
fiction (81), mystery (47), western (46), romance (39), cookbook (28), Christian (23), fantasy (17), austen (16), historical (15), biography (14), Religion (13), religion (13), poetry (12), basal (12), health (10), painting (10), juvenile fiction (9), historical fiction (7), young adult (7), Juvenile (7), gardening (7), mythology (6), sports (6), children (5), northwest history (5), art (5), creativity (4), woodworking (4), remodel (4), myth (4), Cookbook (4), science fiction (4), Mystery (4), satire (4), birds (4), environment (4), history (4), geology (3), ficiton (3), pride and prejudice (3), wine (3), chess (3), fairy tales (3), dogs (3), space (3), dyslexia (3), exercise (2), Christmas (2), atlas (2), nutrition (2), diet (2), sherlock holmes (2), Dog (2), natural history (2), dictionary (2), juvenile cookbook (2), natural healing (2), harry potter (2), philosophy (2), library media (2), needlework (2), crafts (2), watercolor (2), aromatherapy (2), hiking (2), Santa thing book (2), animals (2), ocean (2), dog (2), juvenile (2), education (2), spirituality (2), non-fiction (2), sociology (2), reproduction (2), children's fiction (2), hunting (2), decorating (1), counseling (1), christian (1), sign language (1), quotations (1), christianity (1), drinks (1), archery (1), outdoor (1), rocks (1), stained glass (1), winnie the pooh (1), culture (1), logging (1), historical mystery (1), kites (1), beaches (1), celiac disease (1), acounting (1), juvenile bible stories (1), basal reader (1), traditions (1), science fantasy (1), tolkien (1), Washington History (1), Christmas crafts (1), Solar system (1), children's literature (1), own (1), Western (1), Earth (1), Games (1), Fiction (1), embroidery transfers (1), home interior (1), Christianity (1), small business startup (1), games (1), literature (1), classic (1), dog ownership (1), family (1), Washington history (1), reading basal (1), humor (1), clutter-free (1), house maintence (1), english (1), baby shower (1), illustrated (1), grammar (1), bible (1), parenting (1), native american (1), children's poetry (1), cleaning tips (1), math (1), Crafts (1), thesaurus (1), simple life (1), fishing (1), butterflies (1), wrestling (1), global warming (1), cleaning (1), calendar (1), rural living (1), military (1), music (1), teacher (1), cooking (1), prayer (1), insects (1), knitting (1), advice (1), fish (1), american literature (1), flowers (1), outdoors (1), canning (1), pooh (1), government (1), family activities (1), speculation (1), quilting (1), cross country skiing (1), juvenile american geography (1), hypothyroidism (1), medieval (1), right to bear arms (1), new age (1), whole foods (1), seashells (1), survival (1), american history (1), voluntary simplicity (1), parenting psychology (1), stenciling (1), old (1), maps (1), historical juvenile fiction (1), psuedo-science (1), home design (1), orchids (1), dinosaurs (1), crocheting (1), historical romance (1), natural (1), solar system (1)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Feb 17, 2007
Über meine Bibliothek
"Books can be possessive, cant' they? You're walking around in a bookstore (library) and a certain one will jump out at you, like it had moved there on its own, just to get your attention. Sometimes what's inside will change your life, but sometimes you don't even have to read it. Sometimes it's a comfort just to have a book around. Many of these books haven't even had their spines cracked. "Why do you buy books you don't even read?" our daughter asks us. That's like asking someone who lives alone why they bought a cat. For company of course." quoted from Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen.

Ok. so I read profusely , but this quote spoke to me as I am running out of room for books and my pile of books to be read, keeps mounting. I seem to keep buying or checking out more. It is a comfort to know that I have something to read no matter my mood or place. What is life without books?

Über mich
Mother, wife, and teacher. I have an odd and extensive Wonder Woman Collection. I rarely watch television and so I am lost in the staff room, as they discuss the latest episode of Survivor.
I have a Reading major and a Master's in Library Media Administration, thus I have been feeling a strong need to organize my library and use the dewey decimal system.
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