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“Provide value for the customer and client through a giving relationship in talking about how you can help them through solving one of their problems and being a source of knowledge that will help them to succeed by connecting them to others through facilitating healthy, timely, communicative skills with positivity, joy, and good people skills. Never talk about yourself. Always ask what they are looking for in terms of outreach or output and provide it without expecting anything in return. Build relationships and teams. Not negativity and discord. “
Kaianna.Isaure | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 7, 2023 |
Key takeaways

First 20 pages move extremely fast setting up the premise of what will be presented

Liking is the single most powerful element in a sales relationship.

The workday starts the night before

Thirty to forty percent of
all customers will buy price. That's the
bad news. The good news is 60-70% of all
customers will buy value if you provide it to

If you can concentrate on use and ownership,
then you can focus on cost and long term
value as opposed to price.

Question to determine decision maker : How would a decision like using our service be made? …. Then what?

Ask questions about productivity and provide

Building rapor can include humor.
Thought **** when calling someone tell them something funny or crazy that had just happened such as a cow crossing holding up traffic or something irate to get them talking

Use creativity to differentiate and dominate

If you plan to be different, start with your voicemail message

When faced with the “I’m satisfied with who we use or were happy with the process we have now” your response:
I often times hear that from the many prospective new clients I work with, and they always saw the same thing that they are satisfied with who they use now, however our customers our ecstatic and thrilled while we give them incredible value , their more productive and are reaping the profits of doing business with us.

SUCCESS STRATEGY: Identify and eliminate (or outweigh). Ask your prospect: "What's the risk?" Then ask "What's the reward?" If the risk is low, and the reward is high, then the
decision is obvious.

Add testimonials to your website that overcome your most common buyer risks.
What should a written testimonial say?

A written testimonial should be phrased in a way that takes away a risk or neutralizes a fear. It should be phrased in a way
that shows a value benefit or a specific enhancement.

-A testimonial should show action and make a call to action.
"I used to use a competitor, I switched to ABC, so should you?

-A testimonial should overcome an objection. "I thought their
price was too high, bought it any way, came to realize they had the best value."
-A testimonial should re-enforce a claim.
"I increased my productivity. I earned more profit."
kvan1993 | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 5, 2023 |
Very repetitive but easy to read book about the importance of establishing one's self in terms of writing to enhance your own image so that others will want to meet you. Also harps heavily on helping a connection first before asking for anything.
skipstern | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 11, 2021 |
book aims to demystify buying principles for salespeople. HARD
JRCornell | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 5, 2019 |
Sales Magnet for course - not really an ebook - look at the page count and then consider that it is setup like a brochure so the entire word count would fit on a single page if it was just text. If I had known I would not have purchased.
jeremiahstover | Jul 4, 2017 |
Sales Magnet for course - not really an ebook - look at the page count and then consider that it is setup like a brochure so the entire word count would fit on a single page if it was just text. If I had known I would not have purchased.
jeremiahstover | Jul 4, 2017 |
Sales Magnet for course - not really an ebook - look at the page count and then consider that it is setup like a brochure so the entire word count would fit on a single page if it was just text. If I had known I would not have purchased.
jeremiahstover | Jul 4, 2017 |
My boss got me this book for Christmas and asked me to read it. I'm not a salesman, my job is not necessarily sales, but it was a motivational read - there were some tidbits, some rules, that I have taken away from this book and am going to use in my job.
donhazelwood | Mar 8, 2014 |
Has some good strategies and practices to follow. At times though it feels like an avenue for the author to brag of his accomplishments. I'm a big fan of Gitomer's, but this doesn't rank as one of his best.
capiam1234 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2013 |
Has some good strategies and practices to follow. At times though it feels like an avenue for the author to brag of his accomplishments. I'm a big fan of Gitomer's, but this doesn't rank as one of his best.
smcamp1234 | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 14, 2013 |
This was one of those unfortunate buys where the cover and title got me but the content let me down.
ShavonJones | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 6, 2012 |
amurphy98 | May 17, 2011 |
I've heard colleagues rave about this "little book" series, but this particular selection provided nothing new for me. Moreover, I didn't care for the approach. It was a continuous diatribe repeating the same basic admonition to have a Y--! Attitude (we're not allowed to actually use the phrase without permission), supplemented only occasionally with an example or a re-interpretation of wisdom I've read elsewhere. He even re-interpreted Stephen Covey, stating that Covey had his "Seek first to understand..." habit wrong. He also advises against taking in more than a minute or two of the news each day, since it's so negative. I agree it is negative, but also believe we need to balance our own precious ego with an appreciation for the struggles of those around us. What I liked least about this book were the continuous and overt direct sales references. He repeatedly promoted his other products and pushed the reader to register on his website.
jpsnow | Jan 30, 2010 |
Some useful bits but overall an egotists exercise in self promotion.½
SaxonX | 6 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 13, 2009 |
Guida bestseller -più di 200 mila copie vendute in America- sull’arte della vendita; ha aiutato centinaia di migliaia di persone a riuscire dove milioni di altre falliscono.

Un manuale da leggere e rileggere, denso d’informazioni distillate dalla ricerca di Gitomer sui metodi e le tecniche dei migliori venditori di sempre. La Bibbia delle Vendite presenta, con un tono disinvolto, ricco di suggerimenti e di consigli pratici, ma che lasciano intravedere la solida base teorica, una miniera d’informazioni a cui fare costantemente riferimento per raggiungere risultati eclatanti, immediati e costruire un’inossidabile relazione di fiducia con il cliente.
SangiovannisEdizioni | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 21, 2009 |
I really enjoyed this book. A must have for anybody in Sales. The insight provided is concise and straightforward. Really teaches how to make the transition from a seller to customer standpoint. Very good info on overcoming objections. The ideas and concepts are in the real world. This book is very motivating. Highly recommend.½
markdeo | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 8, 2009 |
I've been a fan of Gitomer since I picked up his Little Red Book of Selling a couple of years ago. I read The Sales Bible last year and after attending his seminar this morning I picked up the audio version and am plugging it in to Automobile University for the next week.
dareber | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 11, 2008 |
Little Book; Big Ideas

Looking for a spark to reignite your passion for selling?

Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible, has produced another gem. His lively style and straight talk make this book an inspirational motivator for salespeople who need to have a fire lit under them.

Combining professionalism with humor, he presents more than a dozen principles of sales greatness.

Gitomer combines colorful language with a punchy style to put the fun in the fundamentals of selling.
PointedPundit | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 25, 2008 |
chestergap | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 23, 2018 |
Knock Your Socks Off is back! The successful formula for wowing customers has been adapted into a surefire strategy for winning sales. Written by the illustrious team of Gitomer and Zemke, this book helps salespeople succeed in today's complex and stiffly competitive sales environment.

In today's world, customers choose slowly and carefully. They demand product customization at mass manufacture prices, and they want limitless opportunities to change their minds. On top of all that, salespeople face a marketplace awash in products and services, where good first impressions and long-term relationships have never been so crucial.

Knock Your Socks Off Selling equips salespeople with the knowledge, skills, and personal resolve necessary for navigating these murky waters. Readers learn about:

* The philosophy of KYSO selling: How to master the art, craft, and science of buoying the customers' comfort level and confidence to buy. * The KYSO attitude: How to embody the straightforward credo of learning the customers' businesses and helping them understand how a product or service fits their needs. * KYSO selling skills: How to excel at the essential skills, such as networking, generating leads, making appointments, making presentations, assuring sales, and following through. * The KYSO selling reward: How to mature the relationship from "Buyer/Seller" to "Partnership"--and keep customers coming back again and again.
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Alinea | Jul 15, 2010 |
I included this book in my book: The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.
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toddsattersten | 3 weitere Rezensionen | May 8, 2009 |
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