Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I was brought up on the classics, by which I mean mainly 18th and 19th century literature, and I think my library reflects that. I went through a thirty year long reading drought, not reading very much at all, except study books and childrens books, as I didn't have time for reading. I am making up for it now, and catching up on all the new literature around, which is very exciting.

I thought I would be clever and tag all TBR books. Suffice to say, that seems to be about 80% of my library. The reason for that is because so many of my books were originally read in my teens. It would be good to dust them down, so to speak, and give them another airing. But when? Too many books and not enough time. I can see another tag coming onto the horizon...priority reads!

Über mich
I'm Catkintails and I live in Aberdeen. I have four grown up children who live in England, and I live with my very special partner and our four beautiful feline friends.
I'm not working at present, so I fill my time with reading, writing, all kinds of crafts, and music.

