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Über meine Bibliothek
Diversity is the key - I'm currently taking part in the Olympic Challenge, which involves reading at least one book by an author from each of the countries represented at the Summer Olmpics, which is a real eye-opener. As there are more than 200 countries to cover, I'll be at it for quite a while, but I'm enjoying it so far. I am also a member of two reading circles - one on the Book Club Forum and a local one called The Posh Club, which opens me up to books I wouldn't ordinarily choose for myself.
Über mich
I'm a self-confessed bibliophile living in the North East of Scotland with my lovely non-bookworm hubby. My favourite passtime is, and always has been, reading (closely followed by writing, so reviewing is a lot of fun too). I've been asked to review books directly by authors and publishers, which I very much enjoy, and am Administrator on an active book forum (http://www.bookclubforum.co.uk/). You can find out more about me and what goes on inside my noodled mind by visiting my blog (http://kellsmurthwaite.wordpress.com/).

And in case you're wondering, that's my lovely hubby lurking behind me in the photograph!
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