Über mich

It all began with Alan Moore’s “The Anatomy Lesson”.

When I was far too young to be reading such things, I picked up a small, dirty, plastic-wrapped comic digest from my local library. The first and featured story was a piece by Alan Moore which started with the line: “It’s raining in Washington tonight.”

It tells the story of a mad doctor who is awaiting the resurrection of a character whose name I won’t reveal here.

Suffice it to say, I was both horrified and intrigued. My young mind had never encountered such a dark and twisted tale, whose ending at the time shocked me. I remember being transfixed by the power of Alan Moore’s imagery and the depth of his narrative. That story still haunts me to this day.

I was featured in the Toronto Sun and most recently World's Best Magazine's Christmas 2022 Edition.

Several of my works have gone on to be listed as #1 in their Amazon categories, including Cinders, Hontas & GR3T3L-1.

My first short story - Cinders - was published after a chance meeting with Academy-Award winning director Guillermo Del Toro.

Connect with me on Instagram: @v.m.sawh

Toronto, Canada
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