1), Secrets (1), Poverty (1), Rome (1), Jester (1), King Lear (1), Net Galley Sang (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Dec 1, 2006
Bürgerlicher Name
Erin Easton Clark
Über meine Bibliothek

I have always loved to read - my taste is all over the place, but mainly I just appreciate a good story. I choose books mainly for entertainment and escape from everyday life - but sometimes find that I actually do learn something. Cannot stand books by Danielle Steele or anything of that ilk, no mush please! And no VAMPIRE dreck. Anne Rice or George R. R. Martin are OK, but that's about it.

I made it to 49 books in 2010! So here we go again!

Books read so far 2011:

1. 'Sweetie' by Kathryn Magendie ****.5 ARC
2. 'The Constant Princess' by Philippa Gregory *****
3. 'The Distant Hours' by Kate Morton ****
4. 'Star Island' by Carl Hiassen ****
5. 'Matched' by Ally Condie ****
6. 'Fall of Giants' by Ken Follett ***
7. 'Soul Catcher' by Michael White *****
8. 'Emily and Einstein' by Linda Francis Lee ****.5 ARC
9. 'And I Shall Have Some Peace There: Trading in the Fast Lane for My Own Dirt Road' by Margaret Roach ***.5 ARC
10. 'House of Prayer No.2: A Writers Journey Home' by Mark Richards ***** ARC
11. 'A Dogs Purpose' by James Stinson ****.5
12. 'The Queen of Last Hopes: The Story of Margaret of Anjou' by Susan Higginbotham ****
13. 'Vaclav and Lena' by Haley Tanner ************** Great Book! ARC
14. 'Mama Day' by Gloria Naylor **
15. 'Tassy Morgan's Bluff' by Jim Stinson **** ARC
16. 'Drop Dead Divas' by Virginia Brown ***.5 ARC
17. 'Fluke' by Christopher Moore ****
18. 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman *****
19. 'Bossypants' by Tina Fey ****
20. 'The Last Song' by Nicholas Sparks ***.5
21. 'Hector and the Secrets of Love' by Francois Lelord, ARC **** ARC
22. 'Remarkable Creatures: A Novel' by Tracy Chevalier ****
23. 'Georgia Bottoms' by Mark Childress ****.5
24. 'A Clash of Kings' by George R.R. Martin RE-READING NOW
25. 'Kindred' by Octavia Butler ***
26. 'Alas Babylon' by Pat Frank *****
27. 'Velva Jean Learns to Fly' by Jennifer Niven ***** ARC
28. 'All Cry Chaos' by Leonard Rosen ****.5 ARC
29. 'Married With Zombies' by Jesse Peterson **.5
30. 'The Good Thief' by Hannah Tinti *****
31. 'One Mississippi' by Mark Childress ****.5
32. 'Dirty Little Angels' by Chris Tusa ****
33. 'Sweetwater Creek' by Anne Rivers Siddons ***
34. 'I Still Dream About You' by Fannie Flagg ***.5
35. 'The Whistling Season' by Ian Doig ***.5
36. 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern ****.5
37. 'CLUMP - An American Splatire' by S.Redman White ****
38. 'Agent to the Stars' by John Scalzi ***
39. 'In a Dog's Heart: What Our Dogs Need, Want, and Deserve--and the Gifts We Can Expect in Return' by Jennifer Arnold - **** ARC
40. 'Soloman's Oak' by Jo-Ann Mapson ****.5 ARC
41. 'Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter' by Tom Franklin *****
42. 'Nefertiti' by Michelle Moran ****.5



1. 'A Good American' by Alex George ARC ****.5
2. 'The Underside of Joy' by Ser�© Prince Halverson ARC ****.5
3. 'The Search' by Nora Roberts **
4. 'Northanger Abbey' by Jane Austen ****
5. 'State of Wonder' by Ann Patchett *****
6. 'All Different Kinds of Free' by Jessica McCann, ARC ****
7. 'Innocent Traitor' by Alison Weir ****
8. 'The Bird Sisters' by Rebecca Rasmussen ***
9. 'A Vacation on the Island of Ex-Boyfriends by Bierlein, Stacy ARC, ***
10. 'Between Heaven and Earth' by Sue Kerman ARC **.5
11. 'The Girl Below' by Bianca Zander ARC ****
12. 'Sophie and the Rising Sun' By Augusta Trobaugh ARC ***
13. 'A Grown-Up kind of Pretty' by Joshilyn Jackson ****
14. 'The Elegance of the Hedgehog' by Muriel Barbery ***
15. 'You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl" By Celia Rivenbark ***
16. 'Picture This' by Jacqueline Sheehan ARC ***.5
17. 'Bel Canto' by Ann Patchett ****
18. 'Juliet in August' by Dianne Warren ARC *****
19. 'Wildflower Hill' by Kimberley Freeman ****.5
20. 'The Moonstone' by Wilke Collins ****.5
21. '1Q84' by Haruki Murakami ****.5
22. 'East of Denver' by Gregory Hill ARC ****.5
23. 'The Sisters Montclair' by Cathy Holton ARC ****.5
24. 'The Glass Castle' by Jeanette Walls *****
25. 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' by Jonathan Safran Foer ****.5
26. 'The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry' by Rachel Joyce ****.5
27. 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children' by Ransom Riggs ****
28. 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn ****
29. 'Playing With Matches" by Carolyn Wall ***.5
30. 'The English American' by Alison Larkin ***
31. 'Widow of the South' by Robert Hicks ****.5
32. 'Breathing Water' by T. Greenwood ARC ***
33. 'Love Saves the Day' by Gwen Cooper ARC ****.5
34. 'Mimi' by Lucy Ellman ARC **
35. 'The Secret of the Nightingale Palace' by Dana Sachs ****.5
36. 'The Secret Keeper' by Kate Morton *****
37. 'Wild' by Cheryl Strayed *****
38. 'The Twelve' by Jason Cronin *****


1. 'Dark Places' by Gillian Flynn ****.5
2. 'Cleopatras Daughter' by Michelle Moran ****.5
3. 'Snow White Must Die' by Nele Neuhaus ****.5
4. 'The Gordonston Ladies Dog Walking Club' by Duncan Whitehead ARC, **.5
5. 'Temple of a Thousand Faces' by John Shors ARC, *****
6. 'The Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinsella ****
7. 'The Birth of Venus' by Sarah Dunant ***.5
8. 'Broken Harbor' by Tana French ****
9. 'The Lost Gate' by Orson Scott Card **.5
10. 'Telling the Bees ' by Katherine Center ****.5, ARC
11. 'Relic' by Douglas Preston ****.5
12. 'The Name of the Wind' by Patrick Rothfuss ***
13. 'The Lost Husband' by Katherine Center ****ARC
14. 'Wedding Night' by Sophie Kinsella ***
15. 'The Philadelphia Quarry' by Howard Owen ARC ****.5
16. 'Love Potion Number 10' by Betsy Woodman **** ARC
17. 'The Memory of Running' by Ron McLarty ***** excellent!
18. 'Flight Behavior' by Barbara Kingsolver *****
19. 'The Silver Star' by Jeanette Walls ****.5
20. 'The Storyteller' by Jodi Picoult *****
21. 'The Twelve Tribes of Hattie' by Ayana Mathis ***
22. 'The Boogie Trap' by Kerry Copeland Smith **** ARC
23. 'The Likeness' by Tana French *****
24. 'In the Woods' by Tana French ****.5
25. 'The Boy Who Could See Demons' **** ARC
26. 'Cries of the Lost' by Chris Knopf **** ARC
27. 'And the Mountains Echoed' by Khaled Hosseini *****
28. 'The Husbands Secret' by Liane Moriarty *****
29. 'The Trial of Dr. Kate' by Michael E. Glasscock III ***, ARC
30. 'Unmentionables' by Laurie Lowenstein ****, ARC
31. 'Bellman and Black' by Diane Setterfield ****


1. 'A Life Apart' by L. Y. Marlow ARC ***.5
2. 'What Alice Forgot' by Liane Moriarti ****.5
3. 'The Hypnotists Love Story' by Liane Moriarti ****.5
4. 'Vengence Follows' by Scott Lax **** ARC
5. 'I've Got Your Number' by Sophie Kinsella *****
6. 'The All-Girls Filling Station's Last Reunion ****.5
7. 'Drinking and Tweeting: And Other Brandi Blunders' by Brandi Glanville ****
8. 'Sharp Objects' by Gillian Flynn *****
9. 'Remember Me Like This' by Bret Anthony Johnston ARC *****
10. 'Emeralds Included' by Betsy Woodman ARC ****
11. 'Where'd You Go, Bernadette' by Maria Semple *****
12. 'Still Life With Bread Crumbs' by Anna Quindlen ****.5
13. 'Sundance' by David Fuller *****
14. 'The Untold' by Courtney Collins ARC, *****
15. 'Becoming Clementine' by Jennifer Niven, *****
16. 'American Blonde' by Jennifer Niven ARC *****
17. 'I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends' by Courtney Robertson ***
18. 'The Stone Boy' by Sophie Loubiere, ARC, ****
19. 'Three Wishes: A Novel" by Liane Moriarty ****
20. 'The Shoemaker's Wife' by Adrianna Trigianni DID NOT FINISH
21. 'Proof of Angels' by Mary Curran Hackett ARC, ***
22. 'Big Little Lies' by Liane Moriarty *****
23. 'The Divorce Papers' by Susan Rieger ARC, ***.5
24. 'The Likeness' by Tana French, READING NOW
25. 'Love & Ordinary Creatures' by Gynn Hyman Rubio, ARC ****

2015 50 Book Challenge

1. 'The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her Own Making' by Catherynne M. Valente, DID NOT FINISH
2. 'The Girl on the Train' by Paula Hawkins *****
3. 'Shadows Over Paradise' by Isabel Wolff ARC, ****.5
4. '9 1/2 Narrow - My Life in Shoes' by Patricia Morrisoe ARC, ****
5. 'Orphan Train' by Christina Baker Kline *****
6. 'After a While You Just Get Used to It: A Tale of Family Clutter' by Gwendolyn Knapp **** ARC
7. 'Luckiest Girl Alive: A Novel' by Jessica Knoll ***
8. 'Revival' by Stephen King, ***
9. 'Yes Please' by Amy Poehler ***
10. 'Malevolent Muse: The Life of Alma Mahler' by Oliver Hilmes, ARC, ****
11. 'The Girl with all the Gifts' by M. R. Carey *****
12. 'The Predictions' by Bianca Zander ARC, ****.5
12. 'How I Planned Your Wedding' by Susan & Elizabeth Wigg ****
13. 'At the Water's Edge' by Sara Gruen ****.5
14. 'The Fortune Hunter' by Daisy Goodwin ****.5
15. 'Gator a-go-go' by Tim Dorsey Did Not Finish *
16. 'The American Heiress' by Daisy Goodwin *****
17. 'A Northern light' by Jennifer Donnelly *****
18. 'The Blue Asylum' by Kathy Hepinstall ***
19. 'The Swans of Fifth Avenue' by Melanie Benjamin ARC, ***** ARC
20. 'The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie' by Alan Bradley *****
21. 'Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt *****

2016 50 Book Challenge

1. 'The Secret Place by Tana French ****
2. 'Where My Heart Used to Beat' by Sebastian Faulks, ARC **
3. 'The Light in the Ruins' by Chris Bohjalian ****
4. 'The Lake House' by Kate Morton *****
5. 'Sisi' by Allison Pataki ARC *****
6. 'Amy Snow' by Tracy Rees ****
7. 'My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry' by Fredrik Backman *****
8. 'A Fine Imitation' by Amber Brock ARC ****
9. 'I Almost Forgot About You' by 'Terry McMillan' ARC, ****
10. 'Me Before You' by Jojo Moyes *****
11. 'After You' by Jojo Moyes - ****
12. 'All the Time in the World' by Caroline Angell ARC, ****
13. 'June' by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore ARC, ****
14. 'Vanessa and Her Sister' by Priya Parmar - ****
15. 'Mennonite in a little Black Dress' by Rhoda Janzen ****
16. 'The Oxford Inheritance' By Ann A. McDonald ARC ****
17. 'The Cuckoo's Calling' (A Cormoran Strike Novel) by Robert Galbraith... JK Rowling READING NOW
18. 'The Woman in the Photo' by Mary Hogan ARC, ****
19. 'The Secrets of Nanreath Hall' by Alix rickloff ARC, ****
20. 'The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend' by Katarina Bivald ****.5
21. 'The Nest' by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney ****
22. 'Just Fine With Caroline' by Annie England Noblin ARC, **.5
23. 'The Woman in Cabin 10' by Ruth Ware, ****
24. 'The Last Letter From Your Lover' by Jojo Moyes, READING NOW
25. 'A Man Called Ove' by Fredrik Backman *****
26. 'The Girl With No Past' by Kathryn Croft ****
27. 'Behind Closed Doors' by B. A. Paris *****
28. 'The Flood Girls' by Richard Fifield **
29. 'Fellside' by M.R. Carey ****
30. 'City of Mirrors by Justin Cronin *****
31. 'The Girl in the Castle' by Santa Montefiore ARC, ****
32. 'The Tea Planters Wife' by Dinah Jefferies ARC, ****
33. 'The Roanoke Girls' by Amy Engel ARC ****.5


1. 'The Fifth Petal' by Brononia Barry ARC, ****
2. 'Ready Player One' by Ernest-Cline *****
3. 'Razor Girl' by Carl Hiassen **
4. 'Whistling Past the Graveyard by Susan Crandall *****
5. 'Secrets of a Charmed Life' by Susan Meissner ****.5
6. 'Marlena' by Julie Buntin ARC, ****
7. 'The Trespasser' by Tana French ****.5
8. 'Ma Speaks Up and a first generation daughter talks back' by Marianne Leone ARC, ****
9. 'You, Fascinating You' by Germaine W. Shames ARC, ****
10. 'Shards of Honor' by Lois McMaster Bujold ****
11. 'Lily and the Octopus' by Steven Rowley ****
12. 'The Flying Circus' by Susan Crandall ****
13. 'Behind Her Eyes' by Sarah Pinborough ****
14. 'Chasing the North Star:by Robert Morgan ARC, ****
15. 'Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore, by Robin Sloan READING NOW
16. 'It Happens in the Hamptons' by Holly Peterson ARC, ***
17. 'Soulmates' by Jessica Grose ARC, ****
18. 'Greyhound' by Steffan Piper *****
19. 'Speaks the Nightbird' by Robert McCammon *****!!!
20. 'The Temptation to be Happy' by Lorenzo Marone ARC, ****.5
21. 'Angelmaker' by Nick Harkaway READING NOW
22. 'The Way to London: A Novel of World War' II by Alix Rickloff ARC ***
23. 'The Women in the Castle' by Jessica Shattuck ****.5
24. 'My Husband's Wife': by Jane Corry ****
25. 'The Fold: A Novel' by Peter Clines ****
26. 'The Alice Network' by Kate Quinn ****.5
27. 'Florence Grace' by Tracy Rees *****
28. 'Boy's Life' by Robert McCammon *****!!!
29. 'Before We Were Yours' by Lisa Wingate *****
30. 'Blue Eyed Devil' by Lisa Kleypas ***.5
31. 'Missing Isaac' by Valerie Fraser Luesse ARC ***.5


1. 'Old Filth' by Jane Gardam *****
2. 'The Feed' by Nick Clark Windo ARC ***
3. 'The Darkest Lies' by Barbara Coppererthwaite ****.5
4. 'My Lady Jane' by Jodi meadows, Brodi Ashton & Cynthia Hand ****.5
5. 'The Girl in Times Square' by Paulina Simons ARC, *****
6. 'News of the World' by Paulette Giles ***.5
7. 'All the Stars are Suns' by Seaby Brown READING NOW
8. 'In Farleigh Field' by Rhys Bowen ***.5
9. 'Innocence' by Dean Koontz ****
10. 'Funny in Farsi' by Firoozeh Dumas ****
11. 'The Fortune Teller' by Gwendolyn Womack ****
12. 'The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly ****.5
13. 'The Secrets She Keeps by Michael Robotham ****
14. 'House of Rougeaux' by Jenny Jaeckel ARC ****
15. 'Brat Farrar' by Josephine Tey ****.5
16. 'The Dark Lake' by Sarah Bailey READING NOW
17. 'Lady Fortescue Steps Out: The Poor Relation, Book 1' by M. C. Beaton ****
18. 'Rules of Magic' by Alice Hoffman ****
19. 'Practical Magic' by Alice Hoffman ****
20. 'A Quiet Life in the Country' by T. E. Kinsey ***
21. 'The Woman in Black' by Susan Hill ***.5
22. 'The Strangler Vine' by M.J. Carter ****.5
23. 'Mean Streak' by Sandra Brown ****.5
24. 'The Scarlet Pimpernel' by Baroness Emmuska Orczy ****
25. 'An Accidental Death' by Peter Grainger ***
26. 'Sometimes I Lie' by Alice Feeney ****.5
27. 'Flying Jenny' by Theasa Tuohy ARC **.5
28. 'I Let You Go' by Clare Mackintosh ****
29. 'ArchivIst Wasp' by Nicloe Kornher-Stace ****
30. 'Latchkey' by Nicloe Kornher-Stace ARC, ***
31. 'Midnight Blue' by Simone Van Vlugt, ARC, ***.5
32. 'Stardust' by Neil Gaimen ***** LT One Read
33. 'A Darker Shade of Magic' by V. E. Schwab *****
34. 'The Woman in the Window' by A. J. Finn, ****
35. 'The Keeper of Lost Things' by Ruth Hogan ****
36. 'The Beautiful Pretender' by Melanie Dickerson **.5
37. 'The Deep Dark Descending' by Allen Eskens ***.5
38. 'I Liked My Life' by Abby Fabiaschi ***.5
39. 'The Golem and th Jinni' by Helene Wecker *****
40. 'Everything You Want Me To Be' by Mindy Mejia ***.5
41. 'The Breakdown' by B.A. Paris ****
42. 'Something in the Water' by Catherine Steadman ****
43. 'Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine' by Gail Honeyman *****
44. 'I'm Thinking of Ending Things' by Ian Reid **.5
45. 'The Life She Wants' by Robyn Carr **.5
46. 'The Crow Trap' by Ann Cleeves ****
47. 'Circe' by Madeline Miller ****.5
48. 'A Perilous Undertaking' by Deanna Raybourn ****.5
49. 'Summer at the Garden Cafe' by Felicity Hayes-McCoy ARC **.5
50. 'The Tuscan Child' by Rhys Bowen ****
51. 'I See You ' by Clare Mackintosh ****
52. 'Aristotle and Dante Discover the Universe' by Benjamin Alire Saenz ****
53. 'Silver Silence' by Nalini Singh ***
54. 'The Power' by Naomi Alderman ***.5
55. 'Christmas Camp' by Karen Schaler ARC, ****.5
56. 'The Last Mrs Parrish' by Liz Constatine ****
57. 'Less' by Andrew Sean Greer *.5
58. 'Hi Bob!' by Bob Newhart *****
59. 'The Unkillable Kitty O'Kane' by Colin Falconer ****
60. 'The Lady of the Rivers' by Philippa Gregory *****
61. 'The Ex Wife' by Jess Ryder *****
62. 'The Christmas Hirelings' by Mary Elizabeth Braddon *****


1. 'The Clockmakers Daughter' by Kate Morton *****
2. 'Atomic Marriage' by Curtis Sittenfeld ***
3. 'The Eulogist' by Terry Gamble, ARC ****
4. 'Ghosted' by Rosie Walsh ****.
5. 'The Spies That Bind' by Ally Carter ****
6. 'The Rosie Project' by Graeme Simsion *****
7. 'Once Upon a River' by Diane Setterfield **********!!!
8. 'Learning to See' by Elise Hooper, ARC ****.5
9. 'Lullaby' by Jonathan Maberry ****
10. 'Nine Perfect Strangers' by Liane Moriarty ****
11. 'Lucky Suit' by Lauren Blakely ****
12. 'Courting Mr. Emerson' ARC ****
13. 'Dark Matter' by Blake Crouch **********
14. 'The Listener' by Robert McCammon *****
15. 'The Peacock Summer' by Hannah Richell ARC****.5
16. 'The Huntress' by Kate Quinn *****
17. 'Good Omens' by Terry Prachett and Neil Gaiman READING NOW
18. 'The Hating Game' by Sally Thorne *****
19. 'Riley Mack and the Other Known Troublemakers' by Chris Grabenstein *****
20. 'The Darkwater Bride' by Marty Ross *****
21. 'Wishes and Wellington's' by Julie Berry ****.5
22. 'A Mind of Her Own' by Paula McLain ***
23. 'The Lost Girls' by Heather Young ****
24. 'You, Me and the Sea' by Meg Donohue ARC ***.5
25. 'Young Jane Young' by Gabrielle Zevin *****
26. 'The Thing About Jellyfish' by Ali Benjamin ****
27. 'The Mystery of Alice' by Lee Bacon ****.5
28. 'The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry' by Gabrielle Zevin *****
29. 'The Voice Inside - Frost Easton Series' by Brian Freeman ****
30. 'We Are All Completely Besides Ourselves' By Karen Jay Fowler - ****.5
31. 'The Wife Between Us' by Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks*********!!!
32. 'Valley of the Moon' by Melanie Gideon ****.5
33. 'Truth and Lies by Caroline Mitchell ****.5
34. 'Evil Eye' by Madhuri Shekar *****
35. 'Even Tree Nymph's Get the Blues' by Molly Harper ****
36. 'The Secrets of Wishtide' by Kate Saunders ***.5
37. 'Dark Shadows- Dress Me In Darkness' by Marty Ross ***.5
38. 'My Lovely Wife' by Samantha Downing *****
39. 'The Silent Patient' by Alex Michaelides ****.5
40. 'Jukebox Joyride' by Jason Rabinowitz Jacob Stein, The Pop Ups *****
41. 'The Deep, Deep Snow' by Brian Freeman *****
42. 'Blood Ties' by Barbara Fradkin ARC ****
43. 'Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac' by Gabriell Zevin ****
44. 'All the Beautiful Lies' by Peter Swanson ***.5
45. 'The Rosie Effect' by Graeme Simsion *****
46. 'The Chocolate Maker's Wife' by Karen Brooks ARC****.5
47. 'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tartt ***.5
48. 'The Conception of Terror: Tales Inspired by M. R. James - Volume 1'… by Stephen Gallagher M. R. James, A. K. Benedict, Jonathan Barnes, Mark Morris ****
49. 'Where the Crawdads Sing' by Delia Owens *****
50. 'Changeling' by Molly Harper ****
51. 'The Great Alone' by Kristan Hannah *****
52. 'Sweet Tea and Sympathy' ****
53. 'Swan Song by Robert McCammon *****
54. 'The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey' by James Lecesne *********** Great book!
55. 'The Rules of Supervillianry' by C.T. Phipps ****
56. 'Beatrice on Her Own' by Rosemary Zibart ARC ***
57. 'Ain't She A Peach' by Molly Harper ****
58. 'Play' by Kylie Scott ****
59. 'All The Ways We Said Goodbye' by Beatriz Williams, Lauren Willig & Karen White ARC, *****
60. 'Camp Red Moon' by R. L. Stine ****
61. 'The Better Sister' by Alafiar Burke ***
62. 'The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes' by Diane Chamberlain ****


1. 'Lily's Story' by W. Bruce Cameron ARC, ****
2. 'A Gentleman in Moscow' READING NOW
3. 'Interview With The Robot' by Lee Bacon ****
4. 'Handcuffs, Truncheon and a Polyester Thong' by Gina Kirkham ***
5. 'Colombiano' by Rusty Young ARC, ****.5
6. 'The Dutch House' by Ann Patchett ****
7. 'Tell Me Lies' J.P. Pomare ****
8. 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' by Jenny Han *****
9. 'Some Choose Darkness' by Charlie Donlea *****
10. 'This is a Family show' by Billy Kelly ****.5
11. 'The Golden Orchard' by Flora Ahn ***.5
12. 'Second Skin' by Christian White ****
13. 'Ashley Bell' by Dean Koontz ***.5
14. 'The Flying Flamingo Sisters' by Carrie Seim ****
15. 'The Getaway' by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen ***
16. 'The Murmur of Bees' by Sophia Segovia ****
17. 'You Can Thank Me later' by Kelly Harms ***
18. 'Don't Ever Tell' by Lucy Dawson *****
19. 'Beezer' by Brandon T. Snider ****.5
20. 'The Christmas Pact' by Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward ***
21. 'Never Have I Ever' by Joshilyn Jackson ****
22. 'The Library of Legends' By Jane Chang ARC ****
23. 'The Shape of Family' by Shilpi Somaya Gowda ARC ****.5
24. 'A Long Way Off' by Pascal Garner ARC *****
25. 'Raised in Ruins' by Tara Nielson ARC, *****
26. 'Stuck' by Chris Grabenstein ***
27. 'Silverswift' by Natalie Lloyd ****
28. 'One to Watch' by Kate Stayman-London ARC ****
29. 'Blood Moon' by Lucy Cuthew ARC
30. 'Miracle Country' by Kendra Atleework ARC *****
31. 'Gone South' by Robert Mcammon *****
32. 'The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes' by Diane Chambelain ****
33. 'All That We Carried' by Erin Bartels ARC, ****.5
34. "Agent 355' by Marie Benedict ****
35. 'Stillhouse Lake' by Rachelle Caine ****


1. 'Killman Creek' by Rachael Caine ****
2. 'Wolfhunter River' by Rachael Caine ****
3. 'The Gentleman From Peru' by André Aciman ****
4. 'Whisper Network' by Chandler Baker ***
5. 'When Twilight Breaks' by Sarah Sundin ARC, ****.5
6. 'When You Finish Saving The World' by Jesse Eisenberg ***
7. 'Lady Audley's Secret' by Mary Elizabeth Braddon *****
8. 'Last Train to London' by Meg Waite Clayton *****
9. 'Alanis Morissette: Words + Music *****
10. 'Sheryl Crow: Words + Music' *****
11. 'The Weirdies' by Michael Buckley *****
12. 'Sleepless Over You' by Sydney Smyth ***
13. 'You Belong Here Now' by Dianna Rostad ARC, *****
14. 'Smokey Robinson: Grateful and Blessed' by Smokey Robinson *****
15. 'The Worst Warlock' by A.A. Livingston ****
16. 'The Wife Upstairs' by Rachel Hawkins ****
17. 'New Arcadia - Stage One' by Eric Jason Martin ARC ****
18. 'The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune ****.5
19. 'The Samurai's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama *****
20. 'The Third Mrs. Galway' by Deirdre Sinnott ARC *****
21. 'One Dangerous Lady' by Jane Stanton Hitchcock ****
22. 'The Last Thing He told Me' by Laura Dave ****
23. 'The Paper Palace' by Miranda Cowly Heller ****
24. 'Gretel and the Case of the Missing Frog Prints' by P.J. Brackston ***
25. 'The Midnight Library' by Matt Haig ****.5
26. 'The Secret Keepers of Old Depot Grocery' by Amanda Cox ARC *****
27. 'All That We Carried' by Erin Bartels ARC ****.5
28. 'The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo' by Taylor Jenkins Reid *****
29. 'The Rose Code' by Kate Quinn *****
30. 'Sorry Charlie Miller' by Tanner Cohen , David Ludwig ****
31. 'Apples Never Fall' by Liane Moriarty ****
32. 'Miss Benson's Beetle' by Rachael Joyce *****
33. 'Blackwater: The Complete Saga' by Michael McDowell ***************!!!
34. 'The Elementals' by Michael McDowell ****
35. 'The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy' by Rachel Joyce *****
36. 'Look at Us' by T.L. Toma ARC **.5
37. 'Until Leaves Fall in Paris' by Sarah Sundin ARC ****
38. 'The Four Winds' by Kristan Hannah *****
39. 'Belgravia' by Julian Fellowes ****


1. 'The Lady of Galway Manor' by Jennifer Deibel ARC ****
2. 'The Last Mapmaker' by Christina Soontornvat ARC, ****
3. 'Big Lies in a Small Town' by Diane Chamberlain ****
4. 'Cold Moon Over Babylon' *****!!!!!
5. 'Wylding Hall' by Elizabeth Hand ****
6. 'Replaced' by Lee Bacon ****
7. 'The Amulet' by Michael McDowell *****
8. 'The Divorce Party' by Laura Dave ****
9. 'Verona' by Benedict Ashforth ****
10. 'Gilded Needles' by Michael McDowell *****
11. 'The Influence' by Bentley Little ***.5
12. 'Objects of My Affection' by Jill Smolinski ***
13. 'The Children of the Hill' by Jennifer McMahon ARC, ****
14. 'Katie' by Michael McDowell *****
15. 'Widdershins' by Helen Steadman ARC *****
16. 'King of Scars' by Leigh Bardugo ****
17. 'Sunwise' by Helen Steadman ARC *****
18. 'The Stolen Marriage' by Diane Chamberlane ****.5
19. 'Burnt Offerings' by Robert Marasco ****.5
20. 'The Golden Couple' by Greer Hendricks *****
21. 'All That Fills Us' ARC, ****
22. 'The Last Rose of Shanghai' by Weina Dai Randel ***
23. 'When You Find Me': A Novel by P. J. Vernon ****
24. 'Distress Signals' by Catherine Ryan Howard ****
25. 'Beneath The Shadows' by Sarah Foster ****
26. 'Nadine' by Vimi Bajaj ***
27. 'The Girl Who Stopped Swimming' by Joshilyn Jackson **.5
28. 'A Study in Scarlet Women' by Sherry Thomas *****
29. 'A Conspiracy in Belgravia' by Sherry Thomas ****
30. 'The Hollow of Fear' by Sherry Thomas ****
31. 'The Opposite of Everyone' by Joshilyn Jackson ***
32. 'River of Ashes' by Alexanrea Weis & Lucas Astor ARC, ****.5
33. 'Jurassic Parts' by Byron Frimp & Maggio Slooter ARC ****
34. 'When I'm Gone' by Emily Bleeker ***
35. 'Wicked Stepmother' by Micahael McDowell *****
36. 'The Double Drastic Time Capsule Caper' by Van Temple **
37. 'Dance Upon the Air' by Nora Roberts ***
38. 'Space: 1969' by Bill Oakley ***.5
39. 'The Mad, Mad Murders of Marigold Way' by Raymond Benson, ARC ****
41. 'Storm Clouds Rolling In' by Ginny Dye ****
42. 'On to Richmond' by Ginny Dye, ****
43. 'Spring Will Come' by Ginny Dye, ****
44. 'Local Woman Missing' by Mary Kubica ****
45. 'Pharaoh' by Wilbur Smith ****
46. 'The Further Adventures of Miss Petitfour' by Anne Michaels ARC *****
47. 'Before Summer Ends' by Susan Mallery ***
48. 'Pretty Girls' by Karin Slaughter ****.5
49. 'Summer of '99' by J.L.Hyde READING NOW
50. 'Once More upon a Time' by Roshani Chokshi ****
51. 'Augusta' by Celia Ryker ARC, ****
52. 'The Cuckoo's Cry' by Caroline Overington ****
53. 'The Vanishing at Loxby Manor' by Abigail Wilson ***
54. 'The Rosie Result' by Graeme Simsion ****
55. 'Verity' by Colleen Hoover ****
56. 'Paradox Bound' by Peter Clines ****
57. 'Best Friends Forever' by Margot Hunt ****
58. 'Henrietta & Eleanor: A Retelling of Jekyll and Hyde': An Audible Original Drama by Robert Louis Stevenson ****
59. 'Tell Her Story' by Margot Hunt ***.5
60. 'Winter's Reckoning' by Adele Holmes, M.D. ARC ****
61. 'The Widow' by K. L. Slater ****
62. 'No Kindness Too Soon' by Sylvain Neuvel ****
63. 'The Grand Hotel' by Scott Kenemore *****
64. 'Operation Overlord - A Tommy Collins Adventure' by Frances Moss ARC, ****
65. 'Miracle Creek Christmas' by Krista Lynn Jensen ****
66. 'Witches Get Stuff Done' by Molly Harper **
67. 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse' by Charlie Mackesy ****
68. 'The Rock Hole' by Reavis Z. Worthham ****


1. 'Galatea' byMadeline Miller ****
2. 'Clouds Without Water' by Garry Harper ARC *****
3. 'Jackie Stories' by William Kuhn ARC ***
4. 'The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek' by Kim Michelle Richardson *****
5. 'Imposter' by Bradleigh Godfrey ****.5
6. 'Arsenic in the Azaleas' by Dale May **
7. 'Daisy Darker' by Alice Feeney ****
8. 'Seven Days in June' by Tia Williams ****
9. 'For Whom the Book Tolls' by Laura Gail Black ***
10. 'Walking Your Way to Weight Loss + Intermitant Fasting For Women' ARC ****
11. 'The Delphi Effect' by Rysa Walker ****
12. 'Wrong Place Wrong Time' by Gillian McAllister ****.5
13. 'Liar' by K.L. Slater ****
14. 'A Hundred Veils' by Rea Keech ARC ****.5
15. 'The Kind Worth Killing' by Peter Swanson *****
16. 'The Kind Worth Saving' by Peter Swanson ***.5
17. 'The Panacea Project' by Catherine Devore Johnson ARC *****
18. 'Haunt: Loveletting Book 1' by Christina Maraziotis ARC, ****
19. 'Cappuccino' by M.L. Hamilton **.5
20. 'The Black Madonna' by Stella Riley *****
21. 'Nine Lives' by Peter Swanson ***
22. 'Threadbare' by Andrew Seiple ***
23. 'The Second Ending' by Michelle Hoffman ARC, *****
24. 'Don't Even Breathe' by Keith Houghton ***.5
25. 'My Guy Died' by Dan Neilan ****
26. 'The Naughty, The Nice and The Nanny by Willa Nash ***
27. 'The Story Keeper' by Lisa Wingate ****
28. 'Forever Hidden' by Tracie Peterson **.5
29. 'Lady Jayne Disappears' by Joanna Davidson Politano ***.5
30. 'Fear Less Kitchen' by Candice Brown Elliott *****
31. 'Break Shot: My First 21 Years' by James Taylor *****
32. 'Kristin Lavransdatter' by Sigrid Undset *****
33. 'The Method' by James Patterson *****
34. 'Catchers' by Ben Rock, Bob DeRosa ****
35. 'We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by Dennis E. Taylor ****.5
36. 'Demon Copperhead' by Barbara Kingsolver ************!!!!!!!
37. 'North Woods: A Novel' by Daniel Mason ARC, *****
38. 'Everything You Told Me' by Lucy Dawson ****.5
39. 'Curse: Loveletting Book 2' by Christina Maraziotis ARC, ****
40. 'Mercer Girls' by Libbie Hawker ****.5
41. 'Excuse Me While I Disappear: Tales of Midlife Mayhem' by Laurie Notaro *****
42. 'Candles Burning' by Tabitha King and Michael McDonnel ***.5
43. 'The She Shed' by Leah Orr ARC *****
44. 'Remarkably Bright Creatures' by Shelby Van Pelt *****
45. 'Lessons in Chemistry' by Bonnie Garmus *****
46. 'The Windeby Puzzle' by Lois Lowry ****
47. 'Then She Was Gone' by Lisa Jewell ***.5
48. 'What the Wind Knows' by Amy Harmon ***.5
49. 'The Marriage Portrait' by Maggie O'Farrell ARC, *****
50. 'More or Less a Marchioness' by Anna Bradley ***.5
51. 'Clover Hendry's Day Off' ARC, by Beth Morrey *****
52. 'Between Sisters' by Kristan Hanna ***
53. 'The Printed Letter Bookshop' by Katherine Reay ***
54. 'Against the Wind' by Amanda Chabot ARC ***
55. 'Stolen Prophet' by Julian M. Coleman ARC ****
56. 'Hurricane Season' by Lauren K. Denton ***
57. 'When the Corn is Waist High' by Jeremy Scott ***
58. 'Twenty Seven Minutes' by Ashley Tate ARC ***
59. 'Tom Lake' by Ann Patchett ****
60. 'Hearts of the Missing' by Carol Potenza ****
61. 'The Love Story of Missy Carmichael' by Beth Morrey ****.5
62. 'Heartwood Box' by Ann Aguirre ****
63. 'The House of the Lost on the Cape' by Sachiko Kashiwaba, ARC ****
64. 'The A.I. Who Loved Me' by Alyssa Cole ***.5
65. 'West With Giraffes' by Lynda Rutledge READING NOW
66. 'Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow' by Gabrielle Zevin ****
67. 'The Next Always' by Nora Roberts ****
68. 'Kinfolk' by Sean Dietrich ARC *****
69. 'The Butterfly Collector' by Tea Cooper ARC ****
70. 'Beyond Strange Lands' by Simon Taylor ****
71. 'The Year of Magical Thinking' by Joan Didion ***.5
72. 'The Forgotten Farmhouse by the Sea' by Caroline Young ARC *****
73. 'The Retreat' by Karen King ARC ***
74. 'The House Guest' by Alison James ARC ****.5
75. 'Pocket Full of Poseys' by Thomas Reed ARC ****.5
76. 'Three Bells, Two Bows and One Brother's Best Friend' (Holiday Brothers) by Willa Nash ***
77. 'My Daughters Husband' by Danial Hurst ARC ****
78. 'Cutting For Stone' by Abraham Verghese *****
79. 'My Husband's Lies' by Liz Lawler ARC, ****
80. 'Uncertain Luck' by Rea Keech ARC ***
81. 'Her Sister's Death' by K. L. Murphy ARC ****
82. 'The Doctor's Mistress' by Daniel Hurst ARC ****
83. 'Listen For The Lie' by Amy Tintera ARC *****
84. 'Emergency Contact' by Lauren Layne ARC ****
85. 'Last One Alive' by Jennifer Graeser Dornbush ARC ***
86. 'Looking Back' by Josephine Cox ARC ***
87. 'Please Write by' J. Wynn Rousuck ARC ***
88. 'North Pacific' by Michael Steffan ARC ***
89. 'Only if You're Lucky by Stacy Willingham ARC ****.5
90. 'Diva' by Daisy Goodwin ARC *****


1. 'The Women' by Kristin Hannah ARC *****
2. 'Love You Gone' by Rona Halsall ARC ****
3. 'Her Silent Bones' by Pamela Fagan Hutchins ARC ***
4. 'Sky of Ashes, Land of Dreams' by Erin Jamieson ARC ***.5
5. 'Mr. Jimmy From Around the Way' by Jeffrey Blount ARC *****
6. 'The Nightingale' by Kristin Hannah *****
7. 'When Grumpy Met Sunshine' by Charlotte Stein ARC ***
8. 'On a Quiet Street' by Carla Kovach ARC ****
9. 'The Housekeeper's Secret' by Iona Grey ARC *****
10. 'The Busy Body' by Kemper Donovan ARC ****
11. 'My Favorite Scar' by Nicolás Ferraro ARC ***.5
12. 'Swanna in Love' by Jennifer Belle ARC ****.5
13. 'The American Queen' by Vanessa Miller ARC *****
14. 'Her Secret Life' by Anna E. Collins ARC *****
15. 'The Trail of Lost Hearts' by Tracey Garvis Graves ARC *****
16. 'Wild and Distant Seas' by Tara Karr Roberts ARC ****
17. 'The Other Year' by Rea Frey ARC *****
18. 'Hard Girls' by J. Robert Lennon ***
19. 'The Wife's Mistake by Lorna Dounaeva ARC ****.5
20. 'What Blooms from Dust' by James Markert ARC *****
21. 'Women of Good Fortune' by Sophie Wan ARC ****.5
22. 'Make Her Pay' Miranda Rijks ARC ****
23. 'The Divorcées' by Rowan Beaird ARC ****
24. 'Shanghailanders' by Juli Min ARC ****
25. 'The Secrets Next Door' by Sally Royer-Derr ARC ***.5
26. 'The Memory of Lavender and Sage' by Aimie K. Runyan ARC ****.5
27. 'Her Lost Soul' by Helen Phifer ARC ***
28. 'Assegai' by Wilbur Smith ****
29. 'How to Plot a Payback' by Melissa Fergusson ARC *****
30. 'The Act of Disappearing' by Nathan Gower ARC *****
31. 'Olivetti' by Allie Millington ARC *****
32. 'The British Booksellers' by Kristy Cambron ARC *****
33. 'Mine' by Robert R. McCammon *****
34. 'The Rom-Commers' by Katherine Center ARC *****
35. 'Every Time We Say Goodbye' by Natalie Jenner ARC ****
36. 'Love in Tandem' by Becca Kinzer ARC **.5
37. 'How Can I Trust You by A.J. Campbell ARC ***.5
38. 'Cluelessly Yours' by Max Monroe ARC ****
39. 'The Royal Game' by Linda Keir ARC ***
40. 'The Hungry Dark' by Jen Williams ARC ****
41. 'Very Bad Company' by Emma Rosenblum ARC ****
42. 'When We Were Silent' by Fiona McPhillips ARC ****.5
43. 'What the Mountains Remember' by Joy Callaway ARC ****
44. 'Ex Girlfriend' by Rosie Walker ARC ****
45. 'The Rush' by Michelle Prak ARC ***.5
46. 'Invisible Woman' by Katia Lief ARC ****
47. 'If Something Happens to Me' by Alex Finlay ARC ***
48. 'The Hypnotic Tales of Rafael Sabatini ARC *****
49. 'Anvil of God' ARC ****
50. 'Just Some Stupid Love Story' ARC *****
51. 'What the Wife Knew' ARC *****
52. 'Real Life and Other Fictions' ARC *****
53. 'My Husband's Ex' by Rosie Walker ARC ****
54.'The Cemetery of Untold Stories' by Julia Alvarez ARC *****
55. 'The Secret Daughter of Venice' byJuliet Greenwood ARC ****.5
56. 'A Helping Hand for the Village Nurse' by Tilly Tennant ARC ****
57. 'House of Glass': A Novel by Sarah Pekkanen ARC *****
58. 'The Light Over Lake Como' by Roland Merullo ARC *****
59. 'The Keeper of the Irish Secret; by Susanne O'Leary ARC ***
60. 'The Hidden Book' by Kirsty Manning ARC READING NOW
61. 'Dead Tired: A Mystery (Expectant Detectives Mystery, 2) by Kat Ailes ARC READING NOW

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You're The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

by C.S. Lewis

You were just looking for some decent clothes when everything changed
quite dramatically. For the better or for the worse, it is still hard to tell. Now it
seems like winter will never end and you feel cursed. Soon there will be an epic
struggle between two forces in your life and you are very concerned about a betrayal
that could turn the balance. If this makes it sound like you're re-enacting Christian
theological events, that may or may not be coincidence. When in doubt, put your trust
in zoo animals.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

You're Watership Down!

by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

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Über mich

My husband and I live in Healdsburg, CA and own a flight school in Santa Rosa. We have one lovely daughter, son in law and a toddler grand daughter, brand new grand son, 3 chatterbox cats, 4 ridiculously loving dogs with many pesky deer and wild turkeys, and annoying peacocks around the ranch. (Update: We lost our home to the Kincaid Fire here in Northern California two years ago and obviously lost many, many books. But I am collecting again! One can never, ever have too many books right:)???) We also are volunteer puppy raisers for Canine Companions for Independence and are currently raising our 11h puppy for them. Her name is Blaine and she's doing great.

I love to read but have so little time between work and all the animals - I'm a lot slower than I used to be:( My goal for ALL YEARS! is to finish all the books I started last year and to try to curb the oh so delicious, yet expensive, habit of buying new books. I listen to many audio books on my phone/computer while doing other things - this does nothing for my music library of course but does love me dearly;) This helps me read a lot more than I normally would be able to do time wise.

Healdsburg, CA
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