Autoren-Cloud für pymish

William Miller Abrahams(1) C. H. D. Acland(1) Peter Ackroyd(4) Harold Acton(1) Abigail Adams(1) Henry Adams(1) Brian W. Aldiss(1) William Alexander(1) Brigid Allen(1) Frederick Lewis Allen(1) Susan Mary Alsop(1) Robert Alter(1) Stephen E. Ambrose(1) Heather Amery(1) Kingsley Amis(1) Cleveland Amory(1) Bernhard W. Anderson(1) Elsie M Lang W Andrews(1) Julia Annas(1) Elizabeth von Arnim(1) Philadelphia Museum of Art(1) Cynthia Asquith(1) Pierre Assouline(1) Kate Atkinson(6) Jane Austen(7) Steven Bach(1) Anthony Bailey(2) Kenneth Baker(1) Sarah Bakewell(1) Alain Baraton(1) Michael Barber(1) William Barcham(1) Maurice Baring(1) Pat Barker(3) Correlli Barnett(1) Dan Barry(1) Patrick Barry(1) Allison Hoover Bartlett(1) Rick Bass(3) Jonathan Bate(1) H. E. Bates(1) Charles Baxter(3) Henry Beard(1) Mary Beard(1) Cecil Beaton(2) Robert Becker(1) James H. Beck(1) Sybille Bedford(1) Guy de la Bédoyère(1) S. N. Behrman(1) Barbara Belford(1) Malcolm Bell(1) Quentin Bell(3) Ludwig Bemelmans(1) Alan Bennett(2) James Bentley(1) John Berendt(1) A. Scott Berg(1) Ingmar Bergman(1) Isaiah Berlin(1) Peter L. Bernstein(1) John Betjeman(3) Bruno Bettelheim(1) Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead(1) Birley(1) Nicholas Birns(1) Elizabeth Bishop(3) Fanny Blake(1) William Blake(2) Lesley Blanch, de Chamberet, Georgia(1) Michael Bloch(1) Harold Bloom(1) Edmund Blunden(1) Ronald Blythe(2) John Boardman(1) Alessandro Boffa(1) Dirk Bogarde(1) Rodney Bolt(1) Bernie Bookbinder(1) Daniel Boorstin(2) Ulrich Boser(1) Gardner Botsford(1) Alain de Botton(1) François Boucher(1) Geoffrey Boumphrey(1) William G. Bowen(1) Alan K. Bowman(1) William Boyd(2) A. G. Bradley(1) Marion Zimmer Bradley(1) Gyles Brandreth(1) Michael Brawne(1) Brian De Breffny(1) Peter Brereton(1) Martin S. Briggs(1) Douglas Brinkley(1) Harold Brodkey(1) Gordon Brook-Shepherd(1) Peter Brooks(1) Richard Brooks(1) Craig Brown(2) Dan Brown(1) Frederick Brown(1) George Mackay Brown(4) John Seely Brown(1) Nancy Marie Brown(1) Peter R. L. Brown(1) John Albury Bryan(1) Charlene Bry(1) Patrick J. Buchanan(1) Jerome Hamilton Buckley(1) John Burdett(1) David Burke(1) Andrew Bush(1) Barbara Butts(1) Lord Byron(1) Julius Caesar(1) Robert Cameron(1) Anne-Marie Cantwell(1) Jérôme Carcopino(1) Thad Carhart(1) Gianrico Carofiglio(1) Humphrey Carpenter(2) Teresa Carpenter(1) J. L. Carr(2) Miranda Carter(1) Raymond Carver(1) Jon Catleugh(1) David Cecil(1) Charles A. Cerami(1) Francisco Asensio Cerver(1) Miles Chapin(1) Anne Charlish(1) G.K. Chesterton(1) Julia Child(1) Agatha Christie(1) Winston Churchill(1) Winston Churchill(8) Arrigo Cipriani(1) Alan Clark(2) Colin Clark(1) David Clarke(1) Kenneth Clark(5) Kennteh McKenzie Clark(1) Deborah Cohen(1) Morton N. Cohen(1) Isabel Colegate(2) Paul Collins(1) John Colville(1) Guild Com(1) Timothy G Conley(1) Bryan Connon(1) Mary Contini(1) Diana Cooper(2) Duff Cooper(1) Aaron Copland(1) A. E. Coppard(1) Robert Coram(1) John Cornforth(1) Arthur Cotterell(1) F. R. Cowell(1) Virginia Cowles(1) James Crathorne(1) J.W. Cross(3) John T. Cullen(1) Rachel Cusk(1) Virginius Dabney(1) Andrew Dalby(1) William Dalrymple(1) Mike Darton(1) Bernard Darwin(3) Richard Davenport-Hines(1) Peter Davey(1) Elizabeth David(1) Marshall B. Davidson(1) Robertson Davies(7) Anne Davis(1) Mary V. Dearborn(1) Jonathan Dee(2) Susanna Deiss(1) Joan DeJean(1) Joseph Jay Dess(1) Kevin J. H. Dettmar(1) Guy Deutscher(1) Andrew Devonshire(1) Deborah Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire(1) Florence V.V. Dickey(1) Page Dickey(1) Stewart Dick(1) Richard Diedrich(1) Thomas DiLorenzo(1) Isak Dinesen(1) Michael A. Dirr(1) Judith F. Dolkart(1) Robert Douglas-Fairhurst(1) John Drury(1) Eamon Duffy(1) Dayton Duncan(1) Geoff Dyer(1) Leon Edel(1) Anne Edwards(1) Max Egremont(1) Electa(1) George Eliot(22) T. S. Eliot(1) Paul Elliott(1) Alice Thomas Ellis(2) Ronald Embleton(1) Jennie Erdal(1) E.redman(1) Elliott Erwitt(1) Anthony Everitt(1) Linda Farrar(1) Byron Farwell(1) Robin Fedden(2) Hector Feliciano(1) Julian Fellowes(2) John Felstiner(1) Niall Ferguson(1) Maggie Fergusson(1) Helen Fielding(2) Danny Fields(1) Iain Finlayson(1) Penelope Fitzgerald(2) Kevin Fitzpatrick(1) Gustave Flaubert(1) Banister Fletcher(1) Harriet I. Flower(1) José da Fonseca(1) Hulbert Footner(1) Mark Ford(1) Amanda Foreman(1) W.M.W. Fowler(1) Nicols Fox(1) Christopher Francese(1) Michael Frayn(3) Patrick French(1) Tad Friend(1) Plantagenet Somerset Fry(1) Stephen Fry(3) Francis Fulford(1) Diana Gabaldon(1) Barbara Dayer Gallati(1) Garden Club of Virginia(1) Stephen Gardiner(1) Simon Garfield(1) George Garrett(2) George P. Garrett(1) John Garth(1) Robert M. Gates(1) Vic Gatrell(1) John Gaze(1) Gary Geddes(1) Ingaret Giffard(1) Brendan Gill(1) Richard Gill(1) Jean Giono(1) Mark Girouard(1) Victoria Glendinning(2) Rumer Godden(1) Arthur Goldhammer(1) Adrian Goldsworthy(1) E. H. Gombrich(1) John S. Goodall(1) Charlotte Gordon(1) Lyndall Gordon(1) Stephen Jay Gould(1) Norman A. Graebner(1) Bill Granger(1) William Graves(1) Ronald Gray(1) Gael Greene(1) Graham Greene(2) Richard Greene(1) Constance M. Greiff(1) Roger Grenier(1) Johnny Grey(1) Mardy Grothe(1) Cydney Millstein and Carol Grove(1) Valerie Grove(1) Bernard Grun(1) Nina Grunfeld(1) Philip Guedalla(1) Kevin R. C. Gutzman(1) Tessa Hadley(1) Jacques E. Haeringer(1) John Haldon(1) John Inglis Hall(1) Evelyn Hall-King(1) Sue Halpern(1) Olive Hamilton(1) Alexandra Harris(1) John Harris(3) Judith Harris(1) Robert Pogue Harrison(1) Robert Harris(2) Jonathan Harr(1) Cynthia Harrod-Eagles(1) Rupert Hart-Davis(2) Glynn Boyd Harte(2) Marjorie Hart(1) Nicholas Haslam(1) Selina Hastings(1) Isabella Hatkoff(1) Annie Hawes(1) Daisy Hay(1) F. A. Hayek(1) Henry Hazlitt(1) Shirley Hazzard(2) Denis Healey(1) Lillian Hellman(1) Ernest Hemingway(1) Amy Hempel(1) Paul Hendrickson(1) Philip Hensher(1) Geoffrey Hill(1) Heywood Hill(1) Bevis Hillier(1) Susan Hill(2) Gertrude Himmelfarb(2) F. Lewis Hinckley(1) E. D. Hirsch(1) Hermione Hobhouse(1) R. W. Holder(1) Tom Holland(1) Richard Holmes(5) Michael Holroyd(2) Alec Douglas-Home(1) Homer(1) Hugh Honour(1) Simon Hopkinson(1) Simon Hornblower(1) Alistair Horne(3) Timothy Horner(1) W. G. Hoskins(1) Elizabeth Jane Howard(1) Bill (editor) Elizabeth J.; Grose Howard(1) Sarah Howgate(1) J. L. Howgego(1) R. H. Hubbard(1) Maryalice Huggins(1) Lucy Hughes-Hallett(1) Robert Hughes(1) Ted Hughes(1) John Humphrys(1) Julius K. Hunter(1) Richard Hunt(1) Angela Huth(1) Ada Louise Huxtable(1) The Editors of Cooks Illustrated(1) Arthur Inch(1) Arnaldur Indridason(2) William Irwin(1) Philip M. Isaacson(1) Kazuo Ishiguro(6) Olivia Isil(1) Lee Jackson(1) Gervase Jackson-Stops(1) Storm Jameson(1) H. W. Janson(1) Tove Jansson(1) Sébastien Japrisot(1) Thomas Jefferson(1) Agnes Jekyll(1) Boris Johnson(4) Diane Johnson(3) Hugh Johnson(1) Paul Johnson(2) Chester Jones(1) Christopher Jones(1) J. Morris Jones(1) Judith Jones(1) Robert Trent Jones, Jr.(1) Sadie Jones(1) Rachel Joyce(1) Thomas E. Woods(3) Boris Kachka(1) Maira Kalman(1) David Kalstone(1) Eric R. Kandel(1) Wendy Kaplan(1) Molly Keane(1) John Keay(1) John Keegan(1) Edmund Keeley(1) James Keenan(1) Garrison Keillor(1) Douglas Keister(1) George F. Kennan(1) Frank Kermode(1) Alvin Kernan(1) Charles Kightly(1) Roger Kimball(2) Dean King(1) Florence King(1) Ross King(1) Rudyard Kipling(2) Ernest Kirschten(1) Lincoln Kirstein(1) U. C. Knoepflmacher(1) James Knox(1) Michael Korda(1) Caroline Kraus(1) William Kuhn(1) Milan Kundera(1) Stanley Kunitz(2) Paul Lacroix(1) Angela Lambert(1) Gerard B Lambert(1) John Lanchester(1) Sylvia Landsberg(1) Lillian Langseth-Christensen(1) Nelson D. Lankford(1) Larkin(1) Philip Larkin(2) Jerome Lawrence(1) Deborah Lawrenson(1) K. Edward Lay(1) Hermione Lee(1) Hugh Lee(1) Joseph Leeming(1) M. Owen Lee(1) Gaspar Lefebvre(1) Rosamond Lehmann(2) Suzannah Lessard(1) Peter Levi(6) David H. Levy(1) C. Day Lewis(1) Jeremy Lewis(2) Taylor Lewis(1) Eric Linklater(1) Elinor Lipman(1) Robert Littell(1) Penelope Lively(1) David Lodge(1) Loizeaux(1) Laura London(1) Elizabeth Longford(1) James Lord(3) Caroline Loughlin(1) E. V. Lucas(1) F. L. Lucas(1) Paul Lunde(1) Mary Lutyens(1) Sarah Lyall(1) Samuel Johnson; Edt Jack Lynch(1) Tony Lynch(1) Jeanne Fogle Lyons(1) George Lyttelton(7) Rose Macaulay(1) Norman MacCaig(1) Fiona MacCarthy(2) Sirio Maccioni(1) Diarmaid MacCulloch(1) III Eugene J. Mackey(1) Alistair MacLean(1) Alistair MacLeod(2) Margaret MacMillan(1) Rebecca Makkai(1) Alberto Manguel(1) Philip Mansel(1) Jose Manser(1) Hilary Mantel(1) Caroline de Margerie(1) Richard Marius(1) Anthony Marks(1) Roger A. Marolt(1) Ian Marter(1) Philip Mason(1) Alexander Masters(1) Daniel Mathews(1) Christopher Matthew(1) Philip Matyszak(1) Barbara Mayer(1) David McCullough(1) Marta McDowell(1) Ian McEwan(1) James H. S. McGregor(1) S. L. McKinlay(1) David McKitterick(1) Kirsty McLeod(1) Frank McLynn(1) Rand McNally(2) Ved Mehta(2) H. L. Mencken(3) W. S. Merwin(1) Richard Meryman(1) Rainer Metzger(1) Jeffrey Meyers(1) Paul Micou(5) Penelope Middelboe(1) Barry Miles(2) Richard Miles(1) Nancy Milford(1) H. Craig Miner(1) Jessica Mitford(1) Mary Russell Mitford(1) Nancy Mitford(4) Alistair Moffat(1) Nicholas Monsarrat(1) Ander Monson(1) Patrick Montague-Smith(1) Eugenio Montale(1) Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd(1) Caroline Moorehead(1) Helen Morgan(1) David E. Morine(1) Samuel Eliot Morison(1) Jan Morris(2) John Mortimer(1) H. V. Morton(1) Charles Moseley(1) Charlotte Mosley(1) Diana Mosley(1) Nicholas Mosley(1) Andrew Motion(1) George Mott(1) Ferdinand Mount(11) Jojo Moyes(1) Brian Moynahan(1) Cullen Murphy(1) Robert P. Murphy(1) John G. Murray(1) William Murray(1) Jeremy Myerson(1) Jan Myrdal(1) Roy Nash(1) Richard L. Neuberger(1) Katherine Neville(1) John Henry Newman(1) Philip Charles Newman(1) Beverley Nichols(1) Geoff Nicholson(1) William Nicholson(1) Jack Nicklaus(1) Adam Nicolson(2) Harold Nicolson(1) Juliet Nicolson(1) Nigel Nicolson(3) John Julius Norwich(1) Sheldon M. Novick(1) Patrick O'Brian(20) Patricia T. O'Conner(1) Andrew O'Hagan(1) John O'Hara(1) David Okuefuna(1) Olaf Olafsson(1) James C. Olson(1) Lynne Olson(2) Therese O'Malley(1) Joseph O'Neill(1) Benedetta Origo(1) George Orwell(2) Mirabel Osler(1) Nicholas Ostler(1) David Owen(1) Arnold Palmer(1) Orhan Pamuk(1) Umberto Pappalardo(1) Dorothy Parker(1) Carolyn Parkhurst(1) Tim Parks(1) Frances Partridge(1) Joel Richard Paul(1) Paul Micou(1) Ron Paul(1) Jeremy Paxman(1) Geoffrey Payton(1) David Pearce(1) Anton C. Pegis(1) Ben Pentreath(1) Otto Penzler(1) Samuel Pepys(2) AARON COPLAND AND VIVIAN PERLIS(1) Dominic Perring(1) Tom Perrotta(1) Thomas Perry(1) Francesco Petrarca(1) Charles Petrie(1) L.G. Pine, ed of Burke's Peerage(1) Steven Pinker(1) Sylvia Plath(1) Stanley Plumly(1) Christopher Plummer(1) Michael Pollan(1) Justin Pollard(1) Roy Porter(1) Anthony Powell(17) Dawn Powell(1) Dilys Powell(1) Julie Powell(1) Violet Powell(1) Dorothy Pratt(1) Robin Prentice(1) Phaidon Press(1) Dickson Preston(1) J. B. Priestley(3) Francine Prose(1) William Pryor(1) Rh Value Publishing(1) Marjorie and C. H. B. Quennell(1) Peter Quennell(1) Tom Rachman(2) Tim Rawle(1) Joan Reardon(1) Architectural Record(1) Tom Reiss(1) David Remnick(1) New York Times Book Review(1) Nancy duPont Reynolds(1) Raymond P. Rhinehart(1) Jane Ridley(1) Carole Rifkind(1) Rizzoli(1) Paul Roberts(1) Glenn Robins(1) John Martin Robinson(2) Nigel Rodgers(1) Bernd Roeck(1) Elizabeth J. Rosenthal(1) Roger Rosewell(1) Lillian Ross(1) Murray Rothbard(1) Berton Roueché(1) A. L. Rowse(1) Dagobert D. Runes(1) Bertrand Russell(1) John Russell(1) Witold Rybczynski(2) Vita Sackville-West(3) Lorna Sage(1) Chris Salewicz(1) Stanley Salmons(1) Peter Salway(1) Dominic Sandbrook(1) Hermione Sandwith(1) Celia Sandys(1) Jonathan Santlofer(1) Siegfried Sassoon(5) George Saunders(1) Charles C. Savage(1) Steven Saylor(1) Richad Scarry(1) David Schickler(1) Stacy Schiff(1) Mary Schoeser(1) Alice Schroeder(1) E. F. Schumacher(1) Sanford Schwartz(1) Anne Scott-James(1) H. H. Scullard(1) Vincent Scully(2) W. G. Sebald(1) Meryle Secrest(1) Caroline Seebohm(1) Erich Segal(1) John Seymour(2) Liz Seymour(1) Miranda Seymour(2) William Shakespeare(1) Wilfrid Sheed(1) William L. Shirer(1) Robert L. Shook(1) Nevil Shute(1) Yrsa Sigurðardóttir(1) Tommy Simpson(1) Curtis Sittenfeld(1) Edith Sitwell(1) Barbara Skelton(2) Judith Skelton Grant(1) Julie Sloan(1) Alexander McCall Smith(8) Ali Smith(1) Alice R. Huger and Smith Smith, D.E. Huger(1) Dodie Smith(4) Godfrey Smith(1) John Smith(1) Jonathan Smith(1) Mary Ann Smith(1) Ryan A. Smith(1) Zadie Smith(1) Mary Soames(2) Rebecca Solnit(1) Frances Spalding(1) Jona Sparey(1) Muriel Spark(7) Matthew Spender(1) Henry William Spiegel(2) Robert A. Spivey(1) Ellyn Spragins(1) Deirdre Stanforth(1) Peter Stansky(1) Edward St. Aubyn(1) George Steiner(1) Cita Stelzer(1) Paul Stephenson(1) D. E. Stevenson(3) Stuart Stevens(1) Rory Stewart(1) John R. Stilgoe(1) Mary M. Stiritz(1) I. F. Stone(1) Elizabeth Strout(1) John Summerson(1) Douglas Sutherland(1) John Sutherland(1) David F. Swensen(1) Swift(1) Graham Swift(2) Katherine Swift(1) Nassim Nicholas Taleb(1) Sam Tanenhaus(1) Judith B. Tankard(1) Princeton University The Art Museum(1) Angela Thirkell(5) Dylan Thomas(1) Gil Thomas(1) Ross Thomas(1) R. S. Thomas(2) William L. Thomas(1) Paul Thompson(1) Joseph J. Thorndike(1) Stella Tillyard(1) John Timpson(1) Gillian Tindall(4) Barbara Euphan Todd(1) Franklin Toker(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(8) León Tolstói(1) Claire Tomalin(1) J. P. Toner(1) Susan Allen Toth(1) Doreen Tovey(1) Amor Towles(1) George Alfred Townsend(1) Arnold J. Toynbee(1) Honor Tracy(1) Hugh Trevor-Roper(1) William Trevor(1) Anthony Trollope(2) Joanna Trollope(1) George W. S. Trow(1) Barbara W. Tuchman(1) M. A. R. Tuker(1) Anne Tyler(4) Amy Vanderbilt(1) Cornelius Vanderbilt, IV(1) Peter Vansittart(1) Denis Vidler(1) Virgil(1) Adam Voelcker(1) Edmund de Waal(1) Derek Walcott(1) Amy Waldman(1) James Warren(1) Sam Wasson(1) David Watkin(1) David Watkin(1) Alec Waugh(1) Alexander Waugh(1) Webster(1) Christopher Weeks(1) Ben Weinreb(1) Jane Wellesley(1) John R. Wennersten(1) Nigel West(1) Edith Wharton(1) Laurence Whistler(3) John Noble Wilford(1) Geoffrey Willans(1) Henry Williamson(2) Roger Williams(1) Garry Wills(5) A. N. Wilson(2) Edmund Wilson(2) Simon Winchester(2) David Wishart(5) Patricia Witts(1) Tom Wolfe(5) Justin Wolff(1) Martin Wood(1) Greg Woolf(1) Virginia Woolf(4) William Wordsworth(1) William Wright(1) John Wulp(1) Pope Benedict XVI(1) David Yerkes(1) Simon Young(1) Marguerite Hadrian; Yourcenar(1) Gabrielle Zevin(1) Philip Ziegler(3) Sofka Zinovieff(1) Richard Zoglin(1)