Über meine Bibliothek
Books I own and books I have read are almost disjoint sets. I read books I borrow from a library because they have a return date, but books I buy always get moved to the back of the to-read line. I have issued myself a restraining order against bookshops (okay: with some visitation rights!), if it wasn't for the internet, I would have stopped buying books.

The books I have listed here are the books I have read, most of them in the last 2 years or so. Some are from my to-read line.
Über mich
Postdoc - math.

I blog at http://thesquaredcircle.wordpress.com

When not reading actual science, I read popular science books mostly. Other favorites are history and travelogues. Larry Gonick has gotta be the greatest author I have discovered recently - I am thrilled to be reading his "The Cartoon history of the Universe" books.

San Diego, CA


Interesante Bibliotheken