
Holly HoodRezensionen

Autor von Ink (Ink, #1)

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Young adult romance.
Bettesbooks | Jul 12, 2016 |
Wicked Little Sins by Holly Hood

Everly, Charley, Quinn and Ethan gather together when they learn their Mother has been murdered. Everly, is a musician. Ethan (the only boy) and baby of the family is a reluctant college student. Charley, is a big time publisher. And Quin, working as a waitress, is trying to decide what to do with her life.

Each one struggles with their own inner demons and personal problems. Their Mother was the "glue" that kept them together. With her now gone, they are left alone to face their own problems,the tragic loss, and find their own way to deal with life.

Each sibling has their good qualities and their weaknesses. I did like all of them, all have good qualities and flaws. When the truth of their Mother is revealed the family is torn, learning she (their Mother) is less than perfect is a hard reality to face. Soon secrets will be revealed, secrets that some wish never to have learned.

The plot is fascinating, dramatic, thrilling and suspenseful. Each sibling facing their own personal problems along with the death of their Mother gets quite intense.

Watching how each one handles their life problems, death, betrayal and secrets made a great page-turning all-night-read. The characters are well developed, the sibling rivalry, and camaraderie are real. Overall Wicked Little Sins is a fantastic, intense read. I highly recommend to those who love a great nail-biting page-turning dramatic story.
SheriAWilkinson | Mar 11, 2016 |
I apologise to the author as it took me much longer than anticipated to review this book. I think one of the main reasons for this is that despite compelling writing, try as I might I just couldn't like the main characters.

First of all, this is 18 mature YA. There is plenty of sex and violence. I was taken aback by it, although the author did give a fair warning about the contents of the book.

Hope moves into Cherry, CA with her alcoholic father and younger twin-brothers leaving her friends and dreams behind. Straight away she becomes involved into the strange dynamics of this town. One group organising rock concerts in the park and participating in them is being vilified by the whole town, accused of witchcraft and murder.

Her first day in town, Hope meets Slade, who is a part of this group and an amazing singer, and they feel instant attraction. He is a classic bad-ass - tattoos, black leather, etc.

Hope also meets Tucker, a hunky son of a Mayor of Cherry. Tucker goes to the same Art School as Hope who is a very talented singer. Her grandmother and Tucker's mom actively try playing matchmaking with them.

Despite the predictable popular love triangle, magic, sex and violence the whole book is pretty bizarre, because both Slade and Tucker are dicks (sorry, there is no polite way of saying that). They might say the right things but their actions are so self-centered, so sickeningly negligent of Hope's well-being, I'm frankly at loss why would anyone like them?

Tucker is a spoiled rotten rich teenager with a bitchy stepmother and a psychotic dad. Slade might be poor and rebellious but at heart he is a manipulative little bastard.

I think my problem is that I felt bad for Hope whose naivete made her fall for a guy like these two. The girl is courageous and is not afraid to stand up for herself, but she made stupid stupid choices and I couldn't bring myself to like her for that. I know I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy the story, and I know for a fact that a lot of people did.

However, I've seen too many men like that in real life. It's not funny and it's not attractive.

Also Karsen, hell of a best friend... Too much sex, just too much.

I'd better stop ranting.

I think at seventeen I would have found this book daring and exciting, but now? I'm too old to fall for it, peeps :)

Don't let my rant discourage you. Decide for yourself what you like.
kara-karina | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2015 |
Haven't gotten through all these super sexy fun reads but what I have makes this a great collection. Rockers, actors, and billionaires make these stories fantastic! They are sizzling and will give hours of entertainment. I highly recommend this!

Mixed Up by Sky Corgan - Super entertaining and sizzling! Kira desperately needs a job but when the interviewer shows up naked she's not sure this is the job for her! But he is one hot billionaire so maybe.... You'll love this story!

Somebody to Love by Blair Babylon - I loved this story! Hot Rocker Tryp and quiet roadie Elfie shouldn't work but they do! She calms his crazy and he brings her to life. This is a great romance.
Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
This is an amazing collection of stories and any one of them makes the price worth it! I haven't read them all but the ones I have are fantastic.

Beyond Love and Hate by Zoe York - He fears relationships, she yearns for ever after, they have explosive chemistry. In this wonderfully written novella we find the story of Finn and Beth and discover how wants and desires can change when love is found. This is a great novella that makes for a light afternoon read.

Forever Sheltered by Deanna Roy - Loved this one!! Finally a story in this series I didn't need a box of tissues to get through it! Still a very emotional read with both the Hero and heroine facing incredible challenges and pain in life. I felt the characters worked well together and couldn't help pulling for everyone. We get to catch up with our other series favorite characters as well. Very well written.

First Taste by Mira Bailee - Love this one!! Devon Stone is definitely my favorite Stone brother. While Devon and Kaiden may be twins, they definitely approach life differently. Devon is the bad boy and appears to want nothing to do with the business. When he meets shy, reserved, and slightly OCD Olivia he is immediately interested but convincing Olivia to give them a chance proves a bit difficult. Olivia can't understand what a guy like Devon Stone would want with her nor does she feel she can handle the life he deals with. Their story is just getting started and I can't wait to watch it develop! I highly recommend!!
Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
To begin, there were a lot of grammatical errors in this book. I do recommend a strong editing to help it along. I thought Eve was a spoiled brat. She had a wealthy family and the opportunity to go to school, which she complained about. She lost a brother, in a horrible way, but so many people lose people they love and they don't complain and feel sorry for themselves like Eve does. Evan seems like a great guy with a tough job. He is just looking for someone to understand what he has to do each day and accept it. Eve seems to accept, but then they fight so much that I wonder why he keeps wanting to spend time with her. She doesn't even seem likeable.

The story is a great story. I never saw the "reaper" coming and they way it is tied into the mob is very refreshing. It could be changed around a bit to make Eve more likeable and less whiny. I hated the ending. I am a happy ending type of person, and when a book leaves me feeling sad or angry, I have a hard time "liking" it.
PJFiala | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 17, 2015 |
I was caught from the beginning. Romance and mystery is a great combo. The world and characters are well developed. It was hard to walk away from but I did have to sleep.
Tala2cubs | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 3, 2014 |
Dark, strong, and a little disturbing. Well written and a different perspective on the incubus. The characters are well developed. I read it straight thru in a day. Recommended for adults. If you’re looking for a sweet love story do not read this.
Tala2cubs | Sep 3, 2014 |
The plane crash left Eve wondering if she was dead and her father's condition leaves her reeling as she learns more about the family she now calls hers. She feels so close to finding out what Marcus is tryin to tell her....but will she figure it out in time?
Holly has done it again!! The Wingless series grabs your attention and holds it effortlessly. I read the entire book in around 24 hours, even crazy busy, cause I couldn't wait to find out what happens next! I look forward to readig more of this amazing series!!
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 25, 2013 |
Eve thought her life with Evan would be so much simpler once his dad was out of their lives...she quickly learns why people are so fond of the expression "be careful what you wish for" as Eve finds her life even more complicated! Her relationships with her family change with the weather it seems, her relationship with Kenny has forever changed, Evan is always preoccupied with work, and let's not forget Oliver, whose arrival is unplanned, unexpected, and adds even more obsticles for Eve.

In the fourth installment Holly doesn't disappoint! She keeps you guessing and takes you places you never thought you'd see! I'm so hooked on this series, I'll be right there with Evan and Eve til the end!
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 25, 2013 |
Love this author and this series :)
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 25, 2013 |
The plane crash left Eve wondering if she was dead and her father's condition leaves her reeling as she learns more about the family she now calls hers. She feels so close to finding out what Marcus is tryin to tell her....but will she figure it out in time?
Holly has done it again!! The Wingless series grabs your attention and holds it effortlessly. I read the entire book in around 24 hours, even crazy busy, cause I couldn't wait to find out what happens next! I look forward to readig more of this amazing series!!
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 25, 2013 |
Eve thought her life with Evan would be so much simpler once his dad was out of their lives...she quickly learns why people are so fond of the expression "be careful what you wish for" as Eve finds her life even more complicated! Her relationships with her family change with the weather it seems, her relationship with Kenny has forever changed, Evan is always preoccupied with work, and let's not forget Oliver, whose arrival is unplanned, unexpected, and adds even more obsticles for Eve.

In the fourth installment Holly doesn't disappoint! She keeps you guessing and takes you places you never thought you'd see! I'm so hooked on this series, I'll be right there with Evan and Eve til the end!
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 25, 2013 |
Love this author and this series :)
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 25, 2013 |
As an avid reader, I have become used to the highs and lows of emotion in my books. With that said it is very difficult to spark an emotion dark enough to make me cry, but Perfectly Hopeless reaches deep enough to touch that nerve. As I was blubbering I was shocked to realize this story have affected me so deeply. This was a terrible story about young love and loss. I was so caught up in the romance between Maven and Henri that I was blindsided we he began showing symptoms of being sick. Maven nor Henri really acknowledge the future they were desperate to live for today, and enjoy every minute. It is tragic that a young couple could find what many will search for for a lifetime; only to have it yanked back so quickly. Life can be so unfair, and this is an example of that reality when a simple dance and a scuffle with an ex-boyfriend would be the weight between life and death. This story will leave readers speechless, and overcome by the grief felt from within these pages.

BookWhisperer | Feb 27, 2012 |
This really was a fantastic read. I was captured right from the beginning, and found myself staying up late and getting up early so I could read more.

The book starts off with Hope and some of her family moving out to Cherry, CA. They are a family divided, and her paternal grandmother lives out west, so they decide to leave GA. They aren’t rich, but they are definitely moving to a wealthy area. Hope, her dad, and two of her brothers (Eliot and Easton – twins) pack up the van and are on their way.

Right away Hope meets a few people, and they are all kind of haughty. She manages to make a couple friends right away, but no one like her bestie back home, Karsen.

And then one night she sees a bunch of people walking down the beach, and they are all heading the same direction. She decides to investigate and comes upon a rock concert! The crowd is enthralled, and soon starts to get wild. But someone is coming to Hope’s rescue, a guy full of tattoos, mystery, and carrying a baseball bat! His name is Slade, and he saves her from the rock hungry crowd.

And then Hope meets Tucker. He’s the classic all American boy type: fantastically good looking, charming. And he’s giving Hope lots of attention. What girl wouldn’t be flattered and excited?

Boy, these two guys, Slade and Tucker, really had me in a tug of war for the first half of the book. I could easily see how Hope was having trouble picking just one. But luckily that difficulty doesn’t last. She goes on dates with each of them.

Slade and Hope’s first date is the perfect teen dream. Two young people learning about each other, fanning that spark. The undertow of excitement, curiosity and fascination took me back in time and made me want more, more, more! I thought right there I had made my mind up, regardless of the story I was picking Slade.

But then Tucker picks Hope up for the first day of school and he seems so sweet and genuine. Could it be true? I was wrestling with myself mentally here. He seems so intent on getting to know her better and definitely on a flirtier level. I must admit, if it was me I would have totally fallen for his tactics. Flirty, fun, carefree. Then I made my mind up again, I wanted Tucker.

And then I flip flopped around, every new fact giving you more information. Do you go with the mainstream and play it “safe” or do you go outside your boundaries where there is passion and danger?

So which does she pick? Who steals her heart? And whose mystery is more dangerous than fun? This book was really good at keeping you guessing. The author gives you a little hint, then steers you in a new direction. But either way, you are glued to the page, waiting to see where the path goes. You get to see the characters really develop and grow all while going on a great trip. I got mad, I got happy, and I was anxious and scared. It was a lengthy book, but for me it went superfast and would be positively happy if it were even longer – or a series
FictionalCandy | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 14, 2012 |
There are some books you read that make you remember your teen years fondly. Though mine was never covered with the outstanding magical fantasy that didn’t mean that the moments of some teenage rebellion or what my father thought was didn’t compare. It made me smile and gave me fond memories of times past to pop to the imagination which only helped the story it’s self unfurl and make me turn the pages even so I stayed up all night just to finish it. Though some of the scenes are meant more for the Younger Adult I still say that this book was one that definitely goes on my save to read shelf .

Hope is dealing with the divorce and change to her lives that her parents have thrown them all into. Missing her life and friends in Georgia is one thing. Doing it because she feels her father couldn’t live without her is another. His drinking problem only seems to pull her more into an adult life than she really needs to be basically mothering not only her father and her twin brothers that came with them to California Hope has lost herself into that roll of teenage parent almost. Covering all things for her father when he’s to busy being drunk in his room and being lost in the loss of his wife.

Finding herself on meeting few people one that she meets first is Slade, The quiet brooding , tattooed and pierced young man from down at Henry Park. One of the band members of the mysterious band Evil Kings of Ink. She is drawn to him. But the fun doesn’t stop there . She meets Tucker as well one of the popular handsome boys of Ashwilder School of the Arts which is where Hope is going to school as well and is warned to stay away from Slade. The question is which is more dangerous Tucker or Slade? If you want to know I HIGHLY suggest you pull out this wonderful work from Holly Hood. I know I hope that perhaps there will be more on the whole story of Hope and the mystical life she comes to lead.
1 abstimmen
Angelscryhavoc | 3 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 7, 2011 |
I loved it!! I can't wait to read more! Once I started I didn't want to stop, the characters are amazing and they storyline so perfect!! Eve and Evan are just such strong, real, characters. Realting to Eve is so easy and their love gives you something to wish for :)
AllmyBookfinds | 1 weitere Rezension | May 13, 2011 |
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