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Rocky Pines Press
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Rocky Pines Press is committed to launching beneficial nonfiction works that enable people from all walks of life to become self-actualized, insightful, and empowered.
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Dr. Joan A. Friedman is a gifted psychotherapist who has devoted many years of her professional career to educating twins and their families about twins’ emotional needs. Having worked through her own twinship challenges and parented her fraternal twin sons, she is a definitive expert about twin development. She is the author of Emotionally Healthy Twins: A New Philosophy for Parenting Two Unique Children. She has spoken to culturally diverse groups of twins around the world. Dr. Friedman’s new book focuses on issues that adult twins confront as they adjust to life as singletons after having been raised as twins: The Same but Different: How Twins Can Live, Love, and Learn to be Individuals.
11870 Santa Monica Blvd., #106-666 Los Angeles, CA 90025
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