Connie's BFB's for 2022


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Connie's BFB's for 2022

Bearbeitet: Sept. 29, 2022, 10:35 am

I'm really excited to find this group again and have signed up immediately
Last year I did not quit meet my goal, but I will try again

01. De liefdesbrief - Lucinda Riley - BFB # 1 - 510 pages -
02. Met het bloed van mijn hart, deel 1 - Diana Gabaldon - BFB # 2 - 549 pages -
03. Met het bloed van mijn hart, deel 2 - Diana Gabaldon - BFB # 3 - 626 pages -
04. Vertel het de bijen, 1 - Diana Gabaldon - BFB # 4 - 622 pages -
05. Vertel het de bijen, 2 - Diana Gabaldon BFB # 5 - 705 pages -
06. Mijn zomers aan zee - Tracy Rees BFB # 6 - 507 pages
07. Project Hail Mary - Andy Weir - BFB # 7 - 559 pages -
08. De magische cirkel - Katherine Neville - BFB # 8 - 591 pages -
09. Wolkenstad - Anthony Doerr - BFB # 9 - 636 pages -
10. Kom eens gauw - M.J. Arlidge - BFB # 10 - 522 pages -
11. De vermisten van Maneschijn - Christelle Dabos - 577 pages -
12. Het geheugen van Babel - Christelle Dabos - 501 pages -
13. Kushiëls werktuig - Jacqueline Carey -
14. Lelieblank, scharlaken rood - Michel Faber - 955 pages -

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 9, 2022, 11:46 am

Finished De liefdesbrief by Lucinda Riley BFB # 1 - 510 pages -

My review

A nice book to read but it is noticeable that this was one of Mrs. Riley's first thrillers. Very similar to the story of the British Royal Family and the Crown. Intrigues everywhere and also affairs, illegitimate children and a ruthless secret service. Fun but predictable and not nearly as good as the later books.

Now reading another BFB # 2

Met het bloed van mijn hart - deel 1 by Diana Gabaldon

In the Netherlands this book was published in 2 parts and this will be my third read. I do this for my RL Forumchallenge.


The Blurb, NOT my review

1778: France declares war on Great Britain, the British army leaves Philadelphia, and George Washington's troops leave Valley Forge in pursuit. At this moment, Jamie Fraser returns from a presumed watery grave to discover that his best friend has married his wife, his illegitimate son has discovered (to his horror) who his father really is, and his beloved nephew, Ian, wants to marry a Quaker. Meanwhile, Jamie's wife, Claire, and his sister, Jenny, are busy picking up the pieces.

The Frasers can only be thankful that their daughter Brianna and her family are safe in twentieth-century Scotland. Or not. In fact, Brianna is searching for her own son, who was kidnapped by a man determined to learn her family's secrets. Her husband, Roger, has ventured into the past in search of the missing boy . . . never suspecting that the object of his quest has not left the present. Now, with Roger out of the way, the kidnapper can focus on his true target: Brianna herself.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 9, 2022, 11:46 am

Finished Met het bloed van mijn hart, deel 1 by Diana Gabaldon BFB # 2 - 549 pages

The third time I read this book and it stays strong and never dull.

Starting in Met het bloed van mijn hart, deel 2

Jan. 10, 2022, 5:34 pm

Hi Connie my dear, lovely to see you here again, dear friend.

Jan. 11, 2022, 6:07 am

Thanks, John.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 9, 2022, 11:44 am

Finished Met het bloed van mijn hart, deel 2 by Diana Gabaldon BFB # 3 - 626 pages

Third time I read this book and it is as exciting and entertaining as the first two times I read it.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 21, 2022, 12:09 pm

Finished Vertel het de bijen, I by Diana Gabaldon BFB # 4 - 622 pages -

Mrz. 21, 2022, 12:09 pm

Finished Vertel het de bijen, 2 by Diana Gabaldon BFB # 5 - 705 pages -

Bearbeitet: Apr. 27, 2022, 2:00 pm

Finished Mijn zomers aan zee by Tracy Rees BFB # 6 - 507 pages

The blurb NOT my review

London, 2014 - Nora has always been sensible and thrived in her career. Now her life is falling apart. Troubled by anxiety and nightmares, she finds herself drawn to the sweeping beaches of Tenby, that she visited just once when she was younger. Together with Kaitlin, a local girl, she rents a beautiful townhouse and starts settling into a new life, when she meets handsome Logan Parry from New Zealand. Wales, 1950s - teenager Chloe Samuels goes to Tenby every year for her summer holidays. She stays with relatives, and spends the long days on the beaches and haunting the picturesque town with a local boy she calls Llew, her 'best friend in all the world'. When she is 18, she sets her sights on a glamorous older boy who seems to offer everything she has always wanted. Then, on the night of her Big Date, Chloe realises that her heart still lies with Llew. But before she can tell him, a terrible accident occurs.

My review

A book with two storylines. One the story of Chloe, which begins in 1950 and the other that of Nora, which is set in 2014.
Nora is a 40 year old woman with a demanding job in London and not much else to make her life enjoyable. No husband, no lover, no children.
Suddenly she decides to quit her job and go to Tenby, in Wales, for a few weeks. She has been there before and now she really wants to go back there and even has a 'vision' of the beach there.
Chloe is a 10-year-old girl who prefers to roam the beaches of Tenby while staying with her Aunt Susan. Chloe goes there every year for 3 weeks in the summer.
There she meets 8-year-old Llew and the children develop a close friendship over the years. When Chloe gets older, things go horribly wrong.
Of course, as a reader, you know that these storylines will eventually come together.
That story is beautifully described by Tracy Rees and it is a heartwarming book that I really enjoyed reading. Recommended.

Bearbeitet: Mai 15, 2022, 2:50 pm

Finished Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir 559 pages, BFB # 7


My Review

What a great book this is. I really enjoyed it to the fullest.

When Ryland Grace wakes up, he has no idea who he is and where he is. Then his memory is slowly coming back. He's in a spaceship and he's the only one on board that's still alive. He is kept alive by a robotic figure who gives him food and drink and who has apparently looked after him for years and kept him in good physical shape. He sets out to investigate and as the days go by, more and more memories surface. This space journey is meant to save the earth, as the sun slowly gives off less and less light and heat, humanity will become extinct. The cause of this damage to the sun is a microscopic life form that has been called astrophages

Ryland is a doctor of molecular biology, but after a disappointing response to one of his articles, he became a high school teacher and he loves it. Then he is recruited by Eva Straat to help find a solution to the problem of the dying sun. After a long period of research, international cooperation, consultation and major financial investments, a spaceship has been built to go to the star Tau Ceri, where a similar problem has been identified. Ryland and two other scientists make up the crew, each with their own specialty.
Now that Ryland is alone, there is no other option but to continue on his own. But he doesn't stay alone. He meets Rocky from the solar system 40 Eridani. Rocky and he learn each other's language (quite a big thing) and they become good friends. Rocky can make and repair many things. What then follows is a period of trial and error on how to disable the astrophages or with what. What I loved is that the story isn't really about the mission, but more about the strong friendship and trust that develops between Ryland and Rocky that is actually unbreakable and makes Ryland do things he never thought possible.

You don't have to be a highly educated naturalist to follow the 'technical' story, so don't let that hinder you from reading the book. Sometimes I didn't understand much of it either, but just let it come to me and believed everything it said because it actually has nothing to do with the story. Definitely recommended.

Bearbeitet: Aug. 29, 2022, 4:22 am

Finished De magische cirkel by Katherine Neville 591 pages, BFB # 8

My review

This book does require some concentration because it is very complicated. It's the story of Ariel and Sam. When Ariel learns that her cousin Sam has been killed in a bomb attack, she is the only heir. This heritage includes a package of documents collected over the centuries that deals with an ancient mystery. There are more than enough people who want these documents. And Ariel must do everything in her power to keep the documents safe.
That in itself is a big thing, but everything is complicated by Ariel's family ties. They also want to get their share. The family is so complicated that I've tried to make some sort of family tree, several times!
I won't say too much about it. I would give the story a 7 in itself, but due to the enormous amount of work the writer has had and all the facts that are in the book, it has become an 8.
How this book fits into the Montglane series is unclear to me.

Jun. 25, 2022, 2:25 pm

Finished Wolkenstad by Anthony Doerr, 636 pages, BFB # 9

My review

What a great book. Impressive and complex, well worked out with all threads nicely finished and knotted together and totally worth a slow and attentive read.
The story takes place alternately in and around Constantinople in the 15th century where Anna and Omeir live, in Lakeport, Idaho in the US with Zeno and Seymour in the present day and in the future in a spaceship with Konstance.
The subject at hand is an ancient Greek text that tells the story of Aethon, a dreamer who longs to turn into a bird and fly to paradise. This text plays a leading role in all three timelines and connects everyone. And that's the beauty of this book. Although they cannot all physically meet, they are connected by the text and that is also the theme of the story. The connection we have with each other, the past, the present and the future, and that gives hope for the future of humanity and its existence on earth. Very very beautiful and well done. I enjoyed this very much.

Jun. 26, 2022, 8:32 am

>12 connie53: Great review, Connie. That's a BB for me.

Jun. 27, 2022, 6:08 am

>13 MissWatson: I'm sure you are going to love it, Birgit.

Jul. 5, 2022, 12:58 pm

Finished Kom eens gauw by M.J. Arlidge 522 pages, BFB # 10

My review

Inspector Helen Grace is a unique personality. Bold, rambunctious, unafraid of risks and totally committed to the cases she works on. Her team is loyal to her and does a lot, if not everything, for her. But her attitude irritates her superior a lot, in this book it's Alan Peters, a man who really hates Helen. He wants to kick her out of the police force.
When two murders, of completely innocent people, a young mother and a teenage boy, take place in just a few days , the team does everything they can to find the killer. There are many possibilities and also as a reader you are often misled, but it is all worth it.
mr. Arlidge writes great books.

Aug. 29, 2022, 4:21 am

Finished De vermisten van Maneschijn by Christelle Dabos, 577 pages, BFB # 11,

My review

In the beginning I had some difficulties with this second part of the series 'De Spiegelpassante'. It had been a while since I read part 1 and I didn't remember much about it. But luckily it soon got better and I was completely in it again and could fully enjoy the somewhat bizarre story.

Ophelia was married off to Thorn and moved to another part of the world with one of her aunts. That world has been torn apart by God and now consists of 20 Arks, each of which forms its own world, headed by one of the Greek Gods. Artemis is the Goddess of the Ark where Ophelia comes from. Thorn lives on Pole, where Faroek is the ruler (he has changed his name). Thorn is not really liked by the people of Pool, he is appointed there as intendant and as such responsible for all the possessions and affairs of the court.
Ophelia has 2 magical talents, she can travel through mirrors from one side of a city or country to another place and she is a reader of objects. By holding something she can learn a lot about what happened to the object and who held it. And that's why she's going to marry Thorn, at their marriage she shares Thorn's talents and he shares hers. And Thorn is eager to read The Book because he thinks there's something in it that can help it understand a lot of problems better. Meanwhile Faroek is very impressed by Ophelia and he also wants to use her talent to read The Book.
When courtiers keep disappearing, Ophelia is appointed by him as a kind of detective to find the courtiers again by means of reading objects.
I loved this book. A Young Adult book, but I don't care.

Sept. 1, 2022, 8:56 am

Finished Het geheugen van Babel by Christelle Dabos, 501 pages, BFB # 12

The blurb NOT my review

Ophelia, the mirror-traveling heroine, finds herself on the ark of Babel guarding a secret that may provide a key both to the past and the future. After two years and seven months biding her time on Anima, her home ark, it is finally time to act, to put what she has discovered in the Book of Farouk to use. Under an assumed identity she travels to Babel, a cosmopolitan and thoroughly modern ark that is the jewel of the universe. Will Ophelia's talent as a reader suffice to avoid being lured into a deadly trap by her ever more fearful adversaries? Will she ever see Thorn, her betrothed, again?

My review

Third part in the series and now I have to wait for part 4, which will be released soon.
Ophelia leaves for the Ark Babel on her own after more than 2,5 years on her home ark Anima. She hasn't seen Thorn in all that time, but now that she knows the truth about the family ghosts, she wants to do something to further investigate the mystery. Babel is a state-of-the-art ark and to get in touch with the person that might help her, she has to undergo training to become a forerunner virtuoso. She is not received too warmly at that school and has to make a lot of effort to stay upright and pass the final exam. Then a few people die under suspicious circumstances and the search becomes really dangerous.

Bearbeitet: Sept. 19, 2022, 10:58 am

I finished Kushiëls werktuig by Jacqueline Carey today, ROOT # 38, BFB # 13, Forumchallenge # 42, , 736 pages

The blurb

The land of Terre d'Ange is a place of unsurpassed beauty and grace. It is said that angels found the land and saw it was good...and the ensuing race that rose from the seed of angels and men live by one simple rule: Love as thou wilt. Phèdre no Delaunay is a woman pricked by Kushiel's Dart, chosen to forever experience pain and pleasure as one. Her path has been strange and dangerous, and through it all the devoted swordsman Joscelin has been at her side. Her very nature is a torturous thing for them both, but he is sworn to her and he has never violated his vow: to protect and serve. But Phèdre's plans put Joscelin's pledge to the test, for she has never forgotten her childhood friend Hyacinthe. She has spent ten long years searching for the key to free him from his eternal indenture, a bargain he struck with the gods-to take Phèdre's place as a sacrifice and save a nation. Phèdre cannot forgive-herself or the gods. She is determined to seize one last hope to redeem her friend, even if it means her death. The search will bring Phèdre and Joscelin across the world, to distant courts where madness reigns and souls are currency, and down a fabled river to a land forgotten by most of the world. And to a power so mighty that none dare speak its name.

My review

It's been a long time since I read part 1 and 2 in this series. And now that I've finished part 3, I don't understand why I waited so long to get started. Although it took me a while to get back into it. Because of course I didn't know exactly what it was all about.
Once I got into it, it went fast too, this BFB. I don't want to say much about the story because I don't want to spoiler, but I found it at times too cruel and violent, but also beautifully written and intriguing at the same time. Phèdre has to endure so much to achieve her goal. But luckily she has Joscelin by her side and gets help from unexpected quarters and people.

Definitely recommended

Sept. 29, 2022, 10:37 am

Finished Lelieblank, scharlaken rood by Michel Faber - 955 Pages, ROOT # 40, Forumchallenge # 44 - BFB # 14,

My review

I'm a bit dubious about this book. I actually like the period in which the book is set, late 19th century London. It couldn't get any better for me. But I ran into something that I don't come across so much when I'm reading. If I wasn't reading in this book, I wasn't even thinking about it. Sometimes I could leave it alone for a day or two without regrets. But when I was reading it, I thought it was a great book written with cool humor.

Sugar's story is a story of ascension in society and personal development and at the end her career slowly declines again. Sugar is a girl who ends up in prostitution at a young age. Thanks to one of her customers, her intelligence and her own relentless commitment to keep that customer satisfied in every way, she makes herself indispensable to him. I don't want to spoiler too much and I really hope other readers give this book a chance and enjoy it just a little bit more than I did.

Dez. 24, 2022, 11:53 am

Merry Christmas

Dez. 24, 2022, 1:18 pm

Thanks John! I hope you and Karen have a Merry Christmas too and a good 2023.

Dez. 24, 2022, 1:21 pm

I'm not going to meet my goal of 15 BFB's this year. My current read is a big one Kruispunt by Jonathan Franzen, 572 pages but I fear I won't finish it before New Years Eve

It is going to count for next year!

Dez. 24, 2022, 1:26 pm

>22 connie53:, Of course it is Connie my dear. Sending love and hugs from both of us dear friend.

Dez. 28, 2022, 4:03 pm

2023 Challenge has been set up, go to groups and set yourself up for another year of BFB's.

Dez. 31, 2022, 4:34 pm

Happy New Year