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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Oct 12, 2006
Über meine Bibliothek
I love reading which might surprise my grade two teacher who wrote on my report card that I "should read more". I find books to offer infinitely more scope than the drivel that is making it onto the silver screen these days. My tastes vary widely from computer books (obviously) to history, business, psychology, philosophy, science-fiction (which most definitely should not be put in the same section as fantasy - a pet peev of mine when it comes to book shops), cooking, travel and politics. I am a self confessed bookaholic and seem to buy books faster than I can read them.
Über mich
I'm a programmer and have been tinkering with computers since I was 11. I have a degree in electrical engineering but have been a loyal comrad to the software development cause since I started working full time. I currently live with my girlfriend in a little cookie cutter house (cue Weeds theme tune) I built 6+ years ago and am in constant negotiations with her about letting her get a cat.
Johannesburg, South Africa
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