
Rachel HauckRezensionen

Autor von The Wedding Dress

49+ Werke 3,566 Mitglieder 311 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 9 Lesern


I couldn't really figure out the genre of this book. It's about four girls in the summer of 77. They're all best friends and they've played a prank at a university and instead of serving their punishment picking up litter on the side of the road, the judge agrees to let them be camp counsellors for the summer. They're all hiding secrets from each other. It goes back and forth between that storyline and the girls in 1997. There was a true life murder of three girls in a camp during that time and that is a part of this story. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a suspense or a mystery or a coming of age.
It kind of jumped around a lot and at times felt a bit unresolved. There is one part where one of the girls sees a big tent and hears music and as she walks by someone sitting at the fire pit he can't see or hear her and the next morning everyone wondered where she had been. Was she dreaming? hallucinating? Was it real?
I did enjoy the book and was curious to see where it was going but there were also the points above that I didn't enjoy. It just didn't feel like a cohesive story but I found it entertaining.
This book was reviewed on the Literary Club Podcast episode 62
Piper29 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | May 13, 2024 |
A good part of the drama herein felt rather manufactured - of all the many and definitely staggering changes and difficulties involved in marrying into a foreign royal family, giving up US citizenship? Should neither have been a shock nor, perhaps, such a sticking point - not at the late date of immediately before the wedding, at least.

The persistent conflation - intentional or not - between being American and being Christian and being part of the Kingdom of Brighton (and that definitely threw me off as well, as a name for the original country) and part of the Kingdom of Heaven (in this, mortal world?) was unsteadying and offputting to me.

Meanwhile some of the conflict that I had anticipated seeing after the early setup disappeared; not smoothed away but forgotten in the manufactured and strange drama, and never handled again.

Even the last-minute addition of an obstacle after the main conflict was resolved wasn't really handled, just dropped again immediately after being raised, without even actually saying what the outcome was. Despite it including things like official accusations of treason, which are hardly so easily dropped.
Kalira | 4 weitere Rezensionen | May 12, 2024 |
did not finish due to library due date. read until 86% and have no interest in seeing how it ends.
libraryofemma | 13 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
Loved this one and all the Faith content
libraryofemma | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
A bit tired of reading about princes who want to marry for LoVe.
libraryofemma | 26 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 18, 2024 |
My Review:

Genre: Historical/Contemporary, romance, Christian fiction.

My Rating: 5 stars.

My Recommendation: 16 up for romance and warnings below.

My Favorite Character/s: Hmm, for the contemporary side of the story my favorite character was likely Bruno, he was interesting to read about. I’ve never read a story with a sports agent as a lead character and it was cool seeing what he did.

My Verse for Bruno is Mark 9:23

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. (King James Version.)

For the historical part of the book, my favorite character was, Everleigh, I enjoyed seeing how she changed through the story. From a newlywed young woman to a matured widow, learning to love and trust while still keeping her heart safe.

My Verse for Everleigh is Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (King James Version.)

My Thoughts: This book started differently than I expected … I’m not sure what I expected honestly. But this? It was higher than my expectations! I’ve never yet had the pleasure of reading a book by Rachal Hauck until this one landed in my hands. I saw a review on one of Hauck’s other works but I never got around to check it out … now I wish I had since this is one of the best books I’ve read.

Warnings: An unwed pregnancy.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program as well as the author/publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
abigailkayharris | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 1, 2024 |
Wow! This book really touches the heart. The characters are so realistic and relatable. Each one faces different and difficult circumstances during what should be the best summer of their lives. The emotions that come across the page are, at times, raw and heartbreaking.

There are themes of friendship, love, and faith. I love the Preacher! He's always there; even when you're in the desert.

I took away two things from this book. #1- Friendship is important. Forgiveness is essential in friendship.
#2- God is more important! Listening for His voice, always. He will speak, and He does listen

Read this book! You won't be disappointed!!
Sassyjd32 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this book! A dual time line romance. Present day, Chloe is finally given the chance to act for an epic love story. Jesse had a devastating past relationship but finds some solace after writing a love story about his relative.
Hamilton and Esther's relationship is forbidden by Esther's father. War separates them for years and a letter holds the key to the future. 250 years later a love story is finished.
A definite must read!
Sassyjd32 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
A very good book! I liked the history and getting to know the characters!
Sassyjd32 | 35 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
I loved this book! I have read all of the books in this series and each one was a delight!
Sassyjd32 | 15 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
Wonderful book! I laughed, but mostly cried. A great read!
Sassyjd32 | 10 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 22, 2023 |
While looking for a good audiobook recently, I decided to check this book out. I haven’t read any Rachel Hauck books before, and it looked like one that might be interesting. To my delight, this was an intriguing dual-timeline story!

I especially enjoyed the historical portion of this book. While both the historical and modern parts of this story were interesting, I enjoyed the historical side more. I haven’t read many books set in the ‘50s and ‘60s, so it was interesting to get a bit of a glimpse into what the world may have looked like when my grandparents were relatively close to my age.

I did struggle with this story some, too; the faith element fell a little flat for me, and it contained more romance than I was hoping for. I also was disappointed by how predictable the plot became, and felt that some characters’ reactions and decisions (like the policeman’s wife) were unrealistic—perhaps what we would wish for, as Christians, but not what typically would happen due to human nature.

This wasn’t a standout read for me, despite some elements that I really enjoyed. I loved the thought of an older lady doing her best to pour into children who needed a grandmother. The amnesia element was intriguing, and the romance was sweet. Overall, this wasn’t a great book; it also wasn’t terrible. I doubt I’d ever read it again, but I’m not sorry I read it once.½
EstherFilbrun | 22 weitere Rezensionen | Dec 17, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
When you’re young and have close friends, you could never imagine them not in your live as you grow up. This story takes us back to the summer after high school for four close friends, but flashes ahead in parts to show at what point in life the characters are as adults. I really enjoyed this coming of age story, but at the same time getting to see how things turned out, which as we know is never perfect.
I received a free copy of this book through the Early Reviewers Program in exchange for an honest review.

Carrie88 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 2, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I give this book four stars because I am not a great fan of going back and forth in time. I enjoyed the contemporary story, but the one in the past could have been told in a much shorter way. It was easy to figure out the past with a lot less information. I skipped a lot of it. The writing was good, but I guess I am just an impatient reader.
esthersorber | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 18, 2023 |
Features the following books: Lambert's Pride; Lambert's Code; Lambert's Peace .
MenoraChurch | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 17, 2023 |
I feel that The Best Summer of Our Lives is a bit of a departure from what you would expect from a novel by Rachel Hauck. The book centers around four long-time best friends who are embarking into adulthood. Having graduated from high school and caught pulling an over the top prank, they are sentenced to work as camp counselors in Tumbleweed, Oklahoma. The Four Seasons as they are known to family, friends, and classmates grow up a lot during the 8 weeks they spend in the isolated camp, but that is only the beginning of this coming-of-age story.

I have to admit that I did not like the names of the 4 girls — Spring, Summer, Autumn (aka Fall), and Margaret “Snow” Snowden. You see why they are dubbed the 4 Seasons. But, for me, the names really got in the way of getting to know the characters. I kept getting confused on who was who. It took me about half the book to become comfortable with who they were. The book really is Summer’s story, with side plots of her best friends. My book club wished there had been more Summer and less the other characters. We really liked the Prodigal aspect of the book, and Summer’s encounters with The Preacher presented some powerful scenes. But there were other times when the book seemed like a soap opera (I won’t share specifics because that would reveal spoilers) involving the other members of the Seasons. I also really liked that most of the men in the book were generally good guys. Reconciliation, grace, and forgiveness are strong themes.

The Best Summer of Our Lives has gotten really great reviews, so I urge you to look at those. Reviewing is subjective and a lot of things can influence how someone feels about a book. While I am glad I read it, it is not a favorite of mine from Hauck.

Audience: adults.

(Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are mine alone.)
vintagebeckie | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 6, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
The Best Summer of Our Lives, by Rachel Hauck, is a dual-time story with the same characters set 20 years apart. With the number of characters and the time changes, it took me a bit to get into the book, but once I did, I enjoyed it. Characters are realistic and relatable. I especially liked Baby Season as a pre-teen and as an adult. It is a story of secrets kept and revealed and the aftermath of the revelations. Can relationships be repaired, or are they forever severed? The author adds a beautiful romance involving a man who pursued the one he loved, despite difficulties. The Best Summer of Our Lives is a story of friendships, tragic events, forgiveness, and redemption that readers who enjoy heartwarming stories will not want to miss. I was given a complimentary copy of the book through LibraryThing and was not required to write a positive review. The opinions are my own.
Anne_Rightler | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 14, 2023 |
This is a book that will resonate with so many people and it's being released at the perfect time of year! The Best Summer of Our Lives is a great beach read that is definitely a trip down memory lane because each chapter has the title of a song that was popular during that era. Songs that were blaring from car radios or playing on the transistor radios as we tried to get that perfect tan! These song titles perfectly illustrate the challenges of the four main characters in this book---four best friends who were expecting the best summer of their lives. How did their plans change so drastically?

We're introduced to best friends Summer, Autumn, Spring, and Snow in 1977 and author Rachel Hauck uses a dual timeline to reveal their lives as they are in 1997, twenty years later. Twenty years of secrets, successes, and failures, along with recollections of a friendship that once seemed unbreakable. There are painful memories and gritty realities, but Hauck weaves them together with a powerful faith message to remind us that love endures, redemption is possible, and forgiveness is a must! Grab a box of tissues and prepare to lose yourself in a story that may very well take you back to your own best summer. I recommend The Best Summer of Our Lives to all who enjoy contemporary Christian fiction!

I received a complimentary copy from the author and publisher. There was no obligation for a favorable review. These are my own thoughts.
fcplcataloger | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jul 3, 2023 |
I enjoyed The Best Summer of Our Lives for so many reasons. One, it has a wonderful nostalgic feel that brought back many memories of my own. Two, I adore dual-time stories! Three, I can relate to the group of four, belonging to a bestie-four group myself, and understood the dynamics (in a sense.) And there are too many more to list here.

This is a wonderful book to take on a beach vacation, especially if you lived during the 70s through 90s. What a memorable trip through the years. These four girls share their own unique personalities and I appreciate their growth. Perhaps one of the most valuable things in this story is the element of faith.

Told from different perspectives, each girl reveals a unique personality, (bossy, sad, smart, and displaced) offering so much flavor to the book. It took me just a bit to grasp who was who (at first) but it was easy to relish in each as the story progressed.

This is a delightful coming-of-age story focusing on friendship, romance, and faith.

First Line: The second Summer tumbled into Tumbleweed, Oklahoma, she’d arrived in the middle of the end.
Genre: Christian Fiction
Author: Rachel Hauck
Page Count: 384

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.
CoverLoverBookReview | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 30, 2023 |
This story was rich in character growth and development and an enjoyable read. I had a hard time initially keeping all the characters straight between four girls and two different timelines, but once I settled into the story, I found myself invested in their lives. Although the girls have their immaturities in their younger years, it was nice to read about their growth in the later years. The thread of faith was well woven into the novel, and I especially loved the way the author tied the common theme of clinging to and running to Jesus in her author note at the end as well. There is a hint of mystery that makes the story engaging and I enjoyed how the ending brought everything together. Overall, I enjoyed this novel and recommend it to those who love women’s fiction.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.
lifeofliterature | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 28, 2023 |
The Best Summer of Our Lives by Rachel Hauck is the PERFECT summer read, whether hanging out at the pool or chilling on your sofa. Filled with the warm glow of memories from days gone by and the sweet security of sisterhood, The Best Summer of Our Lives takes you on a nostalgic journey of four girls coming of age, counting the cost of secrets, and discovering how to stand on their own. I was immediately drawn into the drama of the Four Seasons (Summer, Spring, Autumn, and Snow) and loved getting to know their equally quirky personalities. This story isn’t light reading. It deals with many heavy topics, but it gives us a true look at life and the ways that God can weave together one broken thread after another to create a beautiful tapestry of our lives. Readers will see themselves in each of the Seasons and cheer for these women to overcome the obstacles we stumble over as we walk through this broken world. It’s a beautiful story. An inspirational read. A labor of love honoring those who are bound to us in friendship and our greatest Friend of all, who knows all our secrets, and our fears, and is still willing to walk through the ugliest parts of life with us. Please, put this story on top of your TBR, and be sure to get a copy for your best friends, too!

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions are my own.
BlessednBookish | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 27, 2023 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
This book is hard to review. I liked the concept and a couple of the characters were fairly well fleshed out but that's about all the good I can say about this particular book. I've read others by Rachel Hauck that I did enjoy more.

The first thing that I didn't like was the misuse and mis-spelling of words. One that really stuck out was using "wit" instead of "whit" which, at one point, made the character sound stupid. Some might call me a grammatic police person but it really spoils a book with glaring errors. Especially when you have to read a sentence over and over. Sometimes the sentence seemed to be in the wrong place totally, or unnecessary altogether.

The second thing I didn't like was that her theology did not align with mine. And for this being Christian fiction, nothing was even mentioned until about halfway through the book. Last, I felt the ending left too much unfinished.

I would not recommend this book. I give it a generous 3 out of 5-star review. I was given the chance to read and review this book through LibraryThing. I am not required to leave a positive review, or one at all.
grammy57 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 26, 2023 |
I loved this story and how it brought back memories of growing up in the late seventies. I really liked the four seasons. I loved that each of these girls were very different from each other but they were best friends. I loved that this story made me laugh and cry. I recommend having many tissues handy while reading and be willing to stay up late to finish. I really enjoyed how the story went back and forth from the summer of 1977 to 1997. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 24, 2023 |
n interesting story using a parallel timeline using four best friends. They go through a summer of various struggles the summer after graduation. They've had the motto all for one and one for all and have lived their lives as four best friends for years.

The parallel of the twenty year gap sees how that summer of 1977 changed all four of them in ways you wonder if they will grow stronger or grow apart.

Well done.

Disclaimer: I received a NetGalley copy compliments of the publisher with no expectations in return. The thoughts and comments above are my own I chose to share voluntarily.
Tammy3 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 21, 2023 |
This is definitely a summer read! Four girls on the brink of adulthood and have their sights on college and rooming together as they start the next chapter of their lives. But one not so smart prank has them all having to do community service over the summer. Goodbye to their European trip and the best summer of their lives. Allowed to complete their service as counselors as a camp in Oklahoma, the four head west and camp shows they that they maybe really didn't know each other as well as they thought and that everyone has secrets. Told through the various girls, as well as life after camp, twenty years later. The story slowly unfolds until you find out what really happened during the last Truth Session at camp and what put them on the paths they are on twenty years later and how those secrets changed things. I really enjoyed this novel, the storyline and it brought back memories from camp and high school and does show how quickly things can change. All four characters had different personalities and I love how the author wound their names to draw out more depth within the story. I also enjoyed that she added some true crime that was happening at the time and what that would have caused. This is a good summer read for all ages. Thank you to the author for the free novel and allowing me to be part of the launch team. I look forward to more by her. This review is of my own opinion and accord.
Chelz286 | 16 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 4, 2023 |