Alphaorder's BOMBS away!

Forum(BOMBS) Books Off My Book Shelves 2012 Challenge

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Alphaorder's BOMBS away!

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Bearbeitet: Jan. 30, 2012, 2:37 pm

2 for 2 so far!

Weird Sisters - read off my shelf and then off to HalfPrice Books.

My 10 year old daughter and I bring boxes of books there as we clean off our shelves. She reads more books than I do, and being a former bookseller, I feel like she has the right to own and keep her books if she would like to. Therefore, we spend a fair amount on books for her. The ones she doesn't want to keep go to HP. Any money we make - my books included - she will get to use for new books this year.

I am trying NOT to buy ANY new books for myself - at least for January. I hear in March I need to purchase 5 books for my Thingaversary (sp?). I think that is when I will purchase the nonfiction books on my wish list that won't hold up into 2013.

Places I Never Meant to Be - read off my shelf. Will give to my mom (former middle school librarian) to read and then save for my daughter for reading in years to come.

Jan. 6, 2012, 1:21 pm

Did you like The Weird Sisters? I checked it out from the library but had a hard time getting into it. Now I don't know what I did with it. It has to be in the house somewhere, I'm bad about getting library books mixed with my own library so it may be on my shelves. I'm racking up a fine but I'll bet I'm not the only person in this challenge that runs a tab at the LIBRARY!

Jan. 6, 2012, 6:15 pm

Hi Clue!

Thanks for stopping by.

I liked the book, but not as much as I had hoped given the hype. Even though I was an English major, I didn't catch all of the Shakespeare references - too long ago! - but that was ok with me. Certainly won't be one of my best-ofs for 2012.

Would you like me to send you my copy to replace the one you can't find? :)


Jan. 7, 2012, 2:23 am

>1 alphaorder:: I hear in March I need to purchase 5 books for my Thingaversary

Can you please explain that a little bit for a relative newcomer?

Jan. 7, 2012, 10:02 am

Apparently there is a "rule" that on your anniversary of joining LT, one must buy themselves the number of books corresponding to years one has been a member? + 1 so you have 'one to grow on.' (Borrowed this info from someone else's thread.)

Jan. 7, 2012, 2:14 pm

#4 & 5 - Of course, nobody stands over you and makes you buy books! This is just another way for one to buy books without feeling guilty.

Jan. 7, 2012, 6:29 pm

>6 DeltaQueen50:. Any rule that REQUIRES I buy 5 books this year, is a rule I will follow. Especially since I am trying to limit my purchases this year.

I have detonated my 3rd bomb. Branding for Nonprofits. I have had this book on my shelf for quite some time. It is a bible for my boss - and was a great refresher for me to start off the new year.

Now, I will be removing it from my bookshelf and returning it to the shelf at work!

Jan. 7, 2012, 8:36 pm

#3. Thanks so much for the offer but I found it this morning. Sure enough, lurking in my bookcase, I don't think it wanted to go home.

Jan. 7, 2012, 11:56 pm

>5 alphaorder: First I've heard of it, and I've been a member since LT was six months old!

Jan. 8, 2012, 12:08 am

>9 staffordcastle:: Oddly enough, I've noticed that you can make up rules and tell people they're rules, and hardly anyone ever questions them. I've sometimes done this in matters of grammar and etiquette. It gives me a most delicious feeling of wickedness.

Jan. 8, 2012, 10:27 am

I think it is someone like me who made up that rule: they want to read the books they already own - feeling a little guilty - but this "rule" means the MUST buy some new books! Anyway, I think it is a neat idea.

Unfortunately, I was hanging out with family last night and my daughter told me a bout the new 68 Rooms book that she wanted. Remember, I can purchase books for her, but not for me... Well when I ordered it for her, I "accidentally" threw in 2 books for me...

Well, I have still read more than I bought - 3 books off the shelves, 2 books purchased - and I am making good headway toward my 30 books off the shelf - 10% already.

Jan. 9, 2012, 1:46 pm

>1 alphaorder:, 5, 11: I don't care who made it up, I love it! My first Thingaversary is May 1, and I'm already on the prowl for worthy purchases. Thanks, Alphaorder, for mentioning this.

Jan. 13, 2012, 9:23 pm

Books 3 & 4: both off my shelf!

3: Branding for Nonprofits - loaned to me by my boss, probably close to 2 years ago - read and returned

4. Orphan Sister - an arc sent to me by a publishing friend last year; will give to my mom because her book club is reading it later this year.

Jan. 13, 2012, 9:37 pm

Woo hoo - Go Nancy Go!

Jan. 14, 2012, 9:44 am

I have my next 3 books lined up - all off my own bookshelves!

Of course I did purchase 3 books this year... Can't stop myself.

Jan. 14, 2012, 10:22 am

I've done the same - two books off and two more on - it seems I can't help myself either! Oh well, at least I have good company! :)

Jan. 20, 2012, 9:14 am

Finished my 5th book of the year - all off my shelf!

Over the weekend, I am planning on reading two books - one purchased this year, and the other off my shelves.

Jan. 23, 2012, 9:05 am

5. Sister - off my shelf and off to be sold so Alina has more book money

6. The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman - bought for Aina, but read before she did.
In my mind, I can buy as many books for her as she will read and those do not count toward my own purchases. So this one is not off my shelf or purchased.

Jan. 28, 2012, 10:35 am

7. The Networked Nonprofit - Started this book when it came out in 2012, but never finished it until now. So definitely off my shelf. I am taking it to work to use as a resource.

Jan. 30, 2012, 5:54 pm

8. Health Care Reform - Ok, so this is the first book read this year that I bought for myself this year. Does that make any sense? I am not saying how many books I have purchased in 2012 and not read...

Anyway, heard the author on Wisconsin Public Radio and it sounded like such a straightforward take on the Affordable Care Act that I had to get it right away. It did it's job - in comic format, it is very accessible. I didn't learn much new, but it articulated the points better than I have. Don't know how anyone could read this and not see the importance of this program. But then again, it will probably people like me - ones who already believe in it - not those who are against it before learning about it, who will read the book.

Heading right back out the door - so it may be new this year, but it will also be going off my shelf right away.

Feb. 12, 2012, 5:35 pm

Here's the update on the last three books:

9. Marriage Plot - purchased last year and sent out the door! (ticker has been updated)

10. An Available Man After reading so many great things about this book, I couldn't wait until next year. So purchased, read, and loved. And set back out the door.

11. Otherwise Can't remember what made me not wait to get this collection of poetry. Never read Kenyon poetry before, but did read two Donald Hall memoirs some years ago. Anyway, picked this up from Better World Books in 2012 and will be giving to my mom.

Feb. 15, 2012, 3:11 pm

Nancy, I'm impressed! Your turnaround time on these books is envy-inducing (I don't think I've finished 1 of the books that I've purchased in the last year). My big problem with reducing my TBR stack so far this year has been the library. I keep going there to try books out before I buy them (a good thing) but then I end up picking up others while I'm there, and between these and my book club books, it's kept me at arms length from the ones I already own and want to read. I know that there are worse problems to have, but I'd still like to try and read more of my own. One of my own personal goals was to get all of my books onto a shelf somewhere and lose these bunches of small book piles in most every room. Instead, the piles seem to be increasing. :(

At least there are another 10 1/2 months to right this wrong! Hope you're doing well!

Feb. 15, 2012, 3:44 pm

LauraBrook, wouldn't the "Look Inside" feature on Amazon give you a sampling without a trip out? I often read the first pages on Amazon before deciding for or against a book. If the writing is too juvenile, if the author isn't sufficiently careful with words, or if the subject matter just turns me off, I'll know it pretty quickly.

Feb. 15, 2012, 7:12 pm

Ha - I am just trying to keep the number of books in my house relatively close to what I started with at the beginning of the year. Since I keep bringing so many in, I need to keep sending them out - new or old.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 18, 2012, 10:37 am

Dang - I have not Bombed away a book since early February. And I started off so strong. Part of it is because I am getting so many wonderful galleys of upcoming books from my friends in publishing. But also, I broke down and purchased books I really felt I couldn't wait for.

Here is my reading - up to 18 books.

The last one - The Fault in our Stars - was really terrific. I don't care that I broke down and bought it - I read it in one sitting and loved it. Heartbreaking though.

Apr. 29, 2012, 2:54 pm

Ugh - just counted. Bought 26 books this year. Read 27. So I guess I read more than I bought, barely. But many more books came into my house, thanks to friends in publishing. I am not complaining about free books, mind you. Just that the old ones aren't getting read the pocket book doesn't seem to be benefitting.

Mai 2, 2012, 3:16 pm

I feel your pain. So far I've read 36 BOMBS but those free books are killing me, 37 so far this year and I did buy three books so I'm losing ground. Thank goodness at least most of the freebies are e-books and don't take up any space.

Bearbeitet: Jun. 10, 2012, 11:57 am

Time to take a look at my last 18 reads to see if there are any BOMBS!

36. School of Essential Ingredients - BOMED - Has been on my shelf for 3 years! Going to drop off in a neighborhood Little Free Library next time I walk my dog.
35. Friends Like Us - purchased (used) this year
34. The Arrivals - purchased new this year
33. Cabin - purchased (used) this year
32. The Unstrung Harp - purchased (used) this year
31. The Next American Revolution - purchased new this year
30. A Wedding in Haiti - purchased new this year
29. Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake - purchased new this year
28. Shelter Me - purchased new this year
27. Local - purchased new this year
26. The Great Wave - purchased (used) this year
25. Beyond Outrage - ebook
24. An Economist Gets Lunch - ARC
23. The Power of Habit - ARC
22. Unpacking My Library - purchased (used) this year
21. Carry the One - ARC
20. Through No Fault of My Own - purchased (used) this year
19. Five Bells - purchased (used) this year

OH this is BAD!

Jun. 10, 2012, 12:47 pm

"I've noticed that you can make up rules and tell people they're rules, and hardly anyone ever questions them."

That's a good rule to remember.

Dez. 24, 2012, 8:28 am

Wish I could say I stuck with this challenge. I started off so great! But then so many good books were published this year that I just couldn't help myself. Off to see what my final number for the year was.

Dez. 24, 2012, 8:45 am

75. My Heart is an Idiot- purchased new this year
74. My Bookstore - purchased new this year
73. Interventions - purchased new this year
72. Kayak Morning - purchased new this year

71. My Ideal Bookshelf - purchased new this year
70. Christmas at Eagle Pond - new, sent by publisher
69. Elsewhere - purchased new this year
68. A Thousand Mornings - purchased new this year
67. Life After Death - purchased new this year

66. Have You Seen Marie? - purchased new this year
65. The End of Your Life Book Club - purchased new this year
64. This is How You Lose Her - purchased new this year
63. Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - purchased new this year
62. The Memory of Love by Linda Olsson - ARC sent by publisher

61. Pelt - purchased new this year
60. Read This! - purchased new this year
59. Mortality - purchased new this year
58. Where'd You Go, Bernadette - purchased new this year
57. The Invisible Thread - new, sent by publisher
56. The Waitress Was New - purchased new this year
55. Tweet Land of Liberty - purchased new this year
54. When it Happens to You - new, sent by publisher
53. Winter Journal - purchased new this year

52. monkey mind - new, sent by publisher
51. the chaperone - ARC sent by publisher
50. girl in the polka dot dress - new, sent by publisher
49. Those we love most -ARC sent by publisher
48. The collective - purchased new this year
47. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - ARC sent by publisher
46. Bowling Avenue - purchased new this year

45. Laura Lamont's Life in Pictures - ARC sent by publisher
44. Gold - ARC sent by publisher
43. Of Beetles and Angels - BOMB!
42. The Book of LIfe - purchased new this year
41. The Man Who Planted Trees - purchased (used) this year
40. Gone Girl - purchased new this year

39. Central Park: An Anthology - purchased new this year
38. Glaciers - purchased new this year
37. Red Bird - purchased new this year

Yikes - only one additional BOMB second half of year. Will need to make more headway this in 2013.

One thing I do feel good about is that even though I brought more books into the the house, I also sent more out the door.

Dez. 25, 2012, 9:30 pm

I think you've done a great job this year! And you're right, you've sent plenty of books out of the door - looking forward to following your progress in 2013!