17+ Werke 340 Mitglieder 4 Rezensionen

Über den Autor

Gilbert Achcar grew up in Lebanon. He is Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. His publications include The Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder(2002), published in 15 mehr anzeigen languages; Perilous Power: The Middle East and US Foreign Policy (2008), with Noam Chomsky; the critically acclaimed The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli-War of Narratives (2010); and The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising(2013). weniger anzeigen

Beinhaltet die Namen: Gilbert Achcar, and AchcarGilbert

Bildnachweis: Gilbert Achcar speaking at the Institute of Education. Image by Osmanji.

Werke von Gilbert Achcar

Zugehörige Werke





Achcar's book is a daring attempt to cover a highly controversial topic which he manages to do with incredible erudition and a good grasp of the subject matter. More so than other books on this topic, Achcar avoids coming down heavily on one side or the other and is therefore able to give a very accessible and enlightening view of the topics covered.

Most interesting is Achcar's ability to use first hand sources due to his ability to read Arabic. Other books I have read have very little or cite other authors who have cited others in order to inform their works. Undoubtedly because of his history on the left in the Middle East one gets the feeling of reading the views of someone who has been parts of the conversation for many years. Due to this he gives a good overview of the different strands of Arabic political influence that have been most prevalent in recent years.

Despite his Marxist background what comes through most clearly is Gilbert's humanism and desire for peace. He rightfully notes that things have deteriorated but he maintains hope for the future built on a mutual understanding of the tragedies for the refugees from both sides.

Any student of Arabic Studies or Holocaust Studies would do well to read this highly informative piece of work.
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twp77 | Jan 24, 2018 |
I had the opportunity to listen to Achcar lecture at La Maison Francaise at NYU, and found his view intriguing, if not entirely acceptable, and certainly worthy of inclusion into a broader worldview. His English is faltering, but the translation is excellent and the book is well structured. Also, the book is about 100 pages long, and I found it an easy read, although not simply written. Reading the book would not take a great amount of time, and it provides a wealth of solid, but little known, historical and political information.

The largest takeaway from his analysis is a more balanced approach to international interactions, and a detailed analysis of the history of the Middle East and Islam, as it relates to political struggles. His analysis is akin to Chomsky's understanding of American political strategy, but also dovetails contrapuntally with more mainstream writers such as Brzezniski.
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James.Igoe | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 26, 2017 |
G. Achkar développe une analyse très clairement marxiste des révolutions arabes. En repartant des analyses de marx attribuant les révolutions aux contradictions qui apparaissent entre les forces productives matérielles et les rapports de production existants, il propose une lecture des impasses des modèles de développement néolibéraux à la sauce (néo)patrimonial qui ont cours dans les pays concernés validant globalement le diagnostic de ces révoltes comme révoltes d'origine socio-économique. Mais le déploiement des révolutions montre une divergence de destinée entre des pays où les structures sociales en place ont été véritablement balayées (la Libye essentiellement) et celles où d'une manière ou d'une autre, elles se sont maintenues en écartant simplement les représentants les plus compromis du capitalisme local - essentiellement les familles dirigeantes : c'est le cas de la Tunisie et de l'Egypte.
Les deux premiers chapitres présentent une bonne synthèse des enjeux socio-économiques même si les cas nationaux ne sont pas abordés en détail.
Le chapitre 3 renvoie aux grandes contraintes géopolitiques régionale, et les chapitres 5 et 6 fournissent un bilan d'étape des révolutions et une analyse des formes de récupération. La conclusion expose les chances d'une révolution authentique, c'est-à-dire renversant véritablement l'ordre néolibéral régnant.
Mon appréciation générale est très positive parce que le livre est clair dans sa démarche, convaincant dans son argumentation socio-économique et politique et en même temps il distingue bien les différents cas étudiés. Mon principal regret serait que la dimension géographique est vraiment trop absente de son analyse mais peut être est-ce lié à un effet d'échelle, les révolutions étant lues d'une manière globale et globalement, de manière très convaincante.
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everde01 | May 5, 2013 |

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