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Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 19, 2008
Bürgerlicher Name
Über meine Bibliothek
I am doing a project on LibraryThing, so the current library just involves the books that are on the top bookshelf of my desk in my dorm. I've already read a couple, but most are books that I am either currently reading or waiting until I have more time to read. If you want to know about any other books I read, just ask.
Über mich
First of all, I have chosen to look like Edith Wharton on LibraryThing because she is very pretty and I LOVED The House of Mirth. So heartbreaking. I majored in English and Women's Studies during undergrad and I'm currently studying Library Science and working in a library. I love spending time with friends, being a city girl, reading, singing, classic films, and swimming in natural bodies of water. I'd love to meet cool people on here to talk books with!
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Lokale Favoriten

Buchhandlungen: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Boston University Bookstore, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Brookline, Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Prudential Center, Brookline Booksmith, Curious George Goes to Wordsworth, Devaney, Doak and Garrett Booksellers, Harvard Book Store, Mr. Paperback, Farmington, Simmons College Bookstore, Twice Sold Tales

Bibliotheken: Beatley Library - Simmons College, Boston Public Library, Newton Free Library

Sonstige: Candlewick Press, Museum of Fine Arts (museum and shop), Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (museum and shop)

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