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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Jun 18, 2011
Bürgerlicher Name
Dave Blankinship
Über meine Bibliothek
Lots of books that I have not entered into my list; many books on psychology, sociology, psychiatry, photography, and cooking. I like science fiction and fantasy, and Louis L'Amour's full range of writing.
Über mich
I am the author of the realistic apocalyptic story, "Phontaine's Gifts," the futurist thriller, "The Scoloderus Conspiracy," and a collection of metaphysical short stories, the "Woodcliff Anthology." I also contributed two short stories in the best selling, "Shameless Shorts Anthology" (a top seller among anthologies on Amazon).

My family and I live in Oswego, Kansas, on a densely wooded bluff 100 feet above the Neosho River Valley. It is an excellent setting for writing, playing with the dog, making mead, beer, and wine, and watching owls and eagles. Life is wonderful with a great cup of coffee, a sparkling glass of mead, or a delicious mug of nut-brown ale.
United States
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