
Über den Autor

Luke Barr is an editor at Travel + Leisure. A grandnephew of M. F. K, Fisher, he grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Switzerland. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, architect Yumi Moriwaki, and their two daughters.
Bildnachweis: Photo by Benoit Peverelli, from author's website.

Werke von Luke Barr





We've all heard of Ritz, but most of us know nothing about the man. His is a rags to riches story, and for me, an engrossing one. It's a story full of social history and most of the players are famous people we've heard of. Barr repeats himself too much, but other than that, it was an engrossing read.
dvoratreis | 7 weitere Rezensionen | May 22, 2024 |
This is a lovely book. It's well written and the subject was, for me, very nostalgic. I wasn't party to any of the events and I never met any of the people. Those included M.F.K. Fisher (the author's great aunt), Julia and Paul Child, Judith Jones, James Beard, Simone Beck, and others. I'm not much of a cook, but I love the pleasure of both eating and reading about good food and the people who do the cooking and of course I, like many others, used to watch Julia on TV. I think I've read all of M.F.K. Fisher, also of and about Julia Child, and so in that way I know them.

Barr explains by relating the last time they were all together in Provence, what each of them did to introduce and promote good cooking in America. And we are all the descendants of that turning point in American culinary history when the tide turned and good cooking became a little less French and a little more American. As Alice Waters writes, "Luke Barr has inherited the clear and inimitable voice of his great-aunt M.F.K. Fisher, and deftly portrays a crucial turning point in the history of food in America with humor, intimacy, and deep perception. Provence 1970 is beautifully written and totally fascinating." I'll drink to that.
… (mehr)
dvoratreis | 23 weitere Rezensionen | May 22, 2024 |
Вас позвали запустить первый элитный отель в одном из главных городов мира. Вы блестяще справились, но возникла деликатная проблема: в такое место, как мотыльки на свет, слетелись дамы полусвета. Респектабельная публика может отшатнуться. Как избавиться от нежелательных клиенток? У Сезара Рица, человека, чьей фамилией назовут отели, а именем — салат, был лайфхак и на этот счет: дресс-код. В истории HORECA тандем Риц — Эскофье по своему влиянию сравним с дуэтом Леннон — Маккартни в музыке. Отельер и ресторатор-кулинар тонко уловили потребности обладателей новых состояний рубежа XIX–XX веков, но не упустили и аристократов, которые все еще задавали тон. О каждом из них по отдельности уже написаны книги. Эта, возможно, первая, исследующая синергетический эффект работы двух гениев, определивших каноны сегмента luxury на век вперед.… (mehr)
Den85 | 7 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 3, 2024 |
This is a delicious book about some of America's gastronomic greats. Read it someplace beautiful with some decadent nibbles by your side because it will definitely make you hungry.
dele2451 | 23 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 17, 2022 |


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