
Anton Hansen Tammsaare (1878–1940)

Autor von Wargamäe

90+ Werke 706 Mitglieder 18 Rezensionen

Über den Autor


Werke von Anton Hansen Tammsaare

Wargamäe (1926) 128 Exemplare
Põrgupõhja uus Vanapagan (1939) 62 Exemplare
Kõrboja peremees (1976) 58 Exemplare
Indrek Roman (1965) 55 Exemplare
Tõde ja õigus III (1931) 42 Exemplare
Rückkehr nach Wargamäe (1958) 41 Exemplare
Ma armastasin sakslast : romaan (1964) 40 Exemplare
Karins Liebe (1983) 35 Exemplare
Elu ja armastus : romaan (2014) 26 Exemplare
Jutustused (1907-1910) (1978) 13 Exemplare
Valitud artiklid 7 Exemplare
Juudit (1999) 7 Exemplare
Tähtis päev (2008) 4 Exemplare
Jutustused 4 Exemplare
Jutustused. 2. 3 Exemplare
Tõde ja õigus. I-II osa (2017) 3 Exemplare
Kogutud teosed 3 Exemplare
Raha-auk (2012) 3 Exemplare
Kärbes (2011) 3 Exemplare
Poiss ja liblikas 3 Exemplare
Publitsistika. (1926-1940) / 3 (1990) 3 Exemplare
Pähklipüha 2 Exemplare
Varjundid (2014) 2 Exemplare
Vanad ja noored : [jutustus] (2012) 2 Exemplare
Viiul 2 Exemplare
Tõde ja õigus. III-V osa (2017) 2 Exemplare
Sirpaleissa (1991) — Autor — 2 Exemplare
Vanaisa surm (2012) 2 Exemplare
Tõde ja õigus : algus (2019) 2 Exemplare
Valitud jutustused 2 Exemplare
Armastusest ja lapselikkusest (2011) 2 Exemplare
Meie rebane 1 Exemplar
Kuningal on külm (2013) 1 Exemplar
Pöialpoiss 1 Exemplar
Sõprus (2012) 1 Exemplar
Tõde ja õigus 1 Exemplar
Jõulurõõm 1 Exemplar
Nowy Piekielnik z Czartoryi (1983) 1 Exemplar
Noored hinged (2014) 1 Exemplar
Meie rebane (2014) 1 Exemplar
Tõde ja õigus I-V (2013) 1 Exemplar
Uurimisel (2014) 1 Exemplar
Oblomov 1 Exemplar
Kooli Alma 1 Exemplar
Novellid. III (2012) 1 Exemplar
Neli miniatuuri 1 Exemplar
Kirjad (1896-1940) (1993) 1 Exemplar
Te ja gus. V 1 Exemplar
A. H. Tammsaare ütlemisi (2018) 1 Exemplar
Tõde ja õigus. I osa (2018) 1 Exemplar
Tõde ja õigus. III-V osa (2017) 1 Exemplar
Mäetaguse vanad 1 Exemplar
Rakastin saksalaista (2019) 1 Exemplar
Tõde ja õigus IV 1 Exemplar
Valitud artiklid 1 Exemplar
Jutustused II 1 Exemplar
Kogutud teosed 14 1 Exemplar
Itaalia-reis 1 Exemplar
Sex appeal 1 Exemplar
Lehekandja nr. 17 1 Exemplar

Zugehörige Werke

The Dedalus Book of Estonian Literature (2011) — Mitwirkender — 13 Exemplare





Truth and Justice, Volume 2: Indrek
Review of the Vagabond Voices paperback (September 2022) translated by Christopher Moseley & Matthew Hyde from the Estonian language original published by Noor-Eesti (1929).

I assisted in proofreading and copy-editing this English language translation of the 2nd volume of Tammsaare's massive pentalogy Truth and Justice. I can't be unbiased about my rating as I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Hopefully this work will continue with the further 3 volumes to be published annually from 2023 to 2025.

Truth and Justice Volume 1 (published in English translation as Vargamäe (orig. 1926/trans. 2019)) dealt with farmer Andres Paas and his struggles with the land and his search for justice in dealing with his quarrelsome neighbour Pearu. In the 2nd volume, the main character is Andres' son Indrek and his coming of age while seeking his education at Mr. Maurus's school in the city of Tartu, Estonia. Indrek's educational journey includes his various mishaps with other students and teachers, his first love and its tragic consequences.

While the tone of Volume 1 was mostly serious, Volume 2 has both comedy and pathos, even as it debates education and the search for knowledge, about beauty and truth, as well as the existence of God. Just as Volume 1 has been described as man's struggle with the land, Volume 2 is described as being about man's struggle with God. A few quotes will provide a sense of the work:

About teaching and learning (also excusing the occasional drunken teacher):
It is a matter of no great consequence when a teacher indulges in the odd drink, as it is only the pupil who has to be sober. Learning is harder than teaching. You can even teach when you don’t understand, whilst you definitely have to understand if you’re learning ...

About beauty and truth (also hearkening back to the theme of truth in Volume 1):
"Mr Molotov, you're a good-looking man, why don't you take more care of your appearance?" What do you think of that: a man, and good-looking she says! So I told her, "I don't have a mirror, and beauty is not the same as truth, and anyway you can't see the truth in a mirror."

Mr. Maurus laments that Christ wasn't born in Estonia, and that writer/politician Carl Robert Jakobson (1841-1882), a leader of the Estonian national awakening, was sent instead:
"In that case Christ could still be alive today, after all, what's a couple of thousand years for God. It could have been thus, if God had wanted. But God wanted his son to be a Jew, that was God's will. And so all we got from God was Jakobson …"
At that, Mr. Maurus seemed to grow despondent. He stood there silently in front of Indrek for a while, as if he'd been unable to say the most important thing.

Indrek causes a final break with Mr. Maurus when he writes an article questioning the existence of God in the school's student newspaper:
"This man is stark crazy! He's the first truly crazy person in Mr Maurus's decent and respectable establishment. There have been some half-crazy ones, of course, but this one is totally crazy. He got zero in mathematics but he's one hundred percent crazy himself. And he's decided to take on Mr Maurus's holy bull and Jehovah. He wants to be famous, he wants to win fame in Estonia for killing God. You understand? The first to murder God! He could at least have gone for the devil instead. But no, he doesn't touch the devil, he goes straight for God, as if he couldn't get to the devil otherwise, first he has to despatch God."

See illustration at
The Eesti Raamat edition from 1965 includes 7 illustrations consisting of woodcut engravings by the artist Herald Eelma. This mage of Indrek and Maurus is sourced from Twitter.

See book cover at
Cover image of the Noor-Eesti first edition hardcover (1929). Image sourced from Twitter.

Trivia and Links
The Estonian language original of Truth and Justice II: Indrek from 1929 can be read online at Wikisource. The 1929 edition divides the work into 40 chapters, although later editions re-order it into 38 chapters. As best as I can determine the texts are identical.

The same 1929 Estonian language edition can be read online Estonian Literary Museum website. There you can read an online facsimile edition or download it as an eBook.

See photograph at
A screen still from the 1975 film "Indrek". Image sourced from Twitter.
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alanteder | 9 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 29, 2022 |
Tõde ja õigus. 2. köide: Indrek
Arvustus Eesti Raamatu kõvakaanelisest väljaandest (1965) Noor-Eesti kõvakaanelisest originaalist (1929).

Ma aitasin korrektuuri teha uuest ingliskeelset tõlkeväljaannest Tõde ja õigus IIst, mis ilmus Indreku nime all Šotimaa Glasgow' kirjastuse Vagabond Voicesi poolt. See töö nõudis muidugi ka originaali lugemist, nii et see on esimene kahest arvustusest.

Tõde ja õigus 1. köide käsitles Andres Paasi ja tema võitlusi maaga ning õigluse otsimist läbikäimisel tülika naabri Pearuga. 2. köites saab peategelaseks Andrese poeg Indrek ja tema täisealiseks saamine Tartus härra Mauruse koolis haridust otsides. Indreku haridustee hõlmab ka tema erinevaid äpardusi teiste õpilaste ja õpetajatega, tema esimest armastust ja selle traagilisi tagajärgi.

Kui 1. köite toon oli enamasti tõsist laadi, siis 2. köites on nii koomikat kui paatost, isegi kui vaieldakse haridusest, ilust ja tõest ja ka Jumala olemasolu üle.

... õpilane peab kaine olema, sest õppida on raskem, kui õpetada. Õpetada võib ka siis, kui ise aru ei saa, aga õppides peab tingimata aru saama, muidu pole võimalik ...

„Härra Molotov, teie olete ilus mees, miks te oma välimuse eest sugugi ei hoolitse?“ Mõistate: mees ja ilus. Ütlesin talle: „Mul peeglit ei ole, ilu pole tõde ja tõde ei näe peeglist."

"Ka meie parunid oleksid pidanud siis ise oma viljapäid kitkuma, mitte aga aus ja korralik eesti mees, kelle keskel kõnnib Kristus. Nii oleks see olnud, kui jumal oleks tahtnud. Aga jumal tahtis, et tema poeg oleks juut, nõnda tahtis tema oma armunõuga. Meile saatis ta ainult Jakobsoni …"
Härra Mauruse meel läks nagu nukraks. Hulk aega seisis ta vaikides Indreku ees, nagu jätaks ta kõige tähtsama ütlemata.

"See mees on püsti hull! See on esimene päris hull härra Mauruse ausas ja kõrralikus majas. On olnud küll poolhulle, aga see on täishull. Tema nimi on Indrek Paas. Matemaatika on temal null ja ise on ta hull. Aga härra Maurusele, pühale härjale ja Jehoovale hakkab ta vastu. Tema tahab kuulsaks saada, tema tahab Eestimaal jumala tapmisega kuulsaks saada. Mõistate? Esimene jumala mõrtsukas. Selle asemel oleks võinud ta kuradi maha lüüa. Aga ei, kuradit ta ei puutu, vaid kohe jumala kallale, nagu ei pääseks ta muidu kuradile ligi, enne peab jumala eest maha võtma."

Vaata puugravüüri pilt siit:
See 1965. aasta Eesti Raamatu väljaanne sisaldab kunstnik Herald Eelma 7 puugravüüri illustratsiooni. Illustratsioon Indrekust ja härra Maurusest pärit Twitterist.

Vaata kaanepilt siit:
Noor-Eesti Kirjastuse kõvakaanelise originaalväljaande kaanepilt (1929 a.). Pilt pärineb Twitterist.

Trivia ja viited
Tõe ja õiguse II 1929. aasta väljaannet saate lugeda veebis eestikeelsest vikiallikast. 1929. aasta väljaanne jagab teose 40 peatükiks, kuigi hilisemates väljaannetes on see ümber järjestatud 38 peatükiks. Tekstid on minu teadmiste kohaselt samad.

Sama 1929. aasta väljaannet saab lugeda ka internetis Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi kodulehelt. Seal saate lugeda faksiversiooni või selle e-raamatuna alla laadida.

Erinevalt Tõe ja õiguse esimesest köitest pole teisest köitest veel moodsat filmitöötlust tehtud. Küll aga oli varasem 1975. aastal filmitud mustvalge adaptsioon, mille režissöör oli Mikk Mikiver, mida saad vaadata Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu arhiivist siit.
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alanteder | Sep 30, 2022 |
Välja kirjutanud, kogunud ja koostanud Elem Treier
Raamatukogu | Jan 12, 2021 |
Truth and Justice – A Beginning
Review of the movie tie-in hardcover photo book (2019)
The new, determined master of Vargamäe farm must struggle with hard work, the torments of his neighbor and his own beliefs in order to make his poor land fertile - and in order to make things right with truth and justice.
Andres, bursting with hope and strength and together with his young wife Krõõt, comes to build a new life out of a boggy farm. Vargamäe Hill Farm must become a place that will support a family. A life-long struggle begins with both nature and fate, as well as against the dirty tricks played by the neighbor Pearu. As his suffering grows, Andres is increasingly desperate to seek truth and justice from the court, the tavern, and the Bible.
This book pairs quotes from the first part of A. H. Tammsaare's novel “Truth and Justice” with stills from the film of the same name by director Tanel Toom.
– translation of the Estonian language synopsis of this book.
… (mehr)
alanteder | May 15, 2019 |


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