
Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Apr 23, 2008
Über meine Bibliothek
As you can see my book collection is reflective of my interests, namely sport/lifes great charachters and controversial people, sadly lacking in modern life, mainly siding towards sporting biographies. Im afraid I cannot get as pasionate about fiction, but as reading becomes more of my life Im sure this will change, perhaps influenced by this site.
Über mich
I am a 34 years old happily married father of one (seen right). As I type this I am about to become a father again for the second and last time on 28th April 2008.
Im currently a local government public servant, and have lived in Middlesbrough all my life, which to you folks outside the UK is a heavy industrial town in the north east of England fabled for its steel and dangerous chemical production. A town which rarely gets favourable national press but a town which has both coastal and rural beauty within 5 minutes drive, making it an area of many talents, not to mention our infuriatingly inconsistent football team, which I no longer actively follow due to being a football referee in my spare after many years as a local player. As fatherhood and responsibility has kicked in, boozing has gradually been replaced by reading, music and cooking in between my many parental duties.
I openly admit to being stuck in the 80's (not dress wise thankfully) and yearn for the days back when I stood up to watch my teams players kick the opposition without getting sent off and music was unoffensively rubbish.
I also have in increasing fascination with the history of my home town as the local council erodes our heritage with each passing year to make my home look like everywhere else.
Im sure im not alone and dont want too sound old before my time but afterall junior to your right will be old enough to bore about the good old days soon!
Wird gerade gelesen