edwinbcn's BOMBS in 2012

Forum(BOMBS) Books Off My Book Shelves 2012 Challenge

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edwinbcn's BOMBS in 2012

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Bearbeitet: Mrz. 10, 2012, 4:51 am

Last year my partner finally convinced me that I have two many books. This problem was high lighted by a move to smaller accommodation, which pushed my massive holdings even more in my face (before that they were on three locations, and largely out of sight in store rooms and balconies).

My target is to read as many books as possible, keep 10% and give away 90%. My main beneficiary are as follows:
Library of the Graduate School of CASS: English, German and French books
Bookworm Expat Library in Beijing: Dutch, and other languages.

BOMBS are book purchased before 2011.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 25, 2012, 12:18 pm

001. Appreciation of classic Naxi Dongba sayings
Finished reading: 1 January 2012


In May 2006, following a business trip, the host organization, a University for Chinese Traditional Medicine in Baoshan (Yunnan), China, treated me to a tour of Yunnan province, giving me the opportunity to spend two weeks traveling around Yunnan and visiting various places of interest. We spent two weeks in Lijiang.

I bought this book on 1 May 2006, in a small book store in Lijiang, and kept the book on my book shelves for six years in Beijing.

There is no market for selling 2nd hand books in China, so I have left the book on the reading shelf in a local restaurant, Peter's Tex-Mex in the Wangjing area, in Beijing.

Feb. 25, 2012, 12:18 pm

Beautiful picture!

Feb. 25, 2012, 12:25 pm

002. Nobody's business
Finished reading: 2 January 2012


I bought this book second hand in the Dongsi branch of the Cathay Book store, which is the English name of the Zhongguo Shudian, in Beijing, on 20 May 2010.

Soon after I started reading it in the Autumn of 2010, I mislaid it as I was packing up to move, again. I found the book back in December 2011.

After reading, I have donated the book to our grad. school library.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 25, 2012, 12:36 pm

003. Conversations with sacred mountains. A journey along Yunnan's tea caravan trail
Finished reading: 3 January 2012


According to Flavorwire, the Bookworm in Beijing ranks sixth in the top twenty most beautiful bookstores in the world.

I find that claim a bit dubious, but anyway. They are a place where I often buy books, as I did on 25 oktober 2006, when I bought this book by Laurence J. Brahm.

The book has stood on my shelves for six years.

I will keep the book in my permanent collection.

Bearbeitet: Feb. 25, 2012, 12:47 pm

004. Hirtennovelle
Finished reading: 7 January 2012


From 2008 till 2010, I was active on BookMooch, and received more than 1200 books in three years time, especially books in languages which cannot be bought in Beijing. I received this book from a member in Germany on 8 november 2010.

Two years on my tbr is not so bad.

I am tempted to keep this book in my permanent collection, although a free download was available; I may still give it to our library, but hold on to it for the moment.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 10, 2012, 5:16 am

005. Reptielen & amfibieën
Finished reading: 9 January 2012


Whatever my (partner's) complaints about the numbers of books I have in Beijing, there is still a considerable collection in my mother's attic in the Netherlands, an estimated 5,000 books. It is my hope and aim to bring those books to China; I have read about 1000 of them, a considerable portion are reference works and professional literature, but there must surely be another 2000+ volumes which I want to read. Sigh.

As long as they are there, the time BOMB keeps ticking, although it's a bit unfair because I cannot get to them.

Fortunately, every now and then, my Mum sends me a box of books, and on visits I try to bring back as many as my flight luggage allowance permits.

In the late 1990s the Flemish publisher Houtekiet started with this "Flemish Series", reprinting unknown masterworks of out-of-print or almost forgotten Flemish authors in a series of beautifully printed, hardcover editions. I bought several new in 2004, and was much annoyed when the whole series was remaindered in 2008. Then, I tried to buy as many as I could at rock-bottom prizes.

I ordered this book from an on-line Bookstore, Bol.com, and had it delivered to my mothers's address on 16 December 2008. I brought the book to Beijing in August 2010, after my visit to Europe, and kept it on my bookshelves for another two years, in Beijing.

So, altogether, it sat on my shelves for nearly 5 years.

The book will go to the library of the Bookworm.

Feb. 27, 2012, 2:41 pm

Good luck with your challenge. I love that you are giving us a peek at China through the pictures you are posting.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 10, 2012, 5:09 am

006. Young Lonigan
Finished reading: 15 February 2012


I bought this book on May 7, 2009 in the Foreign Languages Bookstore in Wangfujing Street. For decades this has been the major, or even only place in Beijing to buy books in English, mainly.

I read the book nearly all the way through shortly after purchase, but then mislaid it. I made a complete reread in February, plus a partial reread to write the review.

The book was on my TBR for 3 years, which seems quite short. I will donate it to the library of the Graduate School.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 10, 2012, 5:13 am

007. De spiegel
Finished reading: 18 January 2012


A small booklet acquired through BookMooch in 2009, when I received more than 1200 books via BM.

The book will go to the Library of the Bookworm, in Beijing.

Mrz. 10, 2012, 5:20 am

008. Among flowers. A walk in the Himalaya
Finished reading: 18 January 2012


Another acquired through BookMooch in 2009. Now seems the time I have come around many of these books acquired in 2009.

The book will go to the Library of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Mrz. 10, 2012, 5:26 am

009. Mother's milk
Finished reading: 19 January 2012


I bought this hardcover edition in the basement of the Beijing Book City (Beijing Tushu Dasha), located on the eastern end of Chang An Avenue, near subway station Xidan.

It sat on my shelves for 6 years, and will now go to the Library of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in Beijing.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 10, 2012, 5:37 am

010. North
Finished reading: 25 January 2012


North was published in 2006 by MacMillan’s imprint MacMillan New Writing, in a hardcover edition. I was really quite surprised that the Foreign Languages Bookstore would carry such a title.

It must be said that originally the choice of books at the Foreign Languages Bookstore in Wangfujing Street was limited, but qualitatively relatively good, focusing mainly on Literary Fiction, mostly in English. From 2004 the number of titles expanded rapidly. In recent years, from about 2009 they turned to offering very commercial books, in my opinion lowering quality offering many more best sellers, fantasy, detective, SF etc.

Since then, I buy a lot less.

This book was bought in 2006 (first edition), so sat on my shelves for 6 years. It will now go to the Library of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in Beijing.

Below: Wangfujing Street in Beijing, with the Foreign Languages Bookstore in the background on the left (with the green cupola).